One big mistake is telling the police officer that you have a weapon on you and reaching into your pocket for your concealed license permit. The police officer does not know where you have your gun or your permit. And you have to admit people tend to be rude to police officers with no respect for authority I guarantee you that. In schools you will see that alot in respect for adults especially teachers and administrators. One of my friend who is an officer at a school just recently started a program teaching kids on how to follow rules and procedures when involving an officer. Long time ago one of my friends was dumb enough to get out of the car and reach for his license to give to the officer in the name of respect when in reality a move like that could get him killed. Not to say there are times police officers are excessive in force and really murdered innocent people or killed a suspect when he or she was not a threat.
Very, very, very, disturbing. And yes, the driver was probably doing the right thing, he told the officer he had a gun, (but I cannot see into the car if he pulled out a gun or not), but that policeman didn't even wait for the man to show the gun, I assume via limited presumption. And if the man driving was a legal gun owner & telling the cop he had a gun, the driver probably was just trying to do what's legal. . .
And obviously, if a cop can shoot & kill you, for being a legal gun owner & this driver was probably pulling his registration out, then there is a big problem with the legal system of this policeman not being convicted of murder or manslaughter, at least. Not that police are bad per se, but some are as crooked as the people they are working for. Not that this cop was pulling them over to kill them, I assume, but this is just one example of many of cops killing those clearly not a threat to their person. And hence why I believe in mandatory body cameras for police on duty. . .
Actually, many cops are probably not rogue, but this is a tragedy that is a fearful potential for being pulled over by a policeman for a tail light being out, (imagine being asked for registration & then getting shot many times?). Actually, if that cop waited to see what the man was pulling out, it was probably just paper for the cops request of registration. I believe I heard the cop say he doesn't even know where the gun is after he shot him point blank, I heard ~7 rounds fired, alas. Actually, it would have been safer for this man to drive with a tail light being out, & why would a cop be required to pull someone over for a tail light being out? Maybe a piece of registered tracked certified mail & maybe a phone call, would suffice. It seems most cops in big cities are looking to bust as many little "infractions" as they can, to fill a quota & look good to their bosses; & this needing to fill quotas is a problem too, cops should only protect & serve the people, to uphold / protect our Right's & Freedoms if we are not hurting stealing or destroying others. I feel bad for both the cop, & especially that shot mans family & friends, both were destroyed for a cops itchy trigger finger, & if the cops can murder people without citizens posing a credible threat, there is much wrong with the legal system. Actually, I would say that we are many times, in the USA, to be killed by cops / law enforcement, compared to the "terrorists" they rant & rave about over the mainstream medias, alas, like maybe 7,000% more likely fatalities by police than "terrorists," or some incredible percents. And this light being out doesn't need to lead to a being pulled over & potential arrest or murder in this case, it was obviously not going to kill anyone, I assume & I believe via probability. And this tail light being out is obviously not the drivers fault, no one I know wants to drive with a busted car. This man might have had this light go out recently, & him not knowing it, it happens with the auld lights, & he might have been too poor to fix it immediately, needing to pay many bills for his family. And, I know this cop made a very bad mistake of unjustifiable manslaughter, but if cops can murder based upon a hunch or gut feeling or being anxious, the police force will feel more enabled to shoot innocent law abiding citizens posing no credible threats. I know cops have dangerous & bad jobs, mostly un-thanked & resented, but needing to arrest or pull someone over for traffic violations posing no imminent threats is very unneeded & drivers should be informed in a less dangerous way, of being served notice in mail &/or telephone calls, to offer a solution to this issue. But if someone is racing, speeding like NASCAR drivers & blowing through red lights & maybe being an imminent danger to pedestrians, that would be justifiable to pull them over to see what's going on. . .
Obviously, I believe cops are needed for much today, but little traffic violations for stuff like this poses no threats to anyone really, the cop did the most damage & not the tail light per se. But cops should be incentivised for not arresting people who are not committing violent crimes or hurting others, they should be paid & rewarded for being like our guards that help, protect & serve the people in need of protection, not filling quota & putting nonviolent people in the legal system, & only those who have committed violent crimes should be arrested & possibly be corrected, but helping people is better than hurting them, like drug addicts should only be sent to drug rehab for being addicted to drugs, etc.. . .
Actually, it's not a crime to be a legal gun owner, & legal gun owners are not the dangerous fellons most all times, but even fellons have rights to protect their self with protection, & if one uses any weapons as a tool to hurt, maime, wound or kill others, they should be sent to courts to be put "in time out," i.e., possibly jail or prison. Actually, I am a firm believer in the Second Amendment, not for the criminals to kill innocents, but for the innocent citizens to protect their self, family & property, etc.. And even people with certain criminal records are not exempt from the Second Amendment, I believe, if they did not use a firearm to kill or shoot at people without justifiable causes, why should someone with a record for maybe something non violent (&/or unrelated to firearms) be illegal to own firearms legally? The Second Amendment clearly says, The Right to bear arms to protect ourselves against rogue governments in militias & this Right / Freedoms to own & bear arms shall Not be Infringed upon. To paraphrase via my lexicon. Not that I believe people with guns should use it to hurt innocents, no, but if one does indeed commit a firearm crime, they will go through courts & maybe jail & prison, possibly decades or longer. And that would be incentives enough to keep most people from committing firearms crimes against innocent citizens. I believe. . .
Actually, no one wants to be hurt by self or others if they are not masochistic & if they are reasonable, but citizens with guns are arguably not the biggest problems for other citizens, the Constitution was more concerned about the government going rogue & infringing upon our Right's that are not from any government per se, but Right's from our Creator to Life, Liberty & pursuit of happiness & property, I believe. Actually, armed communities are arguably safer than those states or territories with infringed Second Amendment Rights, I would assert via conjectures. If criminals knew that a majority of people carried firearms in a community, they would think twice or many times before like breaking & entering, etc.. And the criminals have to deal with court, jail &/or prison for a sentence commensurate with their crimes, so that would keep most criminals from being on the streets committing firearm crimes, no? And criminals usually don't obey the laws anyways, they have bought illegal guns without regards for the laws, so strict gun law's usually don't stop the criminals, it could be argued. . .
But this video is very, very disturbing, I believe if evils go unpunished, more evils will happen, even by the "authorities." And if the government doesn't fear the citizens, government will keep imposing more illegal laws & undermining our inalienable Freedoms & Rights. And I don't believe in violent anarchy against the law enforcement, but peaceful protests & peaceful demonstrations & peaceful petitions, etc., & the citizens are apparently the 4th branch of government. There is no government that the majority of citizens don't subscribe to & don't condone & don't allow, per Creator & our founding fathers per Constitution. And if the facts were known, the cops are more of a threat than all the alleged "terrorists" in the Islamic countries, but do your own research. Should we make police illegal or how they seemingly scare us on many medias about the alleged Islamic "terrorists"? I would say police are needed, but they should not be above the laws & their jobs are only to protect and serve US, not to make the prisons & courts systems rich & packed, not to bust people for not bothering anyone without violence, only violent criminals should have to deal with cops, I believe. I am not anti Law enforcement, but anti corruption & criminal mafia in suits & badges, etc.. We should respect the police, yes, but police should respect us. I agree that sometimes peaceful protests & gatherings & assemblies & petitions are usually the best way to demonstrate our Rights, even if it's online & not in cities, because I believe the "elites" might pay people to start chaos to then use enforcement to use force to shoot tear gas & tazers & all that, alas. . .
But in conclusion, I hope that the police only use force to subdue the violent criminals of imminent threats / has already used violence, this case is very disturbing & it might be safer to avoid police in most cases, if they can shoot you for being legal gun owner & pulling out a registration per police request. Bad, tragic & a shame, I give condolences to those personally affected by this for their consolation, but sometimes justice is only accomplished via justice, & police should not be above the laws. . .