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Palestinian Authority to honor suicide bombers, terrorists

King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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PA to honor suicide bombers, terrorists

PA to honor suicide bombers, terrorists - JPost - Middle East

IDF will deliver bodies to representatives of PA, which will hold a national rally in honor of "martyrs."


The Palestinian Authority leadership is planning to honor the remains of Palestinian suicide bombers and other terrorists with full military funerals in Ramallah.

The IDF will deliver the bodies to representatives of the PA on Thursday, Prisoners Affairs Minister Issa Qaraqi said.

He said that the PA would hold a “national rally” in the Mukata presidential compound in Ramallah in honor of the “martyrs.” Attending the rally will be PA President Mahmoud Abbas, PLO leaders, and families of the Palestinians who perpetrated suicide bombings and other attacks over the past three decades.

Qaraqi said that after the ceremony, the bodies would be sent to their hometowns, where each one would be buried in a military funeral. He said that 17 bodies whose hometowns were unknown would be buried in a Ramallah cemetery, also with full military honors.

Another 12 bodies will be transferred for burial in the Gaza Strip, the minister said.

Qaraqi called on Palestinians to consider Thursday a day of celebration for the return of the “martyrs” to their families.

Israel’s repatriation of the bodies is part of a goodwill gesture to Abbas.

The list of names includes several suicide bombers who carried out the attacks on the No. 2 bus in Jerusalem’s Shmuel Hanavi neighborhood in August 2003 and at Cafe Hillel in the city’s German Colony neighborhood the next month.

Israel will also hand over the remains of Hassan Sarahneh, who blew himself up at a hitchhiking post in Ashkelon in 1996, killing a female soldier, and the remains of Nasim Ja’bari and Ahmed Qawassmeh, the two suicide bombers who killed 16 people on two buses in Beersheba in 2004.

The list also includes Abdullah Badran, a suicide bomber who killed four Israelis at Tel Aviv’s Stage nightclub in 2005; Hiba Daraghmeh, the woman who blew herself up at a mall in Afula in 2003, killing three people; Hassan Abu Said, the Islamic Jihad terrorist who blew himself up at an open-air market in Hadera in 2005, killing five people; and Labib Azzam, who in 1995 murdered five Israelis and wounded 23 others in Ramat Gan.

In addition, Israel will hand over the remains of the terrorists who carried out the Savoy Hotel attack in Tel Aviv in 1975, killing eight hostages.
The same way Israel has honored Irgun and Lehi terrorists; those who blew up the King David hotel; and the planners of the failed Lavon Affair attacks.

The same way Ireland has honored dead IRA militants.

Probably the same can be said of Basques, Sikhs, Black South Africans, Corsicans, anti-dictatorship militias in Latin America. So-called terrorists aren't a universal evil -- they may be a threat to a people, but to others they are freedom fighters who waged a necessary war.
Guess they learned a thing or two from the Israelis...

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Lavon Affair refers to a failed Israeli covert operation, code named Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence for plans to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American and British-owned targets. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents" or "local nationalists" with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal zone.[2] The operation caused no casualties, except for those members of the cell who committed suicide after being captured.

The operation became known as the Lavon Affair after the Israeli defense minister Pinhas Lavon, who was forced to resign because of the incident, or euphemistically as the Unfortunate Affair or The Bad Business (Hebrew: העסק ביש‎, HaEsek Bish or העסק הביש, HaEsek HaBish). After being denied for 51 years, the surviving agents were in 2005 officially honored with a certificate of appreciation by the Israeli President Moshe Katzav.

So-called terrorists aren't a universal evil -- they may be a threat to a people, but to others they are freedom fighters who waged a necessary war.

Let us never defend suicide attacks against civilians.

My point was that Israel itself honors terrorists.
Like what's sauce for the goose may not be sauce for the gander!

In other words, one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter!

So the debate on who's a terrorist or a freedom fighter will continue till the sun becomes a Red Giant or till the stars in the universe start winking out! :P
Like what's sauce for the goose may not be sauce for the gander!

In other words, one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter!

So the debate on who's a terrorist or a freedom fighter will continue till the sun becomes a Red Giant or till the stars in the universe start winking out! :P

Valid point. However, do you consider suicide bombing, terrorism and insurgency as a legitimate way of "freedom fighting"?
Valid point. However, do you consider suicide bombing, terrorism and insurgency as a legitimate way of "freedom fighting"?

Do you consider bombing of civilian areas and state terrorism as valid methods to defend national security?

The Dahiya strategy

Israel finally realizes that Arabs should be accountable for their leaders’ acts

The “Dahiya strategy” is a term that will become entrenched in our security discourse. Dahiya is the Shiite quarter in Beirut that our pilots turned into rubble during the Second Lebanon War.

In an interview with Yedioth Ahronoth Friday, IDF Northern Command Chief Gadi Eisenkot uttered clear words that essentially mean the following: In the next clash with Hizbullah we won’t bother to hunt for tens of thousands of rocket launchers and we won’t spill our soldiers’ blood in attempts to overtake fortified Hizbullah positions. Rather, we shall destroy Lebanon and won’t be deterred by the protests of the “world.”
This is a war and when Israel kills innocent Palestinian civilians and call murderers their heroes, why wont Palestinians do that?
Do you consider bombing of civilian areas and state terrorism as valid methods to defend national security?

Do you consider using human shields and population centres as a valid means to take shelter for terrorists? Do you not feel that terrorists are a threat to civilization and must be taken out by whatever means necessary?

IAF is known for its pin-point strikes and remarkable restraint. The civilian casualty ratio of IDF is one of the lowest in history and the lowest in the world (1:30). The Delilah missile is commonly used in striking terrorists and many a strikes are abandoned at the last minute as terrorists take shelter in civilian infrastructures.

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Do you consider using human shields and population centres as a valid means to take shelter for terrorists? Do you not feel that terrorists are a threat to civilization and must be taken out by whatever means necessary?

It so happens that human rights NGOs which visited Palestinian areas shortly after Israeli shelling campaigns -- Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, some Israeli NGOs -- have observed that Israel attacked schools, ambulances, apartment complexes, etc., even when there was no evidence that they were harboring militants or military equipment. This was the case of the apartments Israel destroyed in Qana in 2006, of which Human Rights Watch noticed that, in contrast to Israeli allegations, no militants were hiding around them. (HRW noticed that, in 2006, many Hezbollah militants left their villages so they wouldn't be attacked by Israeli bombing.) Your little hasbara video underwhelms me. I could bet they filmed it with the purpose of uploading it to Youtube. If not, why hasn't Israel created a video of every shelling it has carried out, so we can be sure it is, in contrast to what independent NGOs have found, sparing the lives of unarmed civilians whenever it can?
It so happens that human rights NGOs which visited Palestinian areas shortly after Israeli shelling campaigns -- Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, some Israeli NGOs -- have observed that Israel attacked schools, ambulances, apartment complexes, etc., even when there was no evidence that they were harboring militants or military equipment. This was the case of the apartments Israel destroyed in Qana in 2006, of which Human Rights Watch noticed that, in contrast to Israeli allegations, no militants were hiding around them. (HRW noticed that, in 2006, many Hezbollah militants left their villages so they wouldn't be attacked by Israeli bombing.) Your little hasbara video underwhelms me. I could bet they filmed it with the purpose of uploading it to Youtube. If not, why hasn't Israel created a video of every shelling it has carried out, so we can be sure it is, in contrast to what independent NGOs have found, sparing the lives of unarmed civilians whenever it can?

How many of those were part of Pallywood propaganda?

Do you trust HRW when it's founder himself said it is extremely biased against Israel?
How many of those were part of Pallywood propaganda?

Do you trust HRW when it's founder himself said it is extremely biased against Israel?

Right. Palestinians are one of the poorest people in the Middle East, the only ones who don't even have a state of their own -- but sure they have the power to control the international media and its stories.

You make it sound like the writer of the op-ed was speaking for the organization itself. But I know HRW has responded to those allegations. And what a co-founder, and former member of the organization, who's also a Jew, says about bias against Israel, I consider underhwlming. As said before, other organizations have made similar observations about Israeli campagins, including Amnesty International, the UN, and the Magen David Adom, the Israeli medical emergency service. The MDA noted that, in the 2008 Gaza war, Israel targeted ambulances for no reason at all. I don't know why is it so hard to acknowledge this, when even Israeli newspapers (see link on post of mine above about the Dahiya doctrine) recognize, and in fact celebrate, the fact that the IDF targets civilians in a collective punishment mindset. I know it may be hard to swallow that -- I dislike what AI has said about my country and consider it one-sided. But perhaps this nationalist defensiveness is just human nature.
It so happens that human rights NGOs which visited Palestinian areas shortly after Israeli shelling campaigns -- Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, some Israeli NGOs -- have observed that Israel attacked schools, ambulances, apartment complexes, etc., even when there was no evidence that they were harboring militants or military equipment. This was the case of the apartments Israel destroyed in Qana in 2006, of which Human Rights Watch noticed that, in contrast to Israeli allegations, no militants were hiding around them. (HRW noticed that, in 2006, many Hezbollah militants left their villages so they wouldn't be attacked by Israeli bombing.) Your little hasbara video underwhelms me. I could bet they filmed it with the purpose of uploading it to Youtube. If not, why hasn't Israel created a video of every shelling it has carried out, so we can be sure it is, in contrast to what independent NGOs have found, sparing the lives of unarmed civilians whenever it can?

Just because none of the persons killed had any suicide vests attested with him/her or nobody was found dead with AK47 means they were not terrorists. The fact that everyday rockets are fired at Israel heartland indicates that Hezbollah militias are roaming freely in palestine.

Having said that, Israel can also not be absolved of it's crimes when it used indiscriminate force against innocents ...
My point was that Israel itself honors terrorists.
So let's get this straight: to equivocate you had to go back fifty years to a secret operation, never successfully carried out, that bitterly divided the Israeli gov't for the next decade, so that the operatives carried a stain that wasn't wiped out until six years ago, whereas there is no debate among "Palestinian" Arabs about honoring successful terrorists yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and the ideology is sold to the populace through schoolbooks, television, and mosques.

That's a pretty poor comparison, isn't it? No way the two mind-sets are equivalent, nor the burden of evil, either.
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