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PKK Makes Leadership Changes


Feb 9, 2014
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The Kurdistan Workers' Party (Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan: PKK) convened a 162-delegate congress at its Qandil Mountains base in northern Iraq on 9 July 2013 and made sweeping changes to its leadership.

  • New appointments in the leadership of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan: PKK) suggest preparations for return to a more hard-line stance towards Turkey should the peace process break down.
  • They also signal that the PKK is likely to take a more active military role in Syria, potentially in alliance with Syrian president Bashar al-Assad's forces.
  • The new leadership is also likely to mend fences with Iran after the group fought Tehran for almost a decade through its Iranian branch, the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (Partiya Jiyana Azad a Kurdistanê: PJAK).

Leadership reshuffle - PKK makes changes in its ranks - IHS Jane's 360
basically we can conclude that Syria and Iran allow pkk to operate, as long as they don't get hurt. in other words, indirectly iran and syria will support the pkk against Turkey. once again shows that Iran is not trustworthy and really does like to use proxies.
For 30 years these news have been coming and going. '' Hardliners take over PKK. Hardliners this and hardliners that''. Does it look like hardliners have anything to say in PKK ranks at the moment? PKK only listens to one person and that is Ocalan. If you believe otherwise, surely you must have not followed the history of PKK. This goes for both the political and military branch of PKK inside and outside Middle East.
This goes for both the political and military branch of PKK inside and outside Middle East.

WTF? I think you meant propanda and armed militant branches of PKK...
basically we can conclude that Syria and Iran allow pkk to operate, as long as they don't get hurt. in other words, indirectly iran and syria will support the pkk against Turkey. once again shows that Iran is not trustworthy and really does like to use proxies.
With neighbors like Iran you don't need any enemies. On the long term either Iranian facist regime has to be toppled for PKK to stop existing and preferably support Azeri in Iran. Only way to destroy terrorist regimes like PKK is to destroy its roots.
With neighbors like Iran you don't need any enemies. On the long term either Iranian facist regime has to be toppled for PKK to stop existing and preferably support Azeri in Iran. Only way to destroy terrorist regimes like PKK is to destroy its roots.

Good luck trying to destroy the roots of PKK.

There is one thing I have to admit though - if Turkey can not touch PKK's roots for 30 years, no country in the region will be able to. And let us not forget that prior to the Syria war, both Turkey, Iran and Syria were co operating against PKK's branches. In fact, prior to 2011 there was a co operation deal between Assad and Erdogan in which Assad would deliver Kurds to the turkish army (google it). I would go as far as saying that Erdogan's biggest mistake in foreign policy was making an enemy out of Assad. Not that I really care. Assad and Erdogan being enemies is only a good thing for Kurds.

It's the beauty of Middle East politics. Erdogan thought he would win big time by aligning himself with the anti-Assad opposition and its supporters in the West. He thought that bringing down Assad would be piece of cake. There is not one dirty trick that Erdogan has not used against Assad - ranging from false flag attacks, luring the West into attacking him, accusations over use of chemical weapons etc. The end result was a weak Erdogan and an even weaker Assad in the region - because - let us face it, Erdogan did hurt Assad quite a lot. On the other hand the Kurdish movement was strengthened in the region and Erdogan became even more dependant of the support of Kurds in KRG and he even had to give concessions to the Kurds and Ocalan. And today his very own government is negotiating with Ocalan while his posters are flying freely all over the Kurdish cities. This is not of free will of course. He is forced to drink poison so to say.

I think Erdogan has learnt his lesson. I dont think he will try his chance at another war in the region. There is a big possibility that he will start the war against PKK once the elections are over. The chances are even bigger if AKP gets under 50% votes which would indicate that a lot of the nationalist voters have left AKP. In order to satisfy the nationalist voters, Erdogan would have to go to war. But he should be careful. There are many actors in the region who are ready to support the enemies of Erdogan... And even more so while the Syria civil war is still on going.
The pkk is now bogged down in Syria fighting Al-Qaeda so we couldn't have asked for any better.
The pkk is now bogged down in Syria fighting Al-Qaeda so we couldn't have asked for any better.
Free Syrian Army is mopping the floor with PKK in Syria. It is very important for Turkey that PKK doesn't get sphere of influence in Syria. Assad knows that that is the red line for Turkey. As long as Kurds are land locked in north-Iraq it will always be depended on Turkey. On the long term Kurds will assimilate into Turkish society. I met quite a few Iraqi Kurds and they learnt to speak Turkish because if you want a job at the big companies you need to speak Turkish.
The pkk is now bogged down in Syria fighting Al-Qaeda so we couldn't have asked for any better.

Al Qaeda is losing ground every day against YPG. It is now to the point that not even the turkish government is supporting them that much any more. They have lost hope in AQ.
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