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PDF Color Scheme

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We are under beta stages, there are posting permission issues, design to be done. But we will build up from here.
This is a nice look, i like it, looks cool. The site is also fast now.
This thread is to hear member's complaints, comments and issues regarding the new style of this forum...

personally I did not like it at all... the colors are terrible, lost a lot of data ( such as thanks, posts, and etc)... YouTube videos are not embedded, some are linked instead...

waiting to hear from other member regarding this new style...

if you have noticed other issues, tips and any other useful information, please share
I think this is a better base to build something. Keep up the good work.
Tagging people seems a lot easier.
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Doesn't work with Tapatalk anymore.

Doesn't support Chinese characters anymore (like the ones in my signature).
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