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Palestinian Authority to honor suicide bombers, terrorists

The same way Israel has honored Irgun and Lehi terrorists; those who blew up the King David hotel; and the planners of the failed Lavon Affair attacks.

The same way Ireland has honored dead IRA militants.

Probably the same can be said of Basques, Sikhs, Black South Africans, Corsicans, anti-dictatorship militias in Latin America. So-called terrorists aren't a universal evil -- they may be a threat to a people, but to others they are freedom fighters who waged a necessary war.

King David hotel was a legitimate target - it was the HQ of the British Mandate administration, not functioning as a regular hotel.

No one glorify in Israel people who killed innocent civilians: the Irgun men were condemned for what happened in Dir-Yassin and Lehi was announced as terror organisation and was prosecuted by the Jewish establishment. However Most of the targets of both organisations were military one, mostly British, and not civilian - no British innocent civilian (families, tourists, so forth) was ever a target of their actions.

On the contrary almost all the tergets of the Palestinian terror are innocent Israeli civilians, and now they are glorifying them. The problem is that the entire Palestinian culture worship those baby killers and bus exploders and this is what they teach their children in official TV channels and textbooks: to kill innocent Israelis is more respected than your own life.

On the contrary, Israel never had and never will educate its people under such horrible massages.
Right. Palestinians are one of the poorest people in the Middle East, the only ones who don't even have a state of their own -- but sure they have the power to control the international media and its stories.

Irrelevant to the subject, however, that is simply not true.

What Do the Arabs of East Jerusalem Really Want? - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

.....................more Palestinians in east Jerusalem would prefer to become citizens of Israel rather than citizens of a new Palestinian state. In addition, 40 percent said they would probably or definitely move in order to live under Israeli rather than Palestinian rule.

44 percent of the Palestinians in Jerusalem say they are very, or at least somewhat, satisfied with their standard of living. This is a very high percentage compared to other populations in the Arab world. Only about 30 percent sympathize with either Fatah or Hamas or with the Israeli Arab Islamic movement. Politics is not a major preoccupation.................

No need to "control" the media. There are enough terrorist sympathisers and anti-semites in news agencies who would use the first opportunity to bash Israel. If you read the posts in that thread, you will gather enough examples of this being done.

The most recent Human Development Report from the United Nations ranks the PA 102nd in terms of life expectancy, educational attainment and adjusted real income out of the 177 countries and territories in the world, placing it in the “medium human development” category along with most of the other Middle Eastern states (only the Gulf sheikdoms are ranked “high”). The PA is ranked just 12 places below Jordan and one behind Iran; it is rated ahead of Syria (#105), Algeria (#108), Egypt (#120), and Morocco (#125)


As said before, other organizations have made similar observations about Israeli campagins, including Amnesty International, the UN, and the Magen David Adom, the Israeli medical emergency service. The MDA noted that, in the 2008 Gaza war, Israel targeted ambulances for no reason at all. I don't know why is it so hard to acknowledge this, when even Israeli newspapers (see link on post of mine above about the Dahiya doctrine) recognize, and in fact celebrate, the fact that the IDF targets civilians in a collective punishment mindset. I know it may be hard to swallow that -- I dislike what AI has said about my country and consider it one-sided. But perhaps this nationalist defensiveness is just human nature.

Please take a time to go through the posts in that thread. This issue has been discussed extensively there.

The fact that Israeli media is critical of Israel's policies goes on to show the level of openness and level of freedom Israeli media enjoys.

Let me conclude quoting this Palestinian doctor:

“Israeli hospitals extend humanitarian treatment to Palestinians from the Gaza Strip and West Bank. These efforts continued when all other cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis came to a halt during the most recent intifada.”

— Palestinian obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish
I just picked one case off the top of my head. Here's something more -
That's assassination and in at least one case by the testimony of his wife the man wanted to use his knowledge to destroy a U.N. member state. Even applying international law it's very difficult to argue that killing such a man was a crime and as of right now one can't assign any or all such killings to Israel. Some or all of these may be like Syria, killings by the regime to punish or intimidate others into cooperation.
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