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PICTURES: Look inside a standard apartment handed over to slum inhabitants

These people have nothing, the alternative is to make them sleep on the floor, how is that raising them up? The whole purpose is to rid the country of the slum dwelling mindset completely.

The only way to change their mindset is to give them the tools needed to live a modern life. Whether it is misused or not is up to them, but it is in their best interests to keep it well.

Well, my thinking is different. It is not if, but when the furniture will be damaged (soon if not later), the media and opposition will high light it. If at all they should have been given then it should have been the sturdy ones not the delicate ones shown here.

If you give a person Biriyani instead of Rice and Dal, he is sure to complain that the Biriyani had no chicken or bony ones etc. These people are slum dwellers not the homeless persons. They must have their own furniture. That's all.
Well, my thinking is different. It is not if, but when the furniture will be damaged (soon if not later), the media and opposition will high light it. If at all they should have been given then it should have been the sturdy ones not the delicate ones shown here.

If you give a person Biriyani instead of Rice and Dal, he is sure to complain that the Biriyani had no chicken or bony ones etc. These people are slum dwellers not the homeless persons. They must have their own furniture. That's all.

They don't have furniture because the slums were demolished some time ago. This will be their only furniture until they buy/make their own.

Perhaps it will be misused. But it is better for the media to point out misused furniture than people living in slums or sleeping on the ground.
In a normal metro the cost would be anywhere between Rs 3500 to Rs 4000 per sq ft!! So, if one unit is 600 sq ft, it could cost up to Rs 24 Lakhs!!!!!! :woot:

Holy cow on a cracker!! That's a lot of money!! :eek:

That's not the way the cost should be calculated in such projects. The normal price would include the cost of the land for the developer. When building like this on government owned land the costs will be a lot less for the government and best to remember that the slums which these people formerly occupied will then be used for redevelopment bringing in revenue. Since the slums tend to be horizontally spread over a much larger area & most likely in locations where land prices will be considerably higher, the government tends to make much more that they are likely to spend on such relocation projects.
1) What about location? I mean these were built the same place they vacated or somewhere far from there? This is a big issue in india as slum dwellers occupy very premium land and when offered homes in suburbs never really move there.

2) In most countries public housing has badly failed and these have become godforsaken dens of crime and drugs. I hope SL guards against that like Singapore successfully did.

I'm not pro-feebees, but if this works for SL, good job.

BTW no TV?????
1) What about location? I mean these were built the same place they vacated or somewhere far from there? This is a big issue in india as slum dwellers occupy very premium land and when offered homes in suburbs never really move there.

2) In most countries public housing has badly failed and these have become godforsaken dens of crime and drugs. I hope SL guards against that like Singapore successfully did.

I'm not pro-feebees, but if this works for SL, good job.

BTW no TV?????

They're relocated to the outskirts.. All amenities provided.. The land they formally occupied tend to be prime commercial property close to the CBD's.. So in turn value of those real estate increases and with it investment prospects.. A win win situation

So far public housing have not turned out to be a failure as far as Lanka is concerned.. Mass housing for the under privileged stared off in the early 80's with quite a good success.. This is just the latest
They're relocated to the outskirts.. All amenities provided.. The land they formally occupied tend to be prime commercial property close to the CBD's.. So in turn value of those real estate increases and with it investment prospects.. A win win situation

So far public housing have not turned out to be a failure as far as Lanka is concerned.. Mass housing for the under privileged stared off in the early 80's with quite a good success.. This is just the latest

Well try moving the squatters in mumbai occupying billion $ lands and move them to outskirts and you will know they just don't agree. Good job SL govt convincing people. But then again, indian govts are populist bi%ches! Last time govt tried demolishing slums in mumbai sonia gandhi called from delhi. Recently govt tried knocking down illegal buildings, even supreme court has intervened! Basically the system is geared towards rewarding law breakers.

Its fcking frustrating being a law abiding Indian.
Well try moving the squatters in mumbai occupying billion $ lands and move them to outskirts and you will know they just don't agree. Good job SL govt convincing people. But then again, indian govts are populist bi%ches! Last time govt tried demolishing slums in mumbai sonia gandhi called from delhi. Recently govt tried knocking down illegal buildings, even supreme court has intervened! Basically the system is geared towards rewarding law breakers.

Its fcking frustrating being a law abiding Indian.

it was same in SL till Mahinda came to power..but MR know how to get things done 
All is good except for the pic of the SL Pres on top.

Why must Politicians spoil what they do by projecting themselves ?

Yes he like to make sure that everyone knows that he is one who did these..He also like to show off..But we cant blame..he changed a country that was going no where with bombs exploding everywhere to one of the fastest developing countries in the world ! no sri lankan expected these when they voted him in 2005..none of us thought we ll ever live in a peaceful country that will develop one day ! ..infact most of us accepted that SL will never develop and it `ll be in a war for ever !
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Well try moving the squatters in mumbai occupying billion $ lands and move them to outskirts and you will know they just don't agree. Good job SL govt convincing people. But then again, indian govts are populist bi%ches! Last time govt tried demolishing slums in mumbai sonia gandhi called from delhi. Recently govt tried knocking down illegal buildings, even supreme court has intervened! Basically the system is geared towards rewarding law breakers.

Its fcking frustrating being a law abiding Indian.

Hmmm.. it was a similar situation here as well ..The thing is this govt commands a massive majority, So it's not bound by coalition politics or marginal votes (Which has pro's and cons).. As you can see from the pics majority of those people happen to be from minority communities Muslims and Tamils.. Many former govts were reluctant to do such things due to the vote base.. Colombo it self is a city that has a majority of national minorities

Such a hegemonic government is beneficial for the development of the country in terms of infrastructure and stout policy but disastrous in therms of good governance, rule of law and democracy
This is awesome....:cheesy:

Good work Sri lanka...:tup:

BTW, Any Indian members have the status of Mumbai slum rehabilitation project...??
it was same in SL till Mahinda came to power..but MR know how to get things done 

Yes he like to make sure that everyone knows that he is one who did these..He also like to show off..But we cant blame..he changed a country that was going no where with bombs exploding everywhere to one of the fastest developing countries in the world ! no sri lankan expected these when they voted him in 2005..none of us thought we ll ever live in a peaceful country that will develop one day ! ..infact most of us accepted that SL will never develop and it `ll be in a war for ever !

^^^^ This a million times.
He took Sri Lanka from perpetual warfare into not only peace, but an economic boom now matching China's growth rate!
The leadership is successful enough that we are going to meet the $4000 US (PPP$8000) per capita target set for 2016 a year early.

This is awesome....:cheesy:

Good work Sri lanka...:tup:

BTW, Any Indian members have the status of Mumbai slum rehabilitation project...??

Is this project going to rid Mumbai of slums completely? That sounds amazing!
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^^^^ This a million times.
He took Sri Lanka from perpetual warfare into not only peace, but an economic boom now matching China's growth rate!
The leadership is successful enough that we are going to meet the $4000 US (PPP$8000) per capita target set for 2016 a year early.

Sri Lanka's economy growth is a somewhat "Chinese bubble".
Now it's time to give more focus on our services and industrial sector.
Sri Lanka's economy growth is a somewhat "Chinese bubble".
Now it's time to give more focus on our services and industrial sector.

If I remember correctly, Industry grew 8.1% this quarter, faster than real GDP growth. Construction was counted separate to the "industry" category.
dude whats in ur profile pic? looks like sliced in one go.

It is Sigiriya. It's a rock fortress carved out of solid granite ~1500 years ago, as the Capital by King Kasyapa.

The entrance used to be into a lion's mouth, but the head crumbled away leaving only the paws. Gravity-fed water fountains built a thousand years ago, still function today. The rock column rises 200 metres into the air.

To me it signifies what the Sri Lankan people are capable of.




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