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Pictures of Crashed J-10 surfaces after three years

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Dark Angel

Nov 12, 2009
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Pictures of the J-10 of the Chinese air force which went down almost three years ago has surfaced on internet ,Crash of J-10 was earlier reported in local media of Guilin in year 2007 , J-10 was of the PLAAF 2nd Air Division . Most of the Crashes of PLAAF are never reported in Main stream media .


It was reported by the local media that a J-10 of the PLAAF 2nd Air Division crashed near Guilin in 2007, the recently surfaced internet photos seem to confirm that report.


Although the existence of J-10 has long been reported both inside and outside of China, the Chinese government did not officially admit so until January 2007, when the first photographs of the J-10 were allowed to be published to the public by the Xinhua News Agency. Having been designed under such secrecy, before its official disclosure, many details of the J-10 were subject to much speculation. However, the rumored crash has been openly denied by the government of China after the official governmental acknowledgement of the existence of the J-10: on 1 January 2007, both the Xinhua News Agency and the PLA Daily have claimed/reported the accomplishments of one of the test pilots of the J-10, Li Zhonghua (李中华), and, in these reports, one of the accomplishments quoted was that there was not a single crash since the project began.

Why are the Chinese so afraid to tell their flaws,everyone has some at a given point of time.I think yjis secreative nature of the chinese is not gonna take them anywhere because if ur more open to failures u have more options of help


J-10 was shrouded in secrecy for most part. We may be able to assume from plane's paint job that it was a test plane. (Basing the Assumption on the fact that JF-17 thunder had similar paint scheme on initial production runs) They better see planes crash now than later when are operational with the Chinese or Pakistani airforce. Maybe, the MIG and Sukhoi design bureau didn't keep that in mind.

Maybe they were testing a local engine that failed? who knows? It has nothing to do with Chinese communism for the fact that please tell me of a more modern, open and liberal society that reveals about its military endeavors and problems they face, not to mention the recent F/A-22 Raptor that crashed in hands of the USAF.

Please remain calm and stop making every thread into India vs Pakistan or India vs China thread.

If you don't have anything technical to add, then just ignore the thread rather than blatant spamming.
J-10 was shrouded in secrecy for most part. We may be able to assume from plane's paint job that it was a test plane. (Basing the Assumption on the fact that JF-17 thunder had similar paint scheme on initial production runs) They better see planes crash now than later when are operational with the Chinese or Pakistani airforce. Maybe, the MIG and Sukhoi design bureau didn't keep that in mind.

Maybe they were testing a local engine that failed? who knows? It has nothing to do with Chinese communism for the fact that please tell me of a more modern, open and liberal society that reveals about its military endeavors and problems they face, not to mention the recent F/A-22 Raptor that crashed in hands of the USAF.

Please remain calm and stop making every thread into India vs Pakistan or India vs China thread.

If you don't have anything technical to add, then just ignore the thread rather than blatant spamming.

Well if it was J-10 then the Chinese should not have boasted to the world that there was not a single crash from the beginning. The planes that crashed in India is because they had lived their lives but were still pushed beyond their limit. And now when we want to replace those, people have problems as to why do we need so many planes.

For so many years when we flew those old planes you guys only made fun of us but now everyone around is so concerned about us buying 126 odd planes.

I mean get real buddy its blatant Hypocrisy to justify China's actions and at the same time shower all the wrong adjectives on India. But oh I guess you are entitled to it so go ahead but that would not stop anything for us!
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Must be RAW, Mosaad and CIA joint mission.

what kind of a silly reply is this? If you don't have proof to back up your claim than its better to sit back and relax.

P.S. I am still looking for the proof that there is Junkyard in China.
whats this doing in India defence.. Doesnt China defence make more sense for this thread?
Meh, I don't see how this is related to Indian Defence?
@ Rahul Indian

Do not be envious of Chinese development! India is always a league behind. China innovate but india just copy piece of here and piece of there until their plane or tank look funny...

From time to time, Indian had says about their acheivement.. Arjun, LCA, Agni missiles... This are nothing...

India's not only known for their poor quality product and they are known to delay on project... In the end, they will had nothing... one of the example is Arjun...
@ Rahul Indian

Do not be envious of Chinese development! India is always a league behind. China innovate but india just copy piece of here and piece of there until their plane or tank look funny...

From time to time, Indian had says about their acheivement.. Arjun, LCA, Agni missiles... This are nothing...

India's not only known for their poor quality product and they are known to delay on project... In the end, they will had nothing... one of the example is Arjun...

Can you tell me how long did it take the Chinese to build the J-10 from the time it went onto the drawing board to the time the first flight took place? I believe the plane went onto the drawing board in 1986 and took the first flight in 1998 i.e. 12 years versus 11 years for the Tejas. We similar to you did not only have to cope with Sanctions (you couldn't buy to reverse engineer) but also cover a huge curve in terms of technology and we had substantially lesser resources given our economy was not doing very well (you guys were clocking a sound 9% then too).

The Tejas took a total of 11 Years - 1990 it went onto the drawing board and 2001 was the first flight - It is not bad at all. The total development time of the current plane was 21 years which is quite commendable given we had no knowledge of building a 3rd gen plane unlike your aerospace industry and directly went ahead and made a 4++ gen plane in approximately the same time frame as yours!

Second - it is not the Indians who are accused of COPYING IT IS THE CHINESE - I believe you were sued by the Russians for copying their design of Su-30s and then renaming it as the J-11B

Forget that - You copy virtually everything from Cars to home appliances to cell phones.....You even tried to copy the Pharmaceutical Drugs made by Indians and then floated those in the international market to give the INDIAN pharma companies a bad name! come on man get real!

Shows why the rest of the world does not want to sell arms to you, cos of you clandestine habits!


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@ Rahul Indian

Do not be envious of Chinese development! India is always a league behind. China innovate but india just copy piece of here and piece of there until their plane or tank look funny...

From time to time, Indian had says about their acheivement.. Arjun, LCA, Agni missiles... This are nothing...

India's not only known for their poor quality product and they are known to delay on project... In the end, they will had nothing... one of the example is Arjun...

please post on topic... what you are posting is irrelevent and absolute lie and misinformation....
the Universla truth is well knows-world builds, china copies..... it is like newton's laws... always true..
plz keep ur biased views with you... i am not envious of China but cant change the truth bout China's copying evrythng...!!

does delay mean product cant be successful..there goes your logic....
what are you guys fighting about..... we've seen the photos of this crash years ago.
Can you tell me how long did it take the Chinese to build the J-10 from the time it went onto the drawing board to the time the first flight took place? I believe the plane went onto the drawing board in 1986 and took the first flight in 1998 i.e. 12 years versus 11 years for the Tejas. We similar to you did not only have to cope with Sanctions (you couldn't buy to reverse engineer) but also cover a huge curve in terms of technology and we had substantially lesser resources given our economy was not doing very well (you guys were clocking a sound 9% then too).

The Tejas took a total of 11 Years - 1990 it went onto the drawing board and 2001 was the first flight - It is not bad at all. The total development time of the current plane was 21 years which is quite commendable given we had no knowledge of building a 3rd gen plane unlike your aerospace industry and directly went ahead and made a 4++ gen plane in approximately the same time frame as yours!

Second - it is not the Indians who are accused of COPYING IT IS THE CHINESE - I believe you were sued by the Russians for copying their design of Su-30s and then renaming it as the J-11B

Forget that - You copy virtually everything from Cars to home appliances to cell phones.....You even tried to copy the Pharmaceutical Drugs made by Indians and then floated those in the international market to give the INDIAN pharma companies a bad name! come on man get real!

Shows why the rest of the world does not want to sell arms to you, cos of you clandestine habits!



Tejas is not even inducted yet!!! What a joke....
please post on topic... what you are posting is irrelevent and absolute lie and misinformation....
the Universla truth is well knows-world builds, china copies..... it is like newton's laws... always true..
plz keep ur biased views with you... i am not envious of China but cant change the truth bout China's copying evrythng...!!

does delay mean product cant be successful..there goes your logic....

U guys copy part of Russian part of German to built Arjun... In the end, IA even abandon it... What a joke...

Indian cannot even copy properly... what a joke
U guys copy part of Russian part of German to built Arjun... In the end, IA even abandon it... What a joke...

Indian cannot even copy properly... what a joke

sorry but u dont have any proof... what a joke...
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