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Patent trolls of America


Jul 11, 2010
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Saudi Arabia
Wonder why the jobs and manufacturing keeps going overseas!

Apple Challenges $625.5 Million Patent Infringement Verdict

Although Apple has seen its share of lawsuits (there was that whole reception thing, the dispute with Nokia, etc.), it’s not going to take a recent patent infringement case lying down.

On Oct. 1, Apple was ordered by jury verdict to pay $625.5 million (according to Bloomberg, this was the second-biggest jury verdict in 2010, and the fourth-biggest patent verdict in U.S. history) to Mirror Worlds LLC for infringing three patents related to the way documents are displayed digitally. The features in question? Apple’s Spotlight, Time Machine and Cover Flow, which are part of Apple’s Mac operating systems.

Apple responded by asking U.S. District Judge Leonard Davis for an emergency stay of the rather expensive verdict, taking issue with rulings on two of the three patents. It also says that asking for $208.5 million for each patent would be “triple-dipping.”

Now, Apple and Mirror Worlds have to submit new legal arguments, and the judge is also mulling over Apple’s pre-verdict request to nix two patent infringement claims. If he grants that request, those damages will also be deep-sixed.

Mirror Worlds, which was founded by Yale University computer science Professor David Gelernter, brought the suit against Apple back in 2008.

Something like "the way documents are display" is soo ambiguous and broad to be patented. Im sure this American addiction to get rich fast will bleed them industrial death. Watch out before another American firm patents "rhythm of human breathing" then you will be forced to breath in a different way..or perhaps not breath at all!
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