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Palestinian unity government sworn into oath


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Abbas hails 'end' of Palestinian division | Maan News Agency

RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- President Mahmoud Abbas hailed the "end" of Palestinian division as a new government took its oath Monday under a unity deal between leaders in the West Bank and Gaza.

"Today, with the formation of a national consensus government, we announce the end of a Palestinian division that has greatly damaged our national case," Abbas said at his Ramallah headquarters after the new cabinet was sworn in.

"This black page in the history (of the Palestinians) has been turned forever, and we will not allow it to come back."

Hamas officials also welcomed the new government as one for "all Palestinians" after the cabinet, which is made up of political independents, was sworn in.

"We hail the national consensus government, which represents all the Palestinian people," Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told AFP.

The new government, he said, was "a turning point... enabling us to unite the Palestinian effort to face the Israeli occupation".

There were no major changes to a list of names touted for key portfolio positions in the lead up to the announcement.

Hamdallah will remain as prime minister and minister of interior, while Ziad Abu Amr will be the deputy prime minister and minister of culture.

Muhammad Mustafa will be deputy prime minister and minister of national economy and Shukri Bishara was named as minister of finance and planning.

Riyad al-Maliki will remain as minister of foreign affairs, Salim al-Saqqa, from Gaza, will be minister of justice, and Adnan al-Husseini will be minister of Jerusalem affairs.

Rula Maya is minister of tourism and antiquities and Jawad Awad remains as minister of health.
Other key positions include Khawlah Shakhshir as minister of education and higher education, Mufeed al-Hasayna as minister of public works and housing, Allam Mousa as minister of telecommunications and transportation, and Shawqi al-Ayasa as minister of agriculture and social affairs.

Hayaa al-Agha is minister for women, Mamoun Abu Shahla is minister of labor, Nayif Abu Khalaf is minister of local governance and Yousif Ideis is minister of endowment.

A cabinet of 17

The government includes three women and five ministers who come from Gaza. Over the weekend, Israel blocked three of the Gazans from traveling to Ramallah for the oath-taking.

Abbas has pledged that the new administration will abide by the principles laid down by the Middle East peace Quartet: Recognize Israel, reject violence and abide by all existing agreements.
Under terms of a deal inked on April 23, the PLO agreed to work with Hamas to establish an interim government of independents that would organize long-delayed elections.

The surprise agreement sought to end years of bitter and sometimes bloody rivalry which had seen the establishment of rival Palestinian administrations, with the West Bank ruled by the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, and Gaza under Hamas authority.

On Sunday, US Secretary of State John Kerry telephoned Abbas to express "concern about Hamas's role in any such government," the State Department said.

European 'ambiguity'

There was no immediate reaction from Israel which has made no secret of its opposition to the unity agreement with Hamas.

"I call on all responsible elements within the international community not to hurry to recognize the Palestinian government that Hamas is part of," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday.

Israel will work to foil Hamas participation in Palestinian elections - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Netanyahu tells MKs: Israel won't allow PA to conduct elections in East Jerusalem; Israel decides to hold PA responsible for any Gaza rockets.
By Barak Ravid | 19:44 02.06.14 |

Israel will not hold negotiations with the new Palestinian unity government and will oppose Hamas participation in the Palestinian elections if and when they take place, the security cabinet decided on Monday.


And Israel will be held responsible for any attacks against Gaza or Palestinian civilians in the West Bank.

Of course they oppose elections since the people would want a Hamas style policy of working to restore their rights. This can be done without violence in the West Bank. Not sure why the PA hasn't done so as of yet.
RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- President Mahmoud Abbas hailed the "end" of Palestinian division as a new government took its oath Monday under a unity deal between leaders in the West Bank and Gaza.

"This black page in the history (of the Palestinians) has been turned forever, and we will not allow it to come back."

Hamas officials also welcomed the new government as one for "all Palestinians" after the cabinet, which is made up of political independents, was sworn in.


Unity is strength my friend. Hamas should declare a ceasefire on further attacks on Israel and engage with the international community as part of a recognized government of Palestine to have Israel recognize the Palestinian government's authority. In that way, Israel will have no justification for any further attacks on the Palestinians and hopefully your dream of an internationally recognized, independent and sovereign State of Palestine will materialize in your lifetime.
Unity is strength my friend. Hamas should declare a ceasefire on further attacks on Israel and engage with the international community as part of a recognized government of Palestine to have Israel recognize the Palestinian government's authority. In that way, Israel will have no justification for any further attacks on the Palestinians and hopefully your dream of an internationally recognized, independent and sovereign State of Palestine will materialize in your lifetime.

Hamas has been enforcing the cease fire ever since it was announced and will stick to doing so. Just look at the article. :)

As long as Israel doesn't violate it. This is the right path and hopefully this new government will play the right cards from now on and take this to the international stage.

The onus really only remains on Israel to allow peace to materialize.

Won't last :lol:

This lot couldn't run a bath, let alone a state.

You always want this to be counter-productive. Whenever steps are taken to legitimize the Palestinian struggle you are negative about it. Says much about the side that craves peace. :azn:
I don't recognise 'palestinians'. I don't recognise any legitimacy in their cause.

I recognise that they are Arabs and that a solution at some point needs to be found. A transfer to Jordan or some other compromise.

I will never recognise them as 'palestinians' because such an entity does not exist, has never existed and is a political fabrication.

Secondly, I don't accept a genocidal, internationally proscribed terrorist group as a legitimate government. If they renounce violence, perhaps.

Anyway, this is doomed to failure because the 'palestinians' are a failed people. They have failed themsleves. They have achieved nothing and contributed nothing positive to humanity. Their only hope is in riding Israel's coattails to drag them out of the mire - but that would involve recognising and accepting Israel's legitimacy as a Jewish state and we all know Muslims can't abide that.

30th username for the same person.

@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @Manticore @WebMaster @Oscar
Netanyahu authorized by cabinet to take new measures against PA - Israel News, Ynetnews

The security cabinet, which convened after the formation of the Palestinian unity government, decided unanimously to continue the policy of refusing to negotiate with a government that includes Hamas.

The cabinet also authorized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to order new sanctions on the Palestinian Authority. Netanyahu said that Mahmoud Abbas "said yes to terror and no to peace in a direct continuation of his policy of rejecting peace. We remain committed to the peace process while Abu Mazen incites against Israel and forms an alliance with Hamas." (Attila Somalvi)


Hilarious .... The evil are trying to make Hamas out be something along their supremacist cult. Hamas is anti-occupation and pro justice.
It's inevitable when a genocidal, internationally proscribed terrorist group is made into a formal government - that measures would be taken.

If Britain would suddenly vote in the BNP, the USA would convene to bring in measures too.

It's a natural response to genocidal terrorists.

Yeah we sure do believe you, Hamas is killing thousands of Israelis, displacing them, occupying tel aviv, and building settlements in Haifa while restricting the rights of Israelis. :rolleyes:

Meanwhile ....

US says it will work with new Palestinian govt, continue aid | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR


People are starting to get confused about Israel's ongoing policy against the Palestinian people while they portray themselves as going against everything the Nazi's stood for.
Congrats. I heard that the US is going to cooperate with the Palestinian Authority which is a good sign.

Thanks. This is the latest news:

Israel 'deeply disappointed' U.S. will work with new Palestinian government - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Senior Israeli officials said Monday that Israel is deeply disappointed with the State Department's announcement that the U.S. will continue to work with the new Palestinian unity government.

"We are deeply disappointed by the comments of the State Department regarding working with the Palestinian unity government," the officials said.

hope the best for the Palestinians under this unified govt :tup: let's see what the US will mean for this new govt, though, am really curious.
hope the best for the Palestinians under this unified govt :tup: let's see what the US will mean for this new govt, though, am really curious.

Thanks. :)

Well, the US government can't derail something they've initiated so they will recognize the government initially. Although, in the long term it probably won't mean much.

They're still going to pressure the Palestinians on making more concessions. Although still the Israeli government is against a deal that would be bad for the Palestinians. So Netanyahu's doing us a favor.

What this is, is good for the Palestinian people. The people in Gaza need a break and our people need our rights. Hopefully the EU and other big players embrace us if the US doesn't and finally give this region some hope. We want a state and want to live just like everybody else does.
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