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Peshawar unrest: Afghans seen as main source of trouble

Can't resist to troll and sorry for my trolling. But Altaf hussain should pay heed to this advice strongly.

Whats that? altaf is living in Britain so he should love Britain(the place where he is living) plus Pakistan(his place of origin).
Can't resist to troll and sorry for my trolling. But Altaf hussain should pay heed to this advice strongly.

well altaf hussain is british citizen now, you cant ask him to be strictly pakistani patriot now
Noorzai saib, a brotherly advice, dont respond to provokations from every troll, they are no match for your intellectual level and arguements, but they would easily sink you through trolling, thats what they are good for....but you are betther than this.
The problem is these members have free license to bark against Afghan people thanks to our own pakistan pashtuns here who have assured members here that pak-pashtuns and afghans are two different entities and that they both hate each other. I am fighting against this concept against my own desified "pathans" here, for which i am awarded titles of "afghani refugee" and "traitor"...what this desified pathans dont realize that people like darkinsky are posting racist remarks against pakistani pashtuns under word afghan. So members here go racist against all pashtuns, using word afghan (as cursing afghans is allowed here).

Pakistani Pushtun & Afghan Pushtuns are different
Pakistani Punjabi & indian punjabi are different
Pakistani Urdu Speakers & indian hindi speakers are different...etc etc

Better put this in your head. If we can fight indians to protect Pakistan why can't you fight Afghanistan to protect Pakistan.
Pakistani Pushtun & Afghan Pushtuns are different
Pakistani Punjabi & indian punjabi are different
Pakistani Urdu Speakers & indian hindi speakers are different...etc etc

Better put this in your head. If we can fight indians to protect Pakistan why can't you fight Afghanistan to protect Pakistan.

this very simple logic he cant get into his head
let me rephrase, if they want to become an obedient citizen of pakistan, patriotic, a common pakistani, dont curse pakistan, dont believe in greater pashtunistan and dont burden our economy and dont be criminals then i dont mind, but thats imaginery to believe since afghanis are completely opposite of what i just stated

i dont give a damn why are yu in malaysia, i was saying if you are there then its not your right, but a previlige given by malaysia so you better be obedient responsible citizen or you will be deported

Look dude you made a comment about expatriots not thinking for their country of origin for a second and I told you if we apply the same rule all over the world then most Pakistanis will also be deported (this has nothing to do with loyalty or loving their current hosts). Don't blame me for your gems of insight.
Afghanis are not going to decide who has the right to stay in Pakistan, the Pakistanis do. If you guys start behaving properly, maybe they will accept you. You don't get right just because you are Muslim and Pashtun, Pakistan was created as a refuge for the Muslims in British India, not Afghanistan or elsewhere.

Pakistan was not designed in the way that all muslims would shift to pakistan and all hindus would shift to india. If pakistan was created for muslim refugees of india then why there are 20 crores muslims in india? The fact is the very concept of pakistan is that muslim majority areas in north west and north east should have their own countries for themeselves. Pakistan is federation of four nations and every nation/ethnicity has right to give place to their ethnic and muslim brothers in pakistan.
this very simple logic he cant get into his head

No they are Munafiq, their hamid karzai say Pakistan is brother country & then he goes india invite their army to Afghanistan, train their Army from india, work with india to support TTP...etc etc.
No they are Munafiq, their hamid karzai say Pakistan is brother country & then he goes india invite their army to Afghanistan, train their Army from india, work with india to support TTP...etc etc.

But Altaf Hussain also said that Pakistan was a blunder, that too in India. If Altaf does not reflect on a common Mohajir how can Karzai reflect on common Afghanis who have been here for decades? (Though I'm not Pakhtoon, you guys are now ganging up on Luffy)
Pakistan was not designed in the way that all muslims would shift to pakistan and all hindus would shift to india. If pakistan was created for muslim refugees of india then why there are 20 crores muslims in india? The fact is the very concept of pakistan is that muslim majority areas in north west and north east should have their own countries for themeselves. Pakistan is federation of four nations and every nation/ethnicity has right to give place to their ethnic and muslim brothers in pakistan.

No, you make the same mistake again of saying Pakistan was about Muslims and not British Indian Muslims. The 20 crore Indian Muslims decided to stay in India and We respect their decision for that. Still Pakistan is letting Indian Muslims to migrate to Pakistan even after they initially decided against it.

I'm sorry, Afghanistan which doesn't even recognise Pakistan is not part of the equation.
Look dude you made a comment about expatriots not thinking for their country of origin for a second and I told you if we apply the same rule all over the world then most Pakistanis will also be deported (this has nothing to do with loyalty or loving their current hosts). Don't blame me for your gems of insight.

oo merey bhai, the afghanis are not like pakistan expatriots, they curse pakistan, hate pakistan to the core, establish their writ in civilised lands of karachi, smuggle guns and weapons to pakistan and kill pakistanis because we are kafirs

is this point so hard to comprehend ??

now apply this rule to any pakistan expatriot and lets see how long will he survive abroad
onyl those afghans who are patriotic and love pakistan and dont even think about afghanistan for a second, and those afghans only who are not liability to pakistan can stay

That's dichotomy! Absolutely unfounded notion! Almost all Muslims love the land of the KSA, many of them want to live there forever - Now is it a reason enough for the authorities of KSA to grant a permanent residence to the Muslims of other countries?

Pakistan's population is about to get saturated, the great deal of external influx and the unopposed high fertility rate within the natives would ultimately lead us to demographic trap and that of course is a death in itself..

We did our job being both a member of UN and a friendly country, regardless of the number we let Afghans to take refuge in our country. Now since the situation in Afghanistan is quite stable, all the Afghan refugees are suppose to go back home. Those who want to live here permanently for some reasons must follow the proper channel and that is through Pakistani diplomatic mission in Kabul.
That's dichotomy! Absolutely unfounded notion! Almost all Muslims love the land of the KSA, many of them want to live there forever - Now is it a reason enough for the authorities of KSA to grant a permanent residence to the Muslims of other countries?

Pakistan's population is about to get saturated, the great deal of external influx and the unopposed high fertility rate within the natives would ultimately lead us to demographic trap and that of course is a death in itself..

We did our job being both a member of UN and a friendly country, regardless of the number we let Afghans to take refuge in our country. Now since the situation in Afghanistan is quite stable, all the Afghan refugees are suppose to go back home. Those who want to live here permanently for some reasons must follow the proper channel and that is through Pakistani diplomatic mission in Kabul.

yaar i cant satisfy everybody's POV in one single time, some pathans are keen to keep them, saying that those who are born in pakistanis wont leave their homeland which is pakistan and which i also agree providing they are patriotic

the immigration from afghanistan should be stopped as a whole
yaar i cant satisfy everybody's POV in one single time, some pathans are keen to keep them, saying that those who are born in pakistanis wont leave their homeland which is pakistan and which i also agree providing they are patriotic

the immigration from afghanistan should be stopped as a whole

May be Pakistan and Afghanistan should from a Union with common security, economic goals and liberalized travel regime. Considering that both countries are faced with same security challenges, economic & travel dependency this is a win win situation..

Pakistan can trade freely into CAR via Afghanistan and in exchange Pakistan will levy reduced taxes and port duties on Afghan transit trade cargo.

Look at EU and GCC as a model!
May be Pakistan and Afghanistan should from a Union with common security, economic goals and liberalized travel regime. Considering that both countries are faced with same security challenges, economic & travel dependency this is a win win situation..

Pakistan can trade freely into CAR via Afghanistan and in exchange Pakistan will levy reduced taxes and port duties on Afghan transit trade cargo.

Look at EU and GCC as a model!

no thank you, we dont want to take shitthole

we have enough problems of ourselves
But isn't Peshawar an Afghan majority province,I mean there it is in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa which is inhabited mostly by Afghans who also call themselves Pashtuns.
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