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Philippines War on ISIS, Abu Sayaf, Maute: News & Discussions

Philippine military and civilian gov. had a quite attitude, and we are watching closely on how many of their ranking officers got caught red handed selling their own military supplies and hardwares to many of rebels factions and warlords. And not to mention the history of AFP is filled with coup and uprising against civillian order and trying to keep the conflicts in Southern region lite up for decades for their own agenda

Imagine if the rebels got themselves with modern ATGMs and Manpads systems. Thats way, US of A quite wary to sell arms to Pinoy
US deep state is definitely behind this sudden takeover.





Islamic terrorists at it again. Philippines military should crush them, Granted they have been having grievances for decades now(even demanding an independent state) but that doesn't mean they should use violence against civilians. Just pathetic.
the philippine army can´t crush the islamists, because is probably the most incompetent army in the world. how can some hundreds terrorists take over main island of the country? Crazy.

Philippine military and civilian gov. had a quite attitude, and we are watching closely on how many of their ranking officers got caught red handed selling their own military supplies and hardwares to many of rebels factions and warlords. And not to mention the history of AFP is filled with coup and uprising against civillian order and trying to keep the conflicts in Southern region lite up for decades for their own agenda

Imagine if the rebels got themselves with modern ATGMs and Manpads systems. Thats way, US of A quite wary to sell arms to Pinoy
the ph army does not need more weapons. Indonesia should send special ops to clear the mess.
the philippine army can´t crush the islamists, because is probably the most incompetent army in the world. how can some hundreds terrorists take over main island of the country? Crazy.

the ph army does not need more weapons. Indonesia should send special ops to clear the mess.

their own mess, why would we must get dirty. Except they want to give Mindanao, Palawan and Sulu to us.
the philippine army can´t crush the islamists, because is probably the most incompetent army in the world. how can some hundreds terrorists take over main island of the country? Crazy
I know, I have been on vacation to the Philippines a couple of years ago . Very lovely country and the most welcoming/nicest people I have come across during my stay in Asia. It's a shame their government is so incompetent/corrupt. They don't deserve this.

Should start counting centuries ago since when the Spaniards marginalized the Muslims in the Philippines.
Since the 1500s.
Even back then it was a CIA/Missad conspiracy. :p:
Will we see the drug dealers align with the islamists? Drug dealers have been relentlessly killed by the state so they have nothing to lose and everything to gain by siding with the islamists imo. Can any Filipino confirm this?
Duerte is all about talk without action. So much hype for that scumbag but seems like he was only capable of killing innocent political activists.
their own mess, why would we must get dirty. Except they want to give Mindanao, Palawan and Sulu to us.
you want parts of philippines as booties? you are too greedy sis mado. that reminds chinese tactic, they want parts of Vietnam too as price for their assistance and help.

Duerte is all about talk without action. So much hype for that scumbag but seems like he was only capable of killing innocent political activists.
that is a bitter lesson to learn for other. he is too foolish to kick out the Americans and Europeans out of the country, allying to as he says the incoming superpower China. maybe the PLA will come to rescue him?
I hears the city is under martial law.
Not only the city, but the whole island of Mindanao where Marawi city is located.

the philippine army can´t crush the islamists, because is probably the most incompetent army in the world. how can some hundreds terrorists take over main island of the country? Crazy.

the ph army does not need more weapons. Indonesia should send special ops to clear the mess.
Care to explain why the PH Army is the most incompetent in the world?
Personally speaking, I hope Iran could become the leader of Muslim world. I didn't see any Shiah terrorist.
Hmmmm .....that's a tricky statement there. Shia terror groups have also committed suicide terrorist attacks before including the most famous one Hezbollah. They were among the first terror group (way before Al Qaeda was even created) to start using suicide bombings/or car bombs Luke Al Qaeda/ISIS to further their political agenda).
Havibg said that, I do agree that Iranians are less prone to being radicals COMPARED to their sunni counterparts in the middle East. The thing is seems Iranians gave always beibg more liberal in their outlook. In fact before the Arabs conquered Iran and brought in Islam in the country the Persians had their own culture and beliefs. Some of them still regard evenbl the islamist regime/government in Tehran as foreigners(Arabs) especially the Persian nationalists, I have spoken with some even here in Britain (one of my very good friend is Iranian. ), They are also less religious and most of them I know here are even more atheist than me. lol Compared to muslims I encounter from other countries here(Pakistani, Afghans, Egyptian's, Somalians,Bangladeshis, and even Indians etc .

So I believe it's also one reason Iranian are far less likely to be raducalised into being cannon fodder to bomb themselves to achieve their aims. In fact, without the islamic regime in Iran, I believe the country will be totally different from what it is today and far less religious.

Not only the city, but the whole island of Mindanao where Marawi city is located.

Care to explain why the PH Army is the most incompetent in the world?
He's just exaggerating I suppose. :)
the philippine army can´t crush the islamists, because is probably the most incompetent army in the world. how can some hundreds terrorists take over main island of the country? Crazy.
Its not so easy as it is more complicated than what you think. The Islamists has widespread local support. As far as the local Mindanao population is concerned, it is the Christians who came later to the Philippines with their guns who are the terrorists. The Muslims defended their religion and refused to convert to Christianity are their true heroes. Not easy to eliminate the insurgency given that the Army is known to be corrupt and incompetent. Very ironic that these people who steadfastly defended their religion and territory since centuries ago are now branded terrorist because they became a minority when the majority converted to Christianity when they were colonized. Western media keep clamoring freedom for Tibetans and Uighurs but ignore the problem when giving autonomy to Muslim Mindanao would solve the insurgency.
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