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Well you only need to flatten cities. But let just say they built only on of tsar Bomba but caster bravo was a 15 megaton explosion that resulted in building a 24 megaton bomb it suffice to say they built hundreds of that bomb. After all it was a cheap bomb a very cheap one compared to it's destructive power
For what purpose? To kill a very sizable population of a country? Yes. To completely neutralize the threat of a country? No. Not even close. The cost analysis depends on the point of impact and how much people and infrastructure will be destroyed.

A Tsar bomb dropped on Tehran will kill about two-thirds of the population either directly or due to burns and overexposure to radiation, or long-term side effects like leukemia, etc. However, due to the nature of Iran which is extremely mountainous, and also the characteristics of buildings in Tehran which very commonly use reinforced concrete, the northern provinces of Iran, Karaj, Pardis, and other nearby cities will not be affected as much as if the area were flat. And these are important cities on their own. Then there's Isfahan, Tabriz, Shiraz, Ahvaz, etc. Some of our cities cannot be nuked because nuking them will threaten global energy security.

Israel, on the other hand, is flat and small. It plays a negligible role in global energy security. Infrastructure and population density are extremely high in few places. A 1-megatonne nuke can literally wipe out a huge portion of their cities and vital infrastructure. Just 3 really strong nukes can completely wipe Israel off the map. They know it very well too.
For what purpose? To kill a very sizable population of a country? Yes. To completely neutralize the threat of a country? No. Not even close. The cost analysis depends on the point of impact and how much people and infrastructure will be destroyed.

A Tsar bomb dropped on Tehran will kill about two-thirds of the population either directly or due to burns and overexposure to radiation, or long-term side effects like leukemia, etc. However, due to the nature of Iran which is extremely mountainous, and also the characteristics of buildings in Tehran which very commonly use reinforced concrete, the northern provinces of Iran, Karaj, Pardis, and other nearby cities will not be affected as much as if the area were flat. And these are important cities on their own. Then there's Isfahan, Tabriz, Shiraz, Ahvaz, etc. Some of our cities cannot be nuked because nuking them will threaten global energy security.

Israel, on the other hand, is flat and small. It plays a negligible role in global energy security. A 1-megatonne nuke can literally wipe out a huge portion of their cities and infrastructure. Just 3 really strong nukes can completely wipe Israel off the map.
If tsar Bomba fall on Tehran it kill 90 percent of Tehran and Karaj population and Tehran to Karaj is pretty much flat. And those hills won't help much because the bomb supposed to detonate above ground

And they built those bombs in hundreds . Why ask them not me.
If tsar Bomba fall on Tehran it kill 90 percent of Tehran and Karaj population and Tehran to Karaj is pretty much flat. And those hills won't help much because the bomb supposed to detonate above ground

And they built those bombs in hundreds . Why ask them not me.
Stop pulling out numbers out of your *** please. Would you?
Particularly when just a minute ago, you thought 1000 megatonne nukes existed and you were writing a long post taking one of the strongest nuclear weapons ever built as an example of a "mere" megatonne weapon. 🙄

Claiming such numbers requires knowledge about the topography of the area, distribution of population density, materials used in buildings, the height of explosion and other factors. The area that will be completely destroyed with nearly everybody killed is usually inside the high radiation radius, then the fireball, then the heavy-blast damage. Blast damage radius depends greatly on topography and materials used in buildings.
People in other areas will have a good chance of survival, but most probably will be disabled permanently because of 3rd degree burns, blindness and amputations. But they will survive. And when they survive, they will take their sweet revenge. So, my initial point stands intact that it takes thousands of mega-tonne nukes to completely wipe Iran off the map and a nuclear Armageddon greatly disfavors Israel.

I saw your edit just now. They didn't build such bombs in "hundreds". Again, you are showing that you are clueless. Only 3 Tsar-bombs were ever built but they were dismantled and now are in the museum, except maybe one. Only a single Castle Bravo was ever built. Hundreds? LOL
Iran would not have any sanctions , if
They would have made the bomb .
India was sanctioned for 3 years by usa , pakistan was not even sanctioned .
That is it, once you make the bomb , everyone will pay their debts and you won't be sanctioned.
Iran played too much by rules set by its adversaries.
I have a question , can iran do something like "kaman 99 " airstrike on israel ?
Their Talmud allows theft from the "Goyim"
I know that , Tahts why I don't like them
No religion generally says , that one should steal , Talmud is nothing close to god but a manual on how to built a materialistic rich life .
The Israelis think we hindus are fools

I just want that india starts oil purchase from iran .
Rest assured the shias of india call iran their second home .
A strong no. IRIAF is in a bad shape at the moment, Israel is too far from Iran, and their air defense is excellent.
Have another question , how does Iranian airforce maintain it's F 14 ?
I ask this as at that time , iran had spares .
Now how do they get the spares for them ?
The karrar tank looks good though.
Stop pulling out numbers out of your *** please. Would you?
Particularly when just a minute ago, you thought 1000 megatonne nukes existed and you were writing a long post taking one of the strongest nuclear weapons ever built as an example of a "mere" megatonne weapon. 🙄
i put tsar bomba as example how megaton bombs can be powerful otherwise the map i posted was from castle bravo explosion which resulted in b-41 bombs that USA built more than 500 of them but you seems cant understand some simple post

Blast damage radius depends greatly on topography and materials used in buildings.
the bomb detonate above the ground how some non existent hill want to stop it
People in other areas will have a good chance of survival, but most probably will be disabled permanently because of 3rd degree burns, blindness and amputations. But they will survive. And when they survive, they will take their sweet revenge.
they survive if it was fat man or little boy not a megaton bomb , the revenge can be taken when you have the tools and means to take it has become tiresome when you are talking we can be hit by tens of megaton nukes and weather it as if nothing happen.
for gods sake go and look were Iran industry and commercial centers were population centers located. you see that thousands of megaton weapon is only applicable if you want to scorch all of Iran out of life
if you want disable Iran as a functioning country hitting several big city and population center is enough
i put tsar bomba as example how megaton bombs can be powerful otherwise the map i posted was from castle bravo explosion which resulted in b-41 bombs that USA built more than 500 of them but you seems cant understand some simple post

the bomb detonate above the ground how some non existent hill want to stop it

they survive if it was fat man or little boy not a megaton bomb , the revenge can be taken when you have the tools and means to take it has become tiresome when you are talking we can be hit by tens of megaton nukes and weather it as if nothing happen.
for gods sake go and look were Iran industry and commercial centers were population centers located. you see that thousands of megaton weapon is only applicable if you want to scorch all of Iran out of life
if you want disable Iran as a functioning country hitting several big city and population center is enough
Dude, you literally thought 1000-megatonne weapons exist and are common, called Castle Bravo (one of the largest megatonne weapons ever tested by the US) a "mere" megatonne weapon, claimed they had hundreds of bombs like Castle Bravo and Tsar bomb when not even 5 of them are operational now, and said 90% of people in both Tehran and Karaj will die if Iran is nuked with Castle Bravo. For anyone that understands jackshit about the subject, even one of those ridiculous statements right away disqualifies you.

You can say whatever you want, believe whatever you want, claim whatever you want, just do not quote me with nonsense with statements that are ridiculously wrong and pretend that you know what you are talking about when you are clueless. Not interested in wasting my time on you. Sorry. Have a good day.
Have another question , how does Iranian airforce maintain it's F 14 ?
I ask this as at that time , iran had spares .
Now how do they get the spares for them ?
The karrar tank looks good though.
I do not know. There are better qualified people who can give more satisfactory answers to your questions about the IRIAF in its dedicated thread.
I saw your edit just now. They didn't build such bombs in "hundreds". Again, you are showing that you are clueless. Only 3 Tsar-bombs were ever built but they were dismantled and now are in the museum, except maybe one. Only a single Castle Bravo was ever built. Hundreds? LOL
why you are fixated on tsar bomba go search bombs like b-41, b-53
they made 200 mk-17 (15 megaton)
they made 105 mk-24 (10-15 megaton)
they made 700 MK-27 (2 megaton )
they made 920 Mark 36 bombs (19 megaton)
they made 500 B-41 (25 megaton) (that's the highest yield weapon ever built)
they built 2000 b43 (one megaton nuke that could be installed on all USA navy airplanes)
they built 340 b-53 (9 megaton)
they already have 650 b83 (1.2 megaton and it only weight 2000 pound)
they already have 3150 b-61 (400kt)
each trident II missile can carry 8 w88 warhead (500 kiloton each)they have 400 of those
they have fitted 585 w87 warhead in peacekeeper and minuteman missiles (500 kiloton each)

whenever they wanted they built hundreds of those megaton weapon in matter of 2-3 years , what's so strange bout it. and in the list about i didn't mention the thousands of under 400kiloton bombs USA poses , and I didn't mention any of France or England weapons
Dude, you literally thought 1000-megatonne weapons exist and are common, called Castle Bravo (one of the largest megatonne weapons ever tested by the US) a "mere" megatonne weapon, claimed they had hundreds of bombs like Castle Bravo and Tsar bomb when not even 5 of them are operational now, and said 90% of people in both Tehran and Karaj will die if Iran is nuked with Castle Bravo. For anyone that understands jackshit about the subject, even one of those ridiculous statements right away disqualifies you.
go and stud about how the destructive power work ., you who state people who get third degree burn from the bomb are in shape of fighting , the one who think a country who lost his industry have a chance in the fight
To a certain degree I think that you`re right.Israel and its creation were merely just a particularly nasty symptom of a much,much larger problem afflicting the whole region.ie malign foreign imperial powers who thought that they had some god given right to engage in whatever malign meddling and mischief making in the mena region took their fancy.

please foreign powers are the last source of your troubles. If rest of world is independent of fossil fuels Middle East will still be in a bad shape
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