Your terminology is not correct,
First of all, there is a continuous Jewish presence in the Land of Israel for at least 3300 years
Second, the Jews did not go, they were expelled, by force, in small numbers (relatively) by the Assyrians and then the Babylonians, and by the Romans in larger numbers, but not all were expelled.
The expelled Jews were neither Arabs nor "Arab-Jews"
They were simply Jews
** There is absolutely no connection between the Arabian Peninsula and the Land of Israel
European Jew or an African or American or an Asian Jew is a term that describes a geographical and non-ethnic exile.
The Christians have no claim to the land, their claim is that the Jews have a claim to the land.
There are Orthodox Christians, Protestants, Catholics and of course evangelicals who hold this position.
It is true that there are Christians who oppose Jewish nationalism. There are also secular people in the Christian world (especially in Western Europe) who oppose Jewish nationalism.