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Picture of the Day

The exhibit at the 'Top Secret' Spy Museum in Oberhausen (Germany) included various objects and devices used in espionage.


A sign ,"caution with your conversation- the enemy is listening."


A pistol to shoot chemical substances to mark people and objects, used by the Federal Intelligence Service Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND).



A telephone for eavesdropping on display.

A mock up of a pigeon with a small camera.


Ciphering equipment used by the Federal Intelligence service Bundesnachirchtendienst.


Various type of arms used by the spies.


German Enigma cipher machine.
Tribe in India that has passed down for generations the art of manipulating tree roots to create a system of "living" bridges.



i loved dis pic n i have read abt livin bridges n hanging gardens....how did thy make da base or walkin surface in dis bridge? i cud see some rocks but wht is da rest of da material?


A microphone is concealed inside an artificial cherry.


A camera placed in a book & used by C.I.A.

wow:what: .............
i loved dis pic n i have read abt livin bridges n hanging gardens....how did thy make da base or walkin surface in dis bridge? i cud see some rocks but wht is da rest of da material?

The roots are manipulated quite like a bonsai .

A mesh is created at the bottom by joining roots from different ends and a surface is created.

Being live plants they remain nourished & strong.
The roots are manipulated quite like a bonsai .

A mesh is created at the bottom by joining roots from different ends and a surface is created.

Being live plants they remain nourished & strong.


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