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Pictures of China

Pictures from the Harbin International Snow and Ice Festival in Harbin, China

(Source: People's Daily Online - Home Page)


Fireworks lit up the sky at the World of Ice and Snow in Harbin, capital of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, on Jan. 5, 2006. The 22nd Harbin International Snow and Ice Festival kicked off on Thursday.



Two tourists ride a dog sleigh at the World of Ice and Snow in Harbin, capital of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, on Jan. 5, 2006. The 22nd Harbin International Snow and Ice Festival kicked off on Thursday.


People enjoy themselves on an ice sliding board at the World of Ice and Snow in Harbin, capital of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, on Jan. 5, 2006. The 22nd Harbin International Snow and Ice Festival kicked off on Thursday.
Pictures of Tibet, China:


Mila mountain pass


Tibet's first monastery: Yumbulagang Palace



Prosperity in various industries during the new year



Paying Homage to the Holy Mountain Festival: The 4th of the 6th month by Tibetan calendar is a religious festival for the front Tibetan area. It is believed to be the day Sakyamuni first preached a sermon with a prayer wheel.

On this day, people go to monasteries and temples to pay their homage to Buddha, to offer joss-sticks and to circumambulate holy mountains; they have picnics and enjoy themselves with singing and dancing in the fields.
More pictures from Tibet, China

A general view of the city centre of Lhasa in the Tibet province of China.

A Tibetan Monk at Zhashilunbu Temple

^ white_pawn please use the insert image icon (located on top of the message box) first then insert the link so we all can see the pictures on this page.
Yunnan province of China.


Lugu Lake, northern Yunnan.

Snowy mountains in Diqing, north-west Yunnan.


Rice cultivation in Yunnan.


The Three Pagodas

The Gucheng Mosque of Yunnan
Thank you Omar1984 for posting beautiful pics of China.
Apparently ppl can send 'thanks' to poster but I didn't figure it out how. So pls bear with me for this 'thanks' reply.
Thank you Omar1984 for posting beautiful pics of China.
Apparently ppl can send 'thanks' to poster but I didn't figure it out how. So pls bear with me for this 'thanks' reply.

Your welcome Merilion. You can send thanks by clicking on the "Thanks" icon below the message screen.

China is a beautiful country and I'm glad China and Pakistan are friendly neighbors and best friends :china::pakistan:
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