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Pentagon 2 | US building its 'Colonial Headquarter' in Pakistan?

It might have been fortified for a NBC environment, that would not surprise me knowing the yanks. But one should explain what they mean by "nuclear proof". AND thousand armed vehicle thing just sounds bunkum, for what joy?

NBC-proof is a believable scenario. Remember all the hype about "Dirty Nukes" etc and all the worries about Nukes being commandeered! :D

But the thousand Armored vehicles bit is the product of a very fertile imagination. :P
Very "Ahmed Qureshi-esque"..........
The civilian,military and industrial backbone of CCP cease to exist in the US nuclear strikes ,China will disintegrate. Also the hitting choke points of the underground tunnel network would render many mobile launchers trapped and useless.
It doesn't matter if all of China's industrial centers cease to exist. Our mobile launchers hidden in the Himalayas and other mountain ranges will still wipe out all USA population centers.

The underground tunnel networks house drilling machines to make new exits if existing ones are destroyed :lol:

India has yet to hit a land target with an Agni 2. Indian Ocean is not a land target.

Against Japan you won with help from USA
Against USA,you won with USSR air support
We won with help from our superior IQ. In the end, we defeated our former enemy USSR and resolved our border in our favor in the 1990's.

Funny because Genghis Khan,British,French empires did the same to you also.:ashamed:
If believing that makes you feel better about your 800 years of slavery :omghaha:

Proof on nuclear ICBM numbers,structure and capabilities...
Just one photo is enough to make Indians and Americans shiver in fear...


NBC-proof is a believable scenario. Remember all the hype about "Dirty Nukes" etc and all the worries about Nukes being commandeered! :D

But the thousand Armored vehicles bit is the product of a very fertile imagination. :P
Very "Ahmed Qureshi-esque"..........

That beanbag would have been claiming that they are housing a marine expeditionary force in there. :cuckoo:

NBC proofing in the national capital of Pakistan is a bit odd though, anyone who deploys a salted bomb or ERW on the embassy will end up killing countless number of people in and around the area.
India will be destroyed in the upcoming Indo-Chinese war no doubt. China has enough nukes to defend itself against anybody. We can be weakened economically if our sea lanes are blockaded by US Navy but our nuclear trump card is always in our hands so land invasion is impossible.

And India dont have nuke trump card against little chinis? :lol:
And India dont have nuke trump card against little chinis? :lol:
:laughcry: India need to learn how to manufacture a bullet first. China conducted our first thermonuclear test in the 1960's!

they tend to scurry away just on the sight of japanese water cannons :P
:rofl: Is that humiliating 1962 beatdown still giving you nightmares?
Btw, would they not be using Pakistani contractors? if this is such a big issue, force the contractors to refuse work on it. else, its all business as usual !
:laughcry: Indians need to learn how to manufacture a bullet first. China conducted our first thermonuclear test in the 1960's!
the chest-thumping is quite hilarious when all we see is you lot running away from water cannons. :lol:
It doesn't matter if all of China's industrial centers cease to exist. Our mobile launchers hidden in the Himalayas and other mountain ranges will still wipe out all USA population centers.

The underground tunnel networks house drilling machines to make new exits if existing ones are destroyed :lol:

India has yet to hit a land target with an Agni 2. Indian Ocean is not a land target.

We won with help from our superior IQ. In the end, we defeated our former enemy USSR and resolved our border in our favor in the 1990's.

If believing that makes you feel better about your 800 years of slavery :omghaha:

Just one photo is enough to make Indians and Americans shiver in fear...


Just one photo is enough to make Indians and Americans shiver in fear...

The american public ,yes but not the American elite who has enough countermeasures in place.

Your entire post is a joke.

It doesn't matter if all of China's industrial centers cease to exist. Our mobile launchers hidden in the Himalayas and other mountain ranges will still wipe out all USA population centers.

The underground tunnel networks house drilling machines to make new exits if existing ones are destroyed

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...ial-headquarter-pakistan-6.html#ixzz2hD55BqKX

You do understand that the Psi force that will generated by the nuclear weapons would cripple a large number of choke points of the Chinese tunnel network.

The underground tunnel networks house drilling machines to make new exits if existing ones are destroyed

A large no of such vehicles are kept in choke points not the transit tunnels.

Again you did not give proof about the Agni-5 not existing or that India cannot produce gyroscope,

It doesn't matter if all of China's industrial centers cease to exist. Our mobile launchers hidden in the Himalayas and other mountain ranges will still wipe out all USA population centers.

Funny,because China would disintegrate and end up a 1000 years backward.US elite will still survive .
And where is the proof for the ICBM numbers ,structure and capabilities.

We won with help from our superior IQ. In the end, we defeated our former enemy USSR and resolved our border in our favor in the 1990's.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...ial-headquarter-pakistan-6.html#ixzz2hD7VLZtM

Superior IQ? so like why did the superior IQ not save you in 1969 and the Vietnam war which was total embarassment.

You are an embarassment to your own people.Most Chinese are humble people,but you are a buffoon and loud mouth.Do you work for North Korean ministry of propaganda?
You do understand that the Psi force that will generated by the nuclear weapons would cripple a large number of choke points of the Chinese tunnel network.
Let them try if they have the balls.... our 1000's of kilometer long tunnel network houses all the infrastructure we need to maintain full combat readiness :azn: India can only dream of such great powers!

Again you did not give proof about the Agni-5 not existing or that India cannot produce gyroscope,
Except for naive Indians like you, nobody is fooled by mock launches into the Indian Ocean to cover up the fact that India cannot make a ballistic missile guidance system.

Funny,because China would disintegrate and end up a 1000 years backward.US elite will still survive .
Then let the US elites carry on the fight against China when the whole continental USA is irradiated :rofl:

And where is the proof for the ICBM numbers ,structure and capabilities.
You know our capabilities -- and you shiver in fear at what else you don't know ;)
:laughcry: India need to learn how to manufacture a bullet first. China conducted our first thermonuclear test in the 1960's!

Retard what it has to do with that you did your test in 60, we are in 2013 and talking of a war in future and not in past. We are a nuke state and well acknowledged by the world, and your farting brain doesn't count.

Your megaton farts couldn't do anything to japan, remember 1937 Nanking? :rofl:
Retard what it has to do with that you did your test in 60, we are in 2013 and talking of a war in future and not in past. We are a nuke state and well acknowledged by the world, and your farting brain doesn't count.
:omghaha: Keep deluding yourself about your "nuclear state."

Your megaton farts couldn't do anything to japan, remember 1937 Nanking? :rofl:
Nanking was nothing compared to what Timur and his descendants did to you for 800 years :lol: Even in 1962 after you gained independence you were immediately humiliated again!
they tend to scurry away just on the sight of japanese water cannons :P

We all know what japanese did to older generation of @HongWu . He might be the result of that trauma. :lol:

:omghaha: Keep deluding yourself about your "nuclear state."

Nanking was nothing compared to what Timur and his descendants did to you for 800 years :lol: Even in 1962 after you gained independence you were immediately humiliated again!

What they did to India is now pakistan. Land of all converts and oppressed.

We are still standing tall and firm with our identity and religion. We didn't bowed down to invaders and accept their religion.

Now go and cheer lead for those and they will cheer lead for you. :rofl:
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What they did to India is now pakistan. Land of all converts and oppressed.

We are still standing tall and firm with our identity and religion. We didn't bowed down to invaders and accept their religion.

Now go and cheer lead for those and they will cheer lead for you. :rofl:
You accepted the Persian-Turkic Urdu language of your invaders just like the blood of Central Asian conquerors flow in your veins. That is natural after all the Hindu men were killed and the women enslaved.

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