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Pfizer's oral COVID-19 antiviral cuts hospitalization, death by 85%, sending team barreling to FDA


Dec 14, 2015
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@Tai Hai Chen This may particularly interest you.

Too expensive. Costs nearly a thousand dollars for 1 treatment.
Well, considering I have natural immunity, no fuzzballs can harm me. I don't even have any symptom, let alone go to hospital.
never overestimate your strengths
and never underestimate the mutating power of viruses

you never know what tomorrow might brings at the doors
Being optimistic is another thing
The thing is, it can significantly reduce the fight for ICU beds
Thus reducing the rising costs to be on ventilators.

Riches can take it and stay at home
while leaving the public beds to poors
never overestimate your strengths
and never underestimate the mutating power of viruses

you never know what tomorrow might brings at the doors
Being optimistic is another thing
The thing is, it can significantly reduce the fight for ICU beds
Thus reducing the rising costs to be on ventilators.

Riches can take it and stay at home
while leaving the public beds to poors

I don't give a damn.
That is actually quite cheap if compared with the expense of one-night stay in a hospital.
Depend on the country .
But I rather compare the price with the life that will be saved.
My understanding is because of the financial limitation it will be saved for the must severe cases. Wonder if there is a study to show how effective it will be for them.

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