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PK 18 Battlefield Rifle , SMG PK 21 (AK-103) and PK-10 are way forward

Horus the taking G3 mag part is excellent, millions of magazines already in ordinance logistical depots won't have to be replaced driving costs down meaning much quicker replacement

To be honest quwa, for a indigenous design , especially a modular ar15 based one like this, making x39 and 5.56 variants shouldn't be that hard ,
I believe optics should be the next step so foreign customers can be offered compete packages,

The Gun which was displayed during the expo sorry I have serious doubts it can have G3 Magazine. The Magazine it had is totally different from the ones G3 has.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa)
In thinking about the DI system, do you think the Army will tell POF to make a new version with a short-stroke piston system? It doesn't look like the Army is in a rush to induct these, so POF can step back and keep working on the PK18?
Probably , but if this itself can pass the tests then why bother ( army way of thinking )?
Probably , but if this itself can pass the tests then why bother ( army way of thinking )?
The way I see it, the Army can easily come up with an excuse to defer the induction of the PK18 (at least at scale), so POF can go back to the drawing board. It wouldn't be the first time the Army holds off on inducting something, we have ample examples, e.g., PK08, rifle RFI, etc.

This is not an AK-103 - it's AKMS. I think, they placed this rifle, because Pakistan don't have an actual AK-103 yet to show.

And i think, both indian and pakistan ak-103 will be similar to each other. The negotiation for contract ongoing since 2016, as far i know.
POF 10 is a beretta 9mm clone. Nothing new nothing special.
Whats the price?
This is not an AK-103 - it's AKMS. I think, they placed this rifle, because Pakistan don't have an actual AK-103 yet to show.

And i think, both indian and pakistan ak-103 will be similar to each other. The negotiation for contract ongoing since 2016, as far i know.
AK103 actual variants will come up by end of next year ...
POF 10 is a beretta 9mm clone. Nothing new nothing special.
Whats the price?
Bro let's hope it's at least a clone and not a repackaged import! I'm still not sure if we're sourcing the majority of the materials necessary to manufacture these firearms locally (yet). In fact, weren't we importing quite a few parts and materials for the LSR? @Army research @PAR 5
AK-203 is better. It's more compact plus it has pica-tinny rail rail better muzzle and lot of other changes. And you want to bet with me that in a year or even in few months they would be turning this AK-103 into pretty much similar to something AK-203. How much you want to be ????




You already have made these changes in Type 56. So it makes no sense going for AK-103 with AK-203 already is there with same changes even better. @Thorough Pro

The suggestions made by this so called internet warrior are the ones which are done by Armed Forces around the world. You are not special that you don't need those things.

just to let you and others know, the variant developed by POF is NOT AK103....they may call it 103 but it is not, it is just clone of AKM.....

AK103 comes with 90degree Gas block tube where as AKM / Type 56, comes with 45degree gas block tube....below picture for understanding

Likely to position it as a SMG-like solution. Reduce the length/'wieldiness' or weight without shortening the barrel, basically. I'm sure a proper stock could be made available if asked upon, not a big deal to add.

@Foxtrot Alpha

Is it our fault that POF didn't get the CZ or SCAR? Lol!

View attachment 586840

Changing stock from Underfolder to Sidefolding is a bumer, it requires different rear trinion.....whatever decide to do, it will have to be done during manufacturing process so required parts can be swapped out.....thing with 7.62x39 and 5.45x39 is that their accuracy is not much effected by shorter barrel unlike 5.56 which gets effected due to loss of velocity
I don't think it'll survive through all mud,sand and temperature reliability tests.
if POF really wants PA to adopt their weapons then they need to come out of their 1000 yrs old outdated mentality. They need to get creative and cut the bullcrap.
AK is a rough and tough toy and they need to make it fit the needs of units in field.
We need something along these lines which is practical and eyecandy.....it will surely turn some heads at PA to look and explore
Bro let's hope it's at least a clone and not a repackaged import! I'm still not sure if we're sourcing the majority of the materials necessary to manufacture these firearms locally (yet). In fact, weren't we importing quite a few parts and materials for the LSR? @Army research @PAR 5

The PK10 is a full Beretta 92FS clone made by the experienced gunsmiths of Darra Adam Khel under direct supervision of POF. I’m a Beretta man and have the original piece made in Italy. I’ve fired the Darra made Beretta and have held and played with POF made Beretta as well. It’s a good copy
if POF really wants PA to adopt their weapons then they need to come out of their 1000 yrs old outdated mentality. They need to get creative and cut the bullcrap.
AK is a rough and tough toy and they need to make it fit the needs of units in field.
We need something along these lines which is practical and eyecandy.....it will surely turn some heads at PA to look and explore
Bahi apni khidmat in ko pesh kar dou.
P.S:-Is baar un ko credit dou kai G-3 Ko ouper nechey karney kai bajaye,AR-10 ko copy kiya hai.
The Gun which was displayed during the expo sorry I have serious doubts it can have G3 Magazine. The Magazine it had is totally different from the ones G3 has.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa)
Mag well on the AR Lower can be customized to accept G3 mags. that is why HK417 can take the G3 magines because magwell is milled accordingly
Mag well on the AR Lower can be customized to accept G3 mags. that is why HK417 can take the G3 magines because magwell is milled accordingly

bhai aap kahan hai , aap ke post ka kab se wait ho raha tha is thread per :D
bhai aap kahan hai , aap ke post ka kab se wait ho raha tha is thread per :D
I was busy with some other stuff....seeking mercy from HIM
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