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PHOTOS: Indian Army’s Shatrujeet shows the army is ready to counter nuclear attacks


Apr 28, 2011
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The Indian Army undertook major exercise ‘Shatrujeet’ to hone their skills to counter tactical nuclear attacks in the deserts of Rajasthan on Saturday.

Around 30,000 soldiers took part in the drill led by the elite Mathura-based strike Corp, in Mahajan firing range to counter Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) warfare among others.

Here are few photos from the drill:

How armour can be protect from nuclear radiation. as a biology student, only very thick lead (pb) can stop a neutron but that will make a tank impractically heavy.
How armour can be protect from nuclear radiation. as a biology student, only very thick lead (pb) can stop a neutron but that will make a tank impractically heavy.
It won't be, the crews will operate in a CBRN enviroment with hatches closed and in NBC equipment (respirators and the like) and the armour will have to be decontaminated externally, as seen below:

Our land forces (t72,t90,arjun) are NBC warfare capable. For eg-The T-72 has a comprehensive nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) protection system. The inside of both hull and turret is lined with a synthetic fabric made of boron compound, meant to reduce the penetrating radiation from neutron bomb explosions. The crew is supplied clean air via an extensive air filter system. A slight over-pressure prevents entry of contamination via bearings and joints. Use of an autoloader for the main gun allows for more efficient forced smoke removal compared to traditional manually loaded ("pig-loader") tank guns, so NBC isolation of the fighting compartment can, in theory, be maintained indefinitely.

So we will use AN 32 for para drop or C 130 or both

Are helicopters also used for this
The sheer number of Troops in a Brigade ( Army division has 16,000~ combat troops made of 3 or 4 Brigades) would definitely require a Heavy lift Aircrafts such as C 17,C 130 and older workhorse IL 76.

Also,i have read somewhere that BMP 2 and Light Arty 105 mm was also paradropped.Something which Soviets Airborne did.

Only difference is that Soviets had dedicated APC for Airborne troops.


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How armour can be protect from nuclear radiation. as a biology student, only very thick lead (pb) can stop a neutron but that will make a tank impractically heavy.

You dont need to be a biology student but you should have equally good knowledge in physics :P.. Whatever Abingdonby said is correct.
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