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Parental love, Parents from Tibetan herding community send their children off to a rural boarding school in Tibet


Nov 4, 2011
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Parental love, Parents from Tibetan herding community send their children off to a rural boarding primary school in Tibet

Food, accommodation, everything is for free in the school, it's a vast sparely populated region in Lhoka in rural Tibet , because of the sheer size of this pasture region, many students can only go back to see their parents once a week. It's the first day of a new school term, parents take their children to the school and spend some time with the children before going back.

Boarding schools are common all over China, but for the ones in Xinjiang, Tibet and Inner Mongolia, the west calls it forced seperation of the children from their parents by the Chinese government.

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Parental love, Parents from Tibetan herding community send their children off to a rural boarding primary school in Tibet
Food, accommodation, everything is for free in the school, it's a vast sparely populated in Lhoka region in rural Tibet , because of the sheer size of this pasture region, many students can only go back to see their parents once a week, it's the first day of a new school term, parents take their children to the school and spend some time with the children before going back.

Boarding schools are common all over China, but for the ones in Xinjiang, Tibet and Inner Mongolia, the west calls it forced seperation of the children from their parents by the Chinese government.

0:28 a mother wiped tears! Forced education! Concentration Camp! Cultural Genocide!
Should conduct special training on alpine herding and make sure lots of them go back home. Else Indians will encroach and nobody will be watching.

The traditional sovereignty is establish in some cases on whether the border local pay taxes to Lhasa or to someone else.
One thing which is enviable to schools in the cities is there's lots of empty space in rural Tibet, the rural schools in Tibet don't have to worry about not having enough space, so rural schools in Tibet look bigger than schools in the cities.

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Shared bikes' tires used to make basketball courts for village schools in Tibet​

China has tens of millions of broken shared bikes every year, the tires of some of them are used to make basketball courts for village primary schools in rural Tibet. Students from Relamu villge primary school at altitude of 4,300 meters watched how engineers turned shared bike tires into beautiful basketball courts for them. 西藏日喀则定日县热拉木村小学

Tons of Shared bikes
Tibet should be developed into Switzerland of China. Still very far from there as per today. Cant set up the Tibetans into good schools and then everyone migrate to Beijing and Shanghai. Eventually it will be Siberia whereby some Russians are thinking it is too high cost to maintain remote village.

Need to configure Tibet as a Switzerland whereby even ETH students eventually go back to their village because it has way better lifestyle.



Tibet should be developed into Switzerland of China. Still very far from there as per today. Cant set up the Tibetans into good schools and then everyone migrate to Beijing and Shanghai. Eventually it will be Siberia whereby some Russians are thinking it is too high cost to maintain remote village.

Need to configure Tibet as a Switzerland whereby even ETH students eventually go back to their village because it has way better lifestyle.

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Tibet is already one of the hottest tourist destinations in China, but Tibet might be a hundrd times bigger than Switzerland, tourism alone won't be enough for this vast region.

Touristy Tibet
Should conduct special training on alpine herding and make sure lots of them go back home. Else Indians will encroach and nobody will be watching.

The traditional sovereignty is establish in some cases on whether the border local pay taxes to Lhasa or to someone else.
According to recent report, the population near the very border region with India sharply increased 10.5% due to poverty alleviation relocation program which hundreds of new modern border villages had been built by the government and are given to the local Tibetans for free, they also get monthly special "border residents government cash bonus" , 6,600 Yuan per person/year.

This ethnic Mishmi guy living on the Indian border in South Tibet just got his government border residents bonus money, his household has 3 people, and the family got 19,800 Yuan ( $ 3150 USD).


Students do Tibetan traditional dance in rural primary school in Tibet


Tibetan children enjoy free school meals, milk, during the break snacks provided by the government​

During the mid-morning snack break, school staff hurry to deliver boxes of milk, bread and fruits to the classrooms, Tibet kids enjoy 15 years free education with free school meals, mid-morning snacks( milk, bread ,eggs and fruits), accommodation.

Besides 3 free school meals, duringthe break snacks and fruits , schools also provide free daily milk, in order to guarantee the quality of the milk, all milk for the students are directly transported through Qinghai-Tibet railway from Inner Mongolia, the schools have their own depot at the railway station and the milk will be delivered once they arrive in Tibet. The flavor of the milk will change once every two weeks and the milk is guaranteed to be the most fresh.
Wait Wait Wait

a Chinese Youtube video showing fake pictures of a force labour camp while playing Communist anthem ?

@beijingwalker did you deliberately start this thread to make fun of China ?

after all it wouldn't be the first your own thread back fires on you
Wait Wait Wait

a Chinese Youtube video showing fake pictures of a force labour camp while playing Communist anthem ?

@beijingwalker did you deliberately start this thread to make fun of China ?

after all it wouldn't be the first your own thread back fires on you
LOL, What are you talking about? which of the above video and pictures are fake? I can provide links and sources.
Lucky Tibetan kids! During the mid-morning snack break, school staff hurry to deliver boxes of milk, bread and fruits to the classrooms, Tibet kids enjoy 15 years free education with free school meals, mid-morning snacks( milk, bread ,eggs and fruits), accommodation, healthcare and school shuttle service. School books and stationery are also provided by the government for free, basically the only thing parents need to prepare their kids for school are just the kids themselves.

To ensure the quality and hygiene of the school meals, In Tibet, government made school principals and othrer senior school officials dine with the students, eat the same food every meal.

In Tibet the government provides 15 years free education from kindergarten to high school, schools also provide free school meals and dairy, school kids need more nourishment to grow well, so schools also have snack breaks and students can eat some snacks (mostly bread, eggs and milk) provided by the government.




Free government provided school meals in Tibetan schools









Free government provided school meals in Tibetan schools



Except for 3 free meals, duringthe break snacks and fruits, the schools also provide free daily milk, in order to guarantee the quality of the milk, all milk for the students are directly transported through Qinghai-Tibet railway from Inner Mongolia, the schools have their own depot at the railway station and the milk will be delivered once they arrive in Tibet. The flavor of the milk will change once every two weeks and the milk is guaranteed to be the most fresh.

How many extra points you can get added to your overall score for China's draconian Gaokao if you are an ethnic minority?
This Tibetan girl tells you: 50 points

Tibetan girl revisited her old primary school, her class teacher had retired and she taught a lesson in the school.


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