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Palestine initiates application for full United Nations membership

Möbius Curve

Dec 5, 2018
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RAMALLAH, Wednesday, December 26, 2018 (WAFA) – Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Minister Riyad al-Malki Wednesday announced that Palestine would initiate an application to gain full state membership at the United Nations.

Speaking to Voice of Palestine radio station, al-Malki stated that he would initiate the application to upgrade Palestine’s status from an observer state to a full-member state in the international body during his upcoming visit to New York, scheduled in mid January 2019, following President Mahmoud Abbas’ instructions.

The application would be submitted to the United Nations Security Council.

Al-Malki is scheduled to make this visit to assume Palestine’s position as chair of the Group 77 developing countries and China for the year 2019.

The planned submission of the application marks the latest Palestinian leadership’s diplomatic steps sparked by US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and relocate the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

To secure full state membership, Palestinians need support from nine out of the UNSC’s 15 member states, provided that none of the five permanent member states use the power of veto.

Abbas was unanimously named as chairman of the Group of 77 and China during the 42nd meeting of the group’s foreign ministers, held on the sidelines of the 73rd UN General Assembly on September 27.

Al-Malki also tackled Israel’s latest decision to accelerate illegal settlement construction across the West Bank following a spate of deadly attacks that left four Palestinians and three Israelis dead.

He pointed out that he would demand the UNSC to implement UNSC Resolution 2334 and the International Criminal Court (ICC) to open an official inquiry into settlement construction.

UNSC Resolution 2334 demands the UN Secretary General to present the Security Council with a progress report every three months on Israeli settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories.

If the UNSC fails to implement the resolution, al-Malki said he would go to the UN General Assembly under the Uniting for Peace item.

They had a full membership when the PA question was in the hand of the Algerian diplomacy..The minute Arafat farmed out Palestine to Egypt and the Arab states..Palestine lost everything, now is a dying twig...

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