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Passengers thwart Turkish jet hijack attempt

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Oct 18, 2010
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Passengers thwart Turkish jet hijack attempt

Police detain the man suspected of attempting to hijack the plane
Passengers on a Turkish Airlines jet have overpowered a man who tried to hijack their flight from Norway to Istanbul, security sources say.

Turkish media reported that the man put on a mask and tried to force his way into the cockpit, saying he had a bomb.

He is said to have demanded that the plane return to Oslo, before being subdued by passengers.

The man was arrested when the plane landed at Istanbul's Ataturk airport. No-one was hurt.

Turkish media said the suspect was a Turkish citizen from a Kurdish village in the south-eastern region of Anatolia.

The man's motives were unclear.

The Turkish Dogan news agency said the would-be hijacker had tried to force his way into the cockpit saying: "I have a bomb."

Lelya Kilic, one of the 59 passengers on board flight TK1754, said she heard voices from the back of the plane about 30 minutes before it was due to land at Istanbul.

"I saw a fight between passengers and a man with a mask, carrying a device that looked like a radio handset," she said.

The pilot raised the alarm and police said that when they entered the plane a passenger was sitting on top of the suspect.

Passengers were quickly taken off the flight and the man was arrested. The "bomb" was found to be a fake, Dogan reported.

Taken from:
BBC News - Passengers thwart Turkish jet hijack attempt

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