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Panicked Shoppers Empty Shelves as Coronavirus Anxiety Rises in US


Nov 4, 2011
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Panicked Shoppers Empty Shelves as Coronavirus Anxiety Rises in US
The scene inside one crowded store: There was no chicken available, nor garbanzo beans or chips. Another had no flu or cold medicines.

Jason Krigsfeld, 31, and his wife, Yukie Huchi, 39, shopped at a Target in Brooklyn on Friday morning. They bought the last 20-pack of Charmin toilet paper on the shelf.Credit...Dave Sanders for The New York Times

Published March 13, 2020Updated March 14, 2020, 12:47 a.m. ET

They grabbed milk and aspirin, paper towels and spaghetti. Cans of soup and bottles of laundry detergent. Olive oil and sanitizing wipes. With futures suddenly thrust into the unknown, they did what felt reassuring: panic shop.

As President Trump declared a national emergency on Friday, hordes of shoppers flooded stores across the nation and emptied shelves, looking to stockpile groceries and household items to prepare for uncharted territory.

Inside the Target at Atlantic Terminal in Brooklyn, customers snatched up hand soap, lotion, condoms, vitamins and tampons. Cold and flu medicines were completely sold out. One customer, Jason Krigsfeld, 31, was relieved to find a 20-pack of Charmin toilet paper — the last one on the shelf. He and his wife had already collected hand soap, laundry detergent and floor cleaner.

“We saw people emergency shopping yesterday and were like, ‘We need to do that, too,’” said Mr. Krigsfeld, who works in software.

Stores were overwhelmed with long lines of customers waiting just to enter what would be a disorienting space of packed aisles, backed-up checkout lanes and weary employees.

In Santa Clarita, Calif., hundreds of people jostled for position in the parking lot outside a Costco on Thursday. “Please don’t call 911 because people are cutting in front of you in line,” a sheriff’s station tweeted after deputies responded to a false alarm of fights at the wholesale store.

Soon after the 9 a.m. opening on Friday of the Trader Joe’s in Hoboken, N.J., a line of nervous customers stretched along the block in the rain, waiting to pick through the mostly bare shelves inside. There was no chicken available, nor garbanzo beans, coffee or chips. The store was restocking regularly, but many of its registers were unstaffed.

Once an undertaking reserved for the arrival of hurricanes and snowstorms, the frantic pursuit of groceries and household goods has been pushed to an intense level in the age of the new coronavirus, as urgency and fear propel people down the aisles. Panic shopping now comes with a much more dire and ominous tone; it’s confusing what and how much one should buy in response to a pandemic.

The physical act of snatching up bundles of toilet paper, aspirin and canned goods can be comforting.

“The heebie-jeebies got to me yesterday — what if New York is quarantined?” said Mark Hanna, 32, who works in health care and was standing outside a Brooklyn drugstore with four bottles of NyQuil.

Many stick to things that can be frozen or have a long shelf life. Water and Chef Boyardee are favorites. Coffee, bread and pasta, too. Carts are laden with an eye toward lasting weeks, if not months. The coconut cream and merengue cookies are usually left untouched.

Some who have recently canceled trips quickly try to fill bare pantries. There are even the bold party hosts, intent on keeping weekend plans.

It takes will and stamina to brave the lines that can start at the store entrance, or even in the parking lot. Social media posts showed cleared out frozen food sections, as #panicbuying trended on Twitter (also #coronapocalypse).

Some bring their own carts to avoid yet one more line. Those who tried unsuccessfully to stick to online shopping arrive to find their go-to products wiped from the shelves. Others volunteer to pick up items for older adults, or friends who are in quarantine.

“In a time like this, how can you not?” said Randi Klein, 48, of Harlem, who scaled a shelf for a box of gluten-free cereal for a friend’s daughter. She had offered to help the family go “apocalypse shopping.”

At a Whole Foods Market in Somerville, Mass., on Friday, peanut butter, eggs, pasta and canned tomatoes were almost gone, the meat and produce sections were empty shells. Customers were limited to just two packages of toilet paper each. At a nearby Walgreens, the shelves had been stripped of disinfectant cleaners and wipes. Signs announced that those products were being rationed, along with face masks and thermometers — which were also out of stock.

Large chain stores like these have been tested by the buying surge. Walgreens customers have been allowed up to four per product when it came to wipes and cleaners, masks, hand sanitizers, thermometers and gloves, according to a spokeswoman for the company.

In Houston, a sign taped to the doors of a Staples warned customers it was sold out of hand sanitizer. Nearly all the carts at a Costco held bottles of water, the impulse buy of every crisis.

Some Costco locations have set purchase limits on items like water and Lysol, with restrictions varying by region.

Seems like everyone is crapping themselves because of Corona around the world as there is a worldwide shortage of toilet paper.
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It's alwas the big cities got hit first, outskirts and countryside usually won't get hit by panic shopping.

Well, I’m from Philadelphia, which is a pretty big city.

Obviously I can’t speak for all of Philadelphia, but in my neighborhood, the stores still have their usual foods and drinks etc. etc.
Can’t speak for other areas of the United States, but where I’m from, most of the shelves were moderately full.

I think toilet paper cures COVID 19, can’t find it anywhere :lol:
It's alwas the big cities got hit first, outskirts and countryside usually won't get hit by panic shopping.
I reside in one of the biggest cities on the west coast and the aisles are pretty stocked up. Longer than usual lines at the checkout counter but nothing remotely bad as what the article states
It does depend on where you live, and where you shop. Here in the UK, waitrose is doing a very good job of keeping their shelves stocked(except for toilet paper) whereas Sainsbury, Tesco and Morrisons are looking rather bare interms of their shelves. I have seen those stores completely wiped out for their vegetable, frozen, pasta/rice sections...
In China, almost all of us just order everything with our cellphones, what you bought will be delivered to your home or the entrance of the neighorhoods if your neighorhoods are under quarantine.
I think toilet paper cures COVID 19, can’t find it anywhere :lol:
Amazing.... why dont they use ecofriendly water !!!.

Cant think of wiping my backside with paper.

Seems like everyone is crapping themselves because of Corona around the word as there is a worldwide shortage of toilet paper.
They appear to be unaware of use of good water vs paper.

like anything, use paper - it leave it behind, use water friends!. eco- friendly and better hygiene.
Why are people stocking up on TP and bottled water of all things. Well TP is not that important, easily replaced by handheld bidet and a 100 times more hygienic. And bottled water really? Isn't tap water drinkable in the US. If you really believe that this corona epidemic is going to turn serious at least stock up on the right things - Canned foods, frozen snacks, medicines etc.
In China, almost all of us just order everything with our cellphones, what you bought will be delivered to your home or the entrance of the neighorhoods if your neighorhoods are under quarantine.

We have similar type apps here.
We have similar type apps here.

Unfortunately we are more fussier than Chinese and just have to pick the most perfectly shaped fruits/vegetables, the best marbled steak, and the carton in the back of the stack that has the furthest expiration date. Giving this job to a teenage kid just isn't going to cut it.
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In China, almost all of us just order everything with our cellphones, what you bought will be delivered to your home or the entrance of the neighorhoods if your neighorhoods are under quarantine.

you mean like the Garbage trucks that delivered meat in Wuhan? No we don’t have an app for that!! :bad:

The next pandemic coming to a theater near you ...COCGTV-20 (Contaminated on Chinese Garbage Truck Virus)


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Can’t speak for other areas of the United States, but where I’m from, most of the shelves were moderately full.

hoarders have already emptied the shelves here while homeless roam the streets. school districts are shutting down. my workplace, of course, is not giving anyone a penny for quarantine even while they give paid vacation and work from home to everyone in their Asian and European offices.
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