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PIA "leaks" on twitter

LOl !! I know you now. A small time High school drop out. The only thing you learned was just half baked Grammar ,was at some yellow painted school, Eheh.
The last thing I will ever do is to copy you...... What a Moron !!! A complete loser !!

Lol copying me again with grammar. And also false with high school drop out.

But it's clear that your grammar is awful, using caps (why is grammar capitalized?). And space after ',' when it should be after the coma. Oh and space after '!.' Let's face it, it's very clear that you're false flagger. A Canadian does know much better grammar than you have. Either that, or doctors need to open your skull and see what's up with your brain.

LOl !! I know you now. A small time High school drop out. The only thing you learned was just half baked Grammar ,was at some yellow painted school, Eheh.
The last thing I will ever do is to copy you...... What a Moron !!! A complete loser !!
Here you go malnutritioned kid, http://online.wsj.com/articles/pakistan-plans-to-sell-stake-in-oil-gas-development-1411461382

The sale of the OGDCL stake should raise between $800 million and $850 million, Mr. Zubair said, with most of the offering made through Global Depositary Shares traded on the London Stock Exchange. The company is focused primarily on natural gas and holds the largest portfolio of recoverable hydrocarbon reserves in Pakistan.

OGDCL's net profit for the year ended June 30 stood at $1.2 billion, up 36% on the year. The company holds 58% of Pakistan's recoverable oil reserves and 41% of the country's recoverable gas reserves as of Dec. 31, 2013. Apart from having oil and gas fields in various parts of Pakistan, the company is also involved in related engineering construction.

Provide me solid information about OGDC since you are Mr.I know all. And since I think you live in Canada YOU are part of that 99% Pakistanis who have learnt nothing since arriving from your Village.
Above was wall street journal, mr. know nothing. It's internet, learn to use it. Not a place for "mr internet tough guy"
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Lol copying me again with grammar. And also false with high school drop out.

But it's clear that your grammar is awful, using caps (why is grammar capitalized?). And space after ',' when it should be after the coma. Oh and space after '!.' Let's face it, it's very clear that you're false flagger. A Canadian does know much better grammar than you have. Either that, or doctors need to open your skull and see what's up with your brain.

Here you go malnutritioned kid, http://online.wsj.com/articles/pakistan-plans-to-sell-stake-in-oil-gas-development-1411461382

The sale of the OGDCL stake should raise between $800 million and $850 million, Mr. Zubair said, with most of the offering made through Global Depositary Shares traded on the London Stock Exchange. The company is focused primarily on natural gas and holds the largest portfolio of recoverable hydrocarbon reserves in Pakistan.

OGDCL's net profit for the year ended June 30 stood at $1.2 billion, up 36% on the year. The company holds 58% of Pakistan's recoverable oil reserves and 41% of the country's recoverable gas reserves as of Dec. 31, 2013. Apart from having oil and gas fields in various parts of Pakistan, the company is also involved in related engineering construction.

Above was wall street journal, mr. know nothing. It's internet, learn to use it. Not a place for "mr internet tough guy" View attachment 141961

well well the crying baby is back to prove his point. well done, but then again you are one of those who only understand things when having a 6 feet stick stuck up your ***.
This company is making money yes I know that, but my point is always that Govt should not run any business, its not their job period. This co can make 200% more money if not run by govt. That's all.
On personal note(why I started with you) is that yes I saw the evolution of Internet, when your mama was wiping your nose.
Its you who needs the nutrition for your brain as I know there is nothing there.
Next time when you have to make a point or correct someone be civil, no name calling or coming strong and insulting and disrespectful.
I hope you understand what message I'm giving you, But then again I know your kind. Don't behave like a prick.
well well the crying baby is back to prove his point. well done, but then again you are one of those who only understand things when having a 6 feet stick stuck up your ***.
This company is making money yes I know that, but my point is always that Govt should not run any business, its not their job period. This co can make 200% more money if not run by govt. That's all.
On personal note(why I started with you) is that yes I saw the evolution of Internet, when your mama was wiping your nose.
Its you who needs the nutrition for your brain as I know there is nothing there.
Next time when you have to make a point or correct someone be civil, no name calling or coming strong and insulting and disrespectful.
I hope you understand what message I'm giving you, But then again I know your kind. Don't behave like a prick.
I see you're still copying with the crying statement. Looks like you really did cry that time.

Now let's talk about your stupidity.

"This company is making money yes I know that"

Here's what you said earlier:

"High time to get rid of these Govt blood sucking institutes Like PIA. Steel Mill OGDC and others. These company's are sucking more than 150 billion rupees each year from the budget."

So you're either a blunt liar, an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about. Changing statements on the fly.

As a further proof:

"Provide me solid information about OGDC since you are Mr.I know all"

Well, why ask for proof if you know it's profitable entity?

Regarding your nonsense, and further copy (nutrition), you really need it. While my mama was wiping my nose... You must be quite old. As you get old, you need nutrition. Go see a doctor and he can prescribe you some nutrition tablets to keep your brain going and sane.

I was quite civil. Calling someone ignorant when he's wrong doesn't seems disrespectful. But saying 99% Pakistanis haven't learned anything since arriving from village, or mr know it all right off the bat, is ok? Maybe you should've been civil and ask for proof or look it yourself if you can't control your mouth.

So how about an apology for the blunt lie I quoted, for calling 99% Pakistanis illiterate and villagers, as well as other statements.

Viking 63
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I see you're still copying with the crying statement. Looks like you really did cry that time.

Now let's talk about your stupidity.

"This company is making money yes I know that"

Here's what you said earlier:

"High time to get rid of these Govt blood sucking institutes Like PIA. Steel Mill OGDC and others. These company's are sucking more than 150 billion rupees each year from the budget."

So you're either a blunt liar, an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about. Changing statements on the fly.

As a further proof:

"Provide me solid information about OGDC since you are Mr.I know all"

Well, why ask for proof if you know it's profitable entity?

Regarding your nonsense, and further copy (nutrition), you really need it. While my mama was wiping my nose... You must be quite old. As you get old, you need nutrition. Go see a doctor and he can prescribe you some nutrition tablets to keep your brain going and sane.

I was quite civil. Calling someone ignorant when he's wrong doesn't seems disrespectful. But saying 99% Pakistanis haven't learned anything since arriving from village, or mr know it all right off the bat, is ok? Maybe you should've been civil and ask for proof or look it yourself if you can't control your mouth.

So how about an apology for the blunt lie I quoted, for calling 99% Pakistanis illiterate and villagers, as well as other statements.

Viking 63
You are some one they call a natural born Prick. You are also someone who they say have Bawaseer in their mouth. or was it that you got disturbed physically as a child. whatever your case is you need some serious help, I mean really serious mental help.
And provide you an apology ,please stop day dreaming. I can continue this discussion till hell freezes over. !! Kabish.
Another idiotic PTI poti troll trying to make his lord fasaadi's wish come true of becoming a PM by spreading rumors and lies as usual. Keep it up poti boys. Choos chooos k jiyo :)
Some one claming to be working in PIA is giving all internal info on twitter. PIA WATCH (@WatchPia) | Twitter

View attachment 139204 PIA WATCH @WatchPia · 6h 6 hours ago
Brkng news. Govt has approved Rs13Billion for PIA thru any bank altho PIA is being sold to Qatar. Whats going on? Anyone can stop this loot.

PIA WATCH @WatchPia · 16h 16 hours ago
ShujAzeem @azeem695 says PIA is leasing aircraft as per NwazSharf vision in a hurry. Nwaz also selling PIA to Qatar in a hurry. So whats rt?

View attachment 139205 PIA WATCH @WatchPia · 17h 17 hours ago
We at PIA r worried why hordes of new "leased" planes r being inducted when PIA is up for sale to Qatar. Only reason: "Kickbacks" @azeem695

View attachment 139206 PIA WATCH @WatchPia · Oct 29
Gen H-Gul said PIA was used in 1971 to move troops via SriLanka. It is a huge strategic need of Army/PAF n no corrupt politician can sell it

Thks Dr Shahid @Shahidmasooddr for gtg Gen Hamid Gul on ur show who stated: PIA is part of Pak Defence Strategy n cannot be sold2 a forever.

View attachment 139207 PIA WATCH @WatchPia · Oct 29
There r serious concerns in army and security people abt handing ovr PIA to Qatar or any forener as PIA is a badly needed ntl security asset

Lol what stupid idiots. If Qatar takes over PIA, they'll have to pay for the lease. And if gov't doesn't give money to PIA, it'll shut down within a month. PSO already threatened to cut fuel supplies if bills not paid.

PIA isn't buying the airplanes, just leasing. And only 26% shares are being sold.

Don't they teach common sense in Norway? Also I'm going to make a twitter account "watchImran" and post nonsense and then come post it on defense.pk . It'd be very interesting.

Apparently your already-scarce common sense sharnk further due to wind-chill in Canada. Next time dress up warm, you cannot rish whatever is left in your empty attic.
Take your elementary business lessons all over again too.

Also take some "Badaam" (Almonds) to polish ur memory like that of PTCL... How much was it worth & how much was it sold for & on top of that buyer was given flexibility for delayed payments (Pay as you make money)... and you assume they'll sell PIA for a genuine price.!! If they sold it, Nooras will sell it for peanuts. If Qatar buys it it will still be in profit, because if they were to lease same planes, they'd be paying much more. Lease & fuel payments will be calculated into the selling price you stupid idiot (I use this language bcoz you used it).

"كچھ پلے پيا كه اگلا وى گيا"?

Just like PTCL is of strategic importance PIA is too, and MUST NOT be sold even if in loss. You mentioned only 26% shares are being sold, while you called OP names. OP is better supported by at least something while ur figure is not supported by anything.! What does that make YOU??!! Worst that a "stupid idiot"!! aye Canadian slug?!!!.

Oh, another nut fallen over here.

Where did PTCL come from anyway? Of course they'll not sell the 26% shares at genuine price, but nonetheless there will be money. Just like the 3g/4g sale. It was a rip off, but still 1b+ in gov't treasury. Now if 1b is peanuts to you, to hell with your kind.

And stupid idiot, now that fuel prices are lowering, Qatar will likely be paying much more, stupid idiot. Had PIA been sold last year, they'd have netted much less. But with future forecast of oil prices dropping significantly, Qatar will pay much more.

And PIA shouldn't be sold? First of all kid, it's 26% shares. Gov't will still be majority stakeholder if I'm not wrong. The gov't needs funds in other to get money from IMF. If gov't doesn't get funds, forget PIA, Pakistan will go bankrupt. So good things stupid idiots like you don't get to be anywhere near decision making of the gov't.

And where did you get the PIA is in loss and we better sell it? Don't pin what others say on me. If you had eyes (go wash them up, you have trouble reading), you'd read my other posts in same thread that PIA will be profitable next year. Which is why the gov't is selling the shares next summer, 2015. PIA pays some 50% revenue for oil. With 20%+ decrease in oil prices, that means 10% profit. Moreover, all else equal, PIA has made much less losses than previous years.

PIA is a valuable asset and hence only 26% shares are being sold. If gov't wishes, it can buy back those shares.

Oh and you sound like some whiny kid. I hope you reach puberty soon.
Oye pride of the pride prade ur kind are seen topless on Church street,,, strategic assets have NO price. They are too invaluable to be sold at any cost. Yes I think 1Billion+ is peanuts for PIA even for ur mind-fart-figure 26% assets. That 1Bn+ will be gobbled by Nooras only in few months then what? You would sell another asset to bring another 1Billion in treasury?!!!

And PTCL comes in so the empty-headed could be given some filler through examples & experiences from past.


And the excuse that "Oh PIA is in loss & it's workers are lazy, so we better sell it" is lame. If workers are lazy kick their bottoms & work on your governence rather than selling country's valuable asset.

Just like PTI's common sense is owned by non-sensical Sh Rasheed and Qureshi

So too is the common sense of ordinary NRP's stolen like the sock puppet leader.

Oye Pakistani-Jew (I'm right, right!? If not, I appologise), just take a look at your posts. Looks like your "Think-Tank" has run out of fuel and the thoughts you are left with are narcisistic-delusions that you 're the only one who knows the real deal while those who differ with u are mentally challanged. Your argument becomes heavy if you put rationale into it:: YOU calling others "son-sensical" & "lacking-common-sense" shows that you've run out of logic & have to resort to ad-hominem to hide your own lack of logic and substance.
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You are some one they call a natural born Prick. You are also someone who they say have Bawaseer in their mouth. or was it that you got disturbed physically as a child. whatever your case is you need some serious help, I mean really serious mental help.
And provide you an apology ,please stop day dreaming. I can continue this discussion till hell freezes over. !! Kabish.
Running away from the truth?

Tell me something, were you dropped on your head when you were little? How hard is it to read the words you wrote yourself? First you say they're loss making and after I show you proof that you're wrong, you change your words and pin everything on me?

What's wrong with these people.
Apparently your already-scarce common sense sharnk further due to wind-chill in Canada. Next time dress up warm, you cannot rish whatever is left in your empty attic.
Take your elementary business lessons all over again too.

Also take some "Badaam" (Almonds) to polish ur memory like that of PTCL... How much was it worth & how much was it sold for & on top of that buyer was given flexibility for delayed payments (Pay as you make money)... and you assume they'll sell PIA for a genuine price.!! If they wold it, Nooras will sell it for peanuts. If Qatar buys it it will still be in profit, because if they were to lease same planes, they'd be paying much more. Lease & fuel payments will be calculated into the selling price you stupid idiot (I use this language bcoz you used it).

"كچھ پلے پيا كه اگلا وى گيا"?

Just like PTCL is of strategic importance PIA is too, and MUST NOT be sold even if in loss. You mentioned only 26% shares are being sold, while you called OP names. OP is better supported by at least something while ur figure is not supported by anything.! What does that make YOU??!! Worst that a "stupid idiot"!! aye Canadian slug?!!!.

And the excuse that "Oh PIA is in loss & it's workers are lazy, so we better sell it" is lame. If workers are lazy kick their bottoms & work on your governence rather than selling country's valuable asset.
Oh, another nut fallen over here.

Where did PTCL come from anyway? Of course they'll not sell the 26% shares at genuine price, but nonetheless there will be money. The IMF have made a condition which the gov't has to fulfill. Now if gov't gives it to Qatar for free or 100b, IMF doesn't care. Just like the 3g/4g sale. It was a rip off, but still 1b+ in gov't treasury. Now if 1b is peanuts to you, to hell with your kind.

And stupid idiot, now that fuel prices are falling, Qatar will likely be paying much more, stupid idiot. Had PIA been sold last year, they'd have netted much less. But with future forecast of oil prices dropping significantly, Qatar will pay much more.

And PIA shouldn't be sold? First of all kid, it's 26% shares. Gov't will still be majority stakeholder if I'm not wrong. The gov't needs funds in other to get money from IMF. If gov't doesn't get funds, forget PIA, Pakistan will go bankrupt. So good thing stupid idiots like you don't get to be anywhere near decision making of the gov't.

And where did you get the PIA is in loss and we better sell it? Don't pin what others say on me. If you had eyes (go wash them up, you have trouble reading), you'd read my other posts in same thread that PIA will be profitable next year. Which is why the gov't is selling the shares next summer, 2015. PIA pays some 50% revenue for oil. With 20%+ decrease in oil prices, that means 10% profit. Moreover, all else equal, PIA has made much less losses than previous years.

PIA is a valuable asset and hence only 26% shares are being sold. If gov't wishes, it can buy back those shares.

Oh and you sound like some whiny kid.
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