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Persecuted Pakistani Muslim minority seek refuge in China


Jan 3, 2012
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SANHE: Fleeing discrimination and violence, members of a Muslim sect have abandoned their homes in Pakistan to find an unlikely refuge in China.

"Every day I heard the sound of guns," said a 37-year-old surnamed Saeed of his former home Lahore, Pakistan's second city.

"We prayed every day, because we felt something could happen to us at any time."

He is one of hundreds of people who have sought asylum in China in recent years, often from conflict and violence-stricken countries including Iraq and Somalia.

The government tolerates their presence but provides almost no support, while human rights groups have for years condemned Beijing for deporting tens of thousands of asylum seekers who enter it to escape oppression in North Korea and Myanmar.

Around 35 of the almost 500 UN-registered asylum seekers and refugees currently in China are Ahmadi Muslims -- a sect which believes their 19th century founder Ghulam Ahmad to be a prophet, and that Jesus Christ died aged 120 in Srinagar, in Indian-ruled Kashmir.

They are among the most persecuted minorities in Pakistan -- a constitutional Islamic republic which bans them from calling themselves Muslims or going on the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.

In 2010 militants stormed two Ahmadi prayer halls, killing 82 worshippers in gun and grenade attacks, before targeting a hospital where victims were being treated. Ahmadi mosques and graveyards are regularly desecrated.

Even high-achieving Ahmadis have been shunned, including physics professor Abdus Salam, Pakistan's only Nobel laureate.

China is regularly condemned by the US State Department for its restrictions on religious freedom, which analysts say are key elements of the tensions it faces in Buddhist-majority Tibet and mainly Muslim Xinjiang.

But Saeed, who arrived four years ago, said: "From a security point of view, China is good.

"There is almost no terrorism compared to Pakistan, where there is killing and persecution of minorities every day," he told AFP in a rented apartment in Sanhe, a city outside Beijing where clumps of high-rise apartment blocks overshadow restaurants offering donkey meat burgers.

Two of his cousins were killed in the 2010 attack, he added.

The Ahmadi refugees in Sanhe said they paid middle-men up to $3,000 each for Chinese visas -- more than twice the average yearly income in Pakistan.

Once in China, Saeed said, "You have to do everything for yourself." He lives off overseas family donations and added: "I don't expect anything from the Chinese."

New arrivals receive no benefits unless the UN grants them refugee status after a gruelling 18-month series of tests and even then China refuses to integrate them, denying them the right to work while they wait for acceptance from a third country, often for years.

"In this kind of a situation, you can't enjoy life much," said Saeed. But teenager Laiba Ahmad, who arrived around two years ago with her mother and several siblings, had no doubts, even though she does not have enough Chinese to attend school.

"I am happy here compared with Pakistan," she said. "Pakistan was dangerous. We could not go outside without our brothers and fathers, if you are a woman especially."

On a recent afternoon around 10 refugees gathered in Saeed's flat for an English lesson. Practising the present tense, they called out descriptions of their jobless lives.

"We play football daily," offered Ahsan Ahmad, 22, who fled Pakistan after mullahs attacked two of his uncles.

"We offer prayer daily," said another student.

China signed up to the UN's refugee protocol in 1982, but does not have any mechanism to assess their claims, leaving it to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Its Beijing office has only eight permanent staff to cover the world's most populous country.

"Sometimes I wonder how these individuals survive... the assistance we provide is barely enough," said Francis Teoh, senior UNHCR protection officer.

China adopted a revised entry-exit law last year which entitles refugees to documentation, but refugees and UNHCR said it has yet to be enforced.

Rights groups have previously accused China of taking a harsh stance towards North Korean asylum seekers in order to maintain good relations with Pyongyang.

Pakistan has long been an ally of China, which has fought a border war of its own with Islamabad's arch-rival India.

"Refugee issues in China are tangled with some of the most politically and strategically sensitive issues in the Asia-Pacific region," said Lili Song, visiting researcher at Northwestern University's Center for Forced Migration Studies.

"There may also be concerns about attracting more asylum seekers," she added.

Saeed left earlier this week with his wife and two-year-old daughter for a leafy suburb in the US, ahead of World Refugee Day on Friday.

But others wait on. Yasir Chaudry, 24, a former air-conditioning engineer who left his wife in Pakistan, shares a crumbling apartment with two other refugees who rise in the late afternoon and fill their days surfing the Internet, watching DVDs, or throwing around a frisbee held together with black masking tape.

"All I have time to do is think, so I think about bad things, like how my family is not together," he said. "I didn't want to leave my country. These problems all come into my mind."

Persecuted Pakistani Muslim minority seek refuge in China - The Times of India

First Hindu and not these Next is shia,

I think china will give them support in order to create counter balance against muslim in its region
I think china will give them support in order to create counter balance against muslim in its region

It sad that you see this as a opportunity to spew your venom against Pakistan. As for Ahmadi Muslims, we will not be used by anyone. Get this into your thick head.

Mullahs will soon get what they deserve. Don't expect Ahmadis to help any country in creating instability in Pakistan.
It sad that you see this as a opportunity to spew your venom against Pakistan. As for Ahmadi Muslims, we will not be used by anyone. Get this into your thick head.

Mullahs will soon get what they deserve. Don't expect Ahmadis to help any country in creating instability in Pakistan.
i am not saying ... i am saying they might help china in checking muslims fundamentalist rise in china.

As for PAK, you worry about muslim in india but forget about you so called muslim brother in your own backyard. what is govt doing?
i am not saying ... i am saying they might help china in checking muslims fundamentalist rise in china.

As for PAK, you worry about muslim in india but forget about you so called muslim brother in your own backyard. what is govt doing?

Pak Government is indifferent. They couldn't care less about its own people. Ahmadis are very small compared to 180-200 million Pakistanis. I have advised all Ahmadis to leave Pakistan ASAP. But not everyone can afford to leave.
I think we are not in denial that Ahmedis do face some problems in Pakistan from time to time but it most often is not so severe that one would leave the country. It is also due to them wanting to expand their religion all over the world or in hope to raise family standards by working in money-rich country and there is no real/legal reason besides seeking asylum to stay in these countries.

99% of the Muslim Pakistanis who sought Asylum in Europe were fake in my opinion... Be it sunni, shia, ahmadi or whatever. I know somebody who sought asylum in UK who is a Sunni Muslim but pretended to be Ahmedi and made up a story of persecution so that he could get permanent resident in UK more easily. The newspapers wouldn't care about it - they will write the story of him if they ever found out about him --- lol
Shamefull indeed.

I think we are not in denial that Ahmedis do face some problems in Pakistan from time to time but it most often is not so severe that one would leave the country. It is also due to them wanting to expand their religion all over the world or in hope to raise family standards by working in money-rich country and there is no real/legal reason besides seeking asylum to stay in these countries.

99% of the Muslim Pakistanis who sought Asylum in Europe were fake in my opinion... Be it sunni, shia, ahmadi or whatever. I know somebody who sought asylum in UK who is a Sunni Muslim but pretended to be Ahmedi and made up a story of persecution so that he could get permanent resident in UK more easily. The newspapers wouldn't care about it - they will write the story of him if they ever found out about him --- lol

I think last yeat UK was going to deport some Pakistani family, and in last minute they remembered they are ahmedis and persecuted in Pakistan. :tdown: Also many people don't know but Tuq played important role when Gov declared them non-muslims. Now two faced go around west and tells them how moderate/secular he is.
This message to all those posters, who poke nose in other country affair , but can't look into their own country
Technically.... You legally can't call yourself Muslim if you are ahmedi according to Pakistani govt and constitution.

(.)Who is Pakistan's government to declare Ahmadis as non-Muslims! as long as they are upto the definition of a Muslim as set by Prophet himself & by Quran...

Below, Rusool-Allah in presence of Angel Jibrael gave us definition of who a "Muslim" is:
Sahih Bukhari:Volumn 6, Book 60, Hadith Number 300:
Bukhari:Volumn:1, Book 2, Hadith Number 47
Narated By Abu Huraira : One day while Allah's Apostle was sitting with the people, a man(Gabriel in form of a man) came to him walking and said, "O Allah's Prophet. What is Belief(Eman)?" The Prophet said, "Belief is to believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Apostles, and the meeting with Him, and to believe in the Resurrection." The man asked, " O Allah's Apostle What is Islam?" The Prophet replied, "Islam is to worship Allah and not worship anything besides Him, to offer prayers perfectly, to pay the (compulsory) charity i.e. Zakat and to fast the month of Ramadan." The man again asked, "O Allah's Apostle What is Ihsan (i.e. perfection or Benevolence)?" The Prophet said, "Ihsan is to worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you do not achieve this state of devotion, then (take it for granted that) Allah sees you." The man further asked, "O Allah's Apostle When will the Hour be established?"...


I am NOT Ahmadi but I consider Ahmadis are as much of a muslim as are Shia, Brailvi, Wahabi, etc etc. In fact I found Ahmadis to be better practicing Muslims in general, than any other sect.

Ahmadis believe in a false-prophet\messiah, but Shia also associate divine revelation to 12 of their imams, doesn`t matter if they don`t use the word "Messenger" for imams but in essence they are not much different from Ahmadis... One for Ahmadis versus 12 for Shia.

One Shia himself told me that Ali split the moon...!!!!!!! A miracle that is associated with Prophet; they claim it was done by Ali...

According to Quran the biggest sin is Shirk that is un-forgivable too. To me those who seek intercession of Imams(Shia) & saints/Sofis(Brailvi) are committing Shirk & are committing bigger fault than Ahmadis. In fact Ahmadis DO believe in "Finality" but they interpret it differently. They believe in finality of scriptural-revelation, while we Sunnis believe in finality of both Nabi & Rusool.

They believe as Massiah a guy whom I consider a false-Massiah/Prophet whatever it is that he claimed to be. But I don't consider Ahmadis, Shia, Brailvi, Wahabi, etc etc etc a non-muslim. They are ALL muslim. All have their own share of mis-conceptions. It was a political move by Bhutto. There are sects who are perverted on more crucial issues of islam than massiah-hood. They aren't declared non-muslims, then WHY should Ahmadis be. I found Ahmadis to have best of character compared to average muslims belonging to other sects. They are better in practising Islam. They are more educated in general too. Have better understanding of islam, except for, of-course, the messiah-hood.

Watch from 4:00+. It was a political decision by sharabee=drunkard Bhuttoo.
Part of it is from program "Front Line – 4 April 2010"

Ahmadis are at fault, just like grave-interceder-Brailvi\Shia are at fault, just like Shias are at fault when they say 12 imams receive divine revelation & that Ali split the moon, Just like Wahabis are gravely mistaken in certain things,,, BUT they are all Muslims.

Without using the title "Nabi", Brailvi & Shia associate Nabi-Like qualities to many. Why not declare then non-muslim??? Ismaili Prince Agha Khan is welcomed by head of state... hypocrite much?

Quran saying that Muhammad is last prophet is same as Quran saying don't lie, don't steal, don't rape, don't kill.... But if someone kills, rapes, lies, steals, we don't declare them non-Muslims. We tell them that what they are doing is WRONG & against teachings of Quran ... They pretty much stay muslims as long as they believe Muhammad-ur-Rusool-Allah.

A Muslim is, one who believes in Prophet Muhammad as a prophet. Go read your pehlaa-Kalima... & Ahmadis do that. So they become a muslim.



Mirza Ghulam was careless in choice of his words, he used exaggerated words and those word were taken literally by his followers. Hence they made him into a (false) Nabi... Just like Trinitarians took "son of God" literally.

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