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PakPositivism: How to manage Discourse for PakPosters on PDF!!!

That would mean you are against better relations between the two people. You don't come across as that kind of person. Correct me if I am wrong.
You misinterpret me. "Aman ki asha" refers to unconditional and baseless love between our nations that we now realise has been used to manipulate our good innocent selves.

I am all for advancement of positive relations between our nations but on a transactional basis based on tangible outcomes, not abstract ideations. Pakistanis need movement on key issues, as we have needed for decades. This is not new. What is new is the fact that we are not so naive to trust the words emanating from Delhi at face value alone.

Of course, in light of recent events, the above discussion is moot. We are all far away from even nervous detente, let alone peace.
@Verve @masterchief_mirza @PAKISTANFOREVER @Ace of Spades @peagle @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Musings @21st Century Vampire


Once again the Scope of this thread is NOT the good Indians ... neither their love or hate for us. Immaterial in this thread.

We were/are trying to Rationally, Logically and Systematically establish, among Ourselves, the Indian End Game!!!

Once again ... fallen for the same well designed pitfalls and distracted. Tanzeem!

I have put together some Markers... what is your take on them... what can we conclude from them... what other things are missing that PakPosters can add to...


Not the good Indians or their faith or culture or whatnots... Out of Scope!

Please, let us stick to topic and not get distracted by the Indian politics or %s... immaterial!!!

Est Bellum.


Thanks for asking me brother, i'm rarely on pdf nowadays...idk what to say, ik that i can't change the situation so i just deal with it and take pleasure in giving them a taste of their own medicine and that too i have toned down a bit after our brothers the mods convinced me to, i was mainly on pdf for the fighter jets threads, to keep up with future military updates and to post about some weaponry stuff so i barely interacted and the few interactions i had portrayed a lot about the indian psyche...But, i do like your idea of taking the first step here though...i share opinions similar to that of @PAKISTANFOREVER and @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

@Ace of Spades I guess we need to compose the End Game ourselves and hopefully, PakPosters won't fall into pitfalls of distractors... from thence we build further OurDiscourse of PakPositivism!

@peagle PakBrother mine, chip in... and @masterchief_mirza Your Lord Mischiefship please also help us build it from Statecraft pov ONLY!


PS. Forgot to mention 'You need help' is often used...

If that makes them burn even more then go for it bro :dirol:
I can reply to that one. I would 100% agree that CAA NRC act is discriminatory against Indian Muslims.

I can also confirm that the abrogation of Article 370 is a breach of trust of Kashmiris in India. It dilutes their identity and makes them effectively stateless in their own region. It's a cruel act that deserves condemnation of all Indian liberals. The challenge is, however, many Indian liberals are indoctrinated by Indian government propaganda. Very few in India would dare to question their own government. This is because they fear for their jobs, livelihoods, and the safety of their families. However, Indian liberals who moved overseas or took another country's citizenship, such as Ashok Swain, or myself, have no trouble calling a spade a spade.

To the question of "Act of War", yes the Indian government's attack on Feb 26-27 was an Act of War. But it was more of a PR exercise for Narendra Modi than an actual invasion. It was a propaganda war. But if you want to get technical, it was an act of war.

Re: Article 370 abrogation of Kashmiris, I don't think it was an Act of War against Pakistan. It was certainly a human rights abuse of Kashmiris living within India, but I don't consider it an act of war against Pakistan.
Thanks for your measured response. Duly noted.

We need to combine everything and we have data, historical facts, and how Indians have been operating so far...

Oye Putar Pakistan dae.. Zindabad!!!

I am reposting it here for ONLY Reference to Disect the IndianState NOT about Indians.


O yaar,

Let us see:

Top 1% = 42.5% wealth

Top 10% = 74.3% wealth

Bottom 50% = 2.8% wealth

Total 90% = 25.7% Wealth

Mid. 40% = 22.9% Wealth

Wealth Ratio:

Top 1% to T90% = 1.65 (times)
Top 10% to T90% = 2.89 (times)

Top 1% to B50% = 15.18 (times)
Top 10% to B50% = 26.54 (times)

Top1% to M40% = 1.86 (times)
Top10% to M40% = 3.44 (times)

The Middle section of 40% would need further differentiation to 4 parts to see the spread more accurately...but for now it can stand alone for the purpose of this excercise.

Now roughly 50% population will translate into about 700mln people.

And if the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan are 220mln that would make them 31,4% of the Bottom 50% .... which essentially means that their share of National Wealth would be roughtly 0.089% .

We, also, know that that in governmental jobs ...police, armed forced, judiciary...the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan have an extremely low representation compared to their population size.

Now we can try to understand the Anatomy of Facist Power Architecture in India where Modi is just a Frontman!

The BigBusiness or the Top 10% wants to open up India for Corporate Takeover... LabourLaw Reforms, Land Reforms, Investment Protection and heavy Gov support for the weak/sick Banking/Financial sector @CrazyZ

This in essence is the Game of Facisim in India
... to turn the country into Giant Corporation or at minimum CorporateControlled Enterprise.....

Please, have look at the land of Adiwasi and their protest...and why BigBusiness wishes that to become unprotected!

HowdyModi was a Corporate sponsored event to marry American Capital with the IndianCorporateSector...

The villification of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan serves many a purposes not only to satisfy the HindutvaCrowds or CowBeltLynchers .... but it also creates a SmokeScreen ....since, given the absolute poverty of the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan as collective ...the fightback is not possible apart from sit-in and some Awaisi distraction jalsaz.

Sarkari Muslims are in the pocket of the IndianState...have been for 90years or more... so they will toe the line...whatever it might be.

In short the Top10% wants to implement AmericanModel in India and it needs laws to facilitate such a transition... with full backing of the AmericanCapital. That is the reason of IndiaPhraandship!

As a bonus Containment of China can be dreamed up as well
... keeping everyone happy on the fresh juice of India is a SuperPower mantra....

However, we must also need to understand that Hindutva/RSS is also a CriminalEnterprise under the Saffron robes... just see Bombay and how there Saffron wearing Godfathers have become hyper rich... Nationalism always sell...and when you have a group who owns 0.089% of the National Wealth ... it then becomes easy to manipulate.

Given also that the 70% of the population of India is not that clever or educated...hence, Emotions sell... this is what Hindutva is constantly doing keeping the Pot Hot...while the BigBusiness does his ClassAct.

The Reaction to CCA by the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan and coverage by the Intl. Media gave the FacistEnterprise a pause. But it won't stop!

Modi has to deliver on things for which BigBusiness spent billions to get him majority!

He has also to change the structure of state function from within to make it more BigBusiness compliant... Orangification has many facets.

We can, certainly, not rule out that the deep desire of HinduRashtra of the top 50% of the population..where they have 100s of millions of lower 50% to do the actual work in the Killing Fields of India.

With verified data modelling becomes easier....

India will remain on the trajectory of Hindutva or Orangification for the coming period.

Because so many intertiwing interests are giving it moment/energy....and all the Stakeholders in this FacistEnterprise are to benefit from the success of Hindutva.

They have limitless Money and Complete Power over legislation and StateApparatus.

A classic case of Facism....but IndianStyle!

The US wishes to take the mutual trade between Indian and America to $500Bln annually... with Indian10% fully pushing for it... but Modi needs to deliver on massive legislation and face the music domesticaly...so he is for now cold feet!

GCC being an important component of the CombinedWest led by the US is also onboard to 'Open up India' for investments and all.... and this is the Core of Phraandship! Business Interests. Nothing more nothing less.

In a nutshell the Top10% of IndianWealthHolders want that India become component of the CombinedWest and are pushing for it... this is also seen in India's growing hostility towards China... Concerts of Democracies and all that jazz!

Modi has to manage uniions, communists, Adiwasiz, Muslims, socialists and farmers..... tall order!

For that Modi might be compelled to create a BigDistraction or two... here in we, Pakistan, must remain alive to all possibilities.

@Ace of Spades if you recall you were saying a single huge market...and yours truly propositioned... a single huge colony.... Data. Data. Data.


There are many studies done regarding the poverty among Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan ...which show systematic discrimination and muslims being one of the lowest per capita income group... some studies done by Indian Gov itself... @xeuss

Oye Putar Pakistan dae.. Zindabad!!!

I am reposting it here for ONLY Reference to Disect the IndianState NOT about Indians.


O yaar,

Let us see:

Top 1% = 42.5% wealth

Top 10% = 74.3% wealth

Bottom 50% = 2.8% wealth

Total 90% = 25.7% Wealth

Mid. 40% = 22.9% Wealth

Wealth Ratio:

Top 1% to T90% = 1.65 (times)
Top 10% to T90% = 2.89 (times)

Top 1% to B50% = 15.18 (times)
Top 10% to B50% = 26.54 (times)

Top1% to M40% = 1.86 (times)
Top10% to M40% = 3.44 (times)

The Middle section of 40% would need further differentiation to 4 parts to see the spread more accurately...but for now it can stand alone for the purpose of this excercise.

Now roughly 50% population will translate into about 700mln people.

And if the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan are 220mln that would make them 31,4% of the Bottom 50% .... which essentially means that their share of National Wealth would be roughtly 0.089% .

We, also, know that that in governmental jobs ...police, armed forced, judiciary...the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan have an extremely low representation compared to their population size.

Now we can try to understand the Anatomy of Facist Power Architecture in India where Modi is just a Frontman!

The BigBusiness or the Top 10% wants to open up India for Corporate Takeover... LabourLaw Reforms, Land Reforms, Investment Protection and heavy Gov support for the weak/sick Banking/Financial sector @CrazyZ

This in essence is the Game of Facisim in India
... to turn the country into Giant Corporation or at minimum CorporateControlled Enterprise.....

Please, have look at the land of Adiwasi and their protest...and why BigBusiness wishes that to become unprotected!

HowdyModi was a Corporate sponsored event to marry American Capital with the IndianCorporateSector...

The villification of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan serves many a purposes not only to satisfy the HindutvaCrowds or CowBeltLynchers .... but it also creates a SmokeScreen ....since, given the absolute poverty of the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan as collective ...the fightback is not possible apart from sit-in and some Awaisi distraction jalsaz.

Sarkari Muslims are in the pocket of the IndianState...have been for 90years or more... so they will toe the line...whatever it might be.

In short the Top10% wants to implement AmericanModel in India and it needs laws to facilitate such a transition... with full backing of the AmericanCapital. That is the reason of IndiaPhraandship!

As a bonus Containment of China can be dreamed up as well
... keeping everyone happy on the fresh juice of India is a SuperPower mantra....

However, we must also need to understand that Hindutva/RSS is also a CriminalEnterprise under the Saffron robes... just see Bombay and how there Saffron wearing Godfathers have become hyper rich... Nationalism always sell...and when you have a group who owns 0.089% of the National Wealth ... it then becomes easy to manipulate.

Given also that the 70% of the population of India is not that clever or educated...hence, Emotions sell... this is what Hindutva is constantly doing keeping the Pot Hot...while the BigBusiness does his ClassAct.

The Reaction to CCA by the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan and coverage by the Intl. Media gave the FacistEnterprise a pause. But it won't stop!

Modi has to deliver on things for which BigBusiness spent billions to get him majority!

He has also to change the structure of state function from within to make it more BigBusiness compliant... Orangification has many facets.

We can, certainly, not rule out that the deep desire of HinduRashtra of the top 50% of the population..where they have 100s of millions of lower 50% to do the actual work in the Killing Fields of India.

With verified data modelling becomes easier....

India will remain on the trajectory of Hindutva or Orangification for the coming period.

Because so many intertiwing interests are giving it moment/energy....and all the Stakeholders in this FacistEnterprise are to benefit from the success of Hindutva.

They have limitless Money and Complete Power over legislation and StateApparatus.

A classic case of Facism....but IndianStyle!

The US wishes to take the mutual trade between Indian and America to $500Bln annually... with Indian10% fully pushing for it... but Modi needs to deliver on massive legislation and face the music domesticaly...so he is for now cold feet!

GCC being an important component of the CombinedWest led by the US is also onboard to 'Open up India' for investments and all.... and this is the Core of Phraandship! Business Interests. Nothing more nothing less.

In a nutshell the Top10% of IndianWealthHolders want that India become component of the CombinedWest and are pushing for it... this is also seen in India's growing hostility towards China... Concerts of Democracies and all that jazz!

Modi has to manage uniions, communists, Adiwasiz, Muslims, socialists and farmers..... tall order!

For that Modi might be compelled to create a BigDistraction or two... here in we, Pakistan, must remain alive to all possibilities.

@Ace of Spades if you recall you were saying a single huge market...and yours truly propositioned... a single huge colony.... Data. Data. Data.


There are many studies done regarding the poverty among Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan ...which show systematic discrimination and muslims being one of the lowest per capita income group... some studies done by Indian Gov itself... @xeuss

Where is your Schindler's list of Indian Nazis?
NOT happening. The extreme hatred between Pakistanis and indians will ensure the above NEVER happens.

But it has already happened, did you not read. It was established in 1985. there are various reasons why it has not moved forward, they are all internal to ourselves.

The member countries are
Pakistan, Turkey, and Iran (location of Securitate, that already exists)

Joined I think in 1992
Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan.

That is Central Asian, Afghan, Persian, Turkic and the Indus cultures that are our historical linkage you keep shouting about, and the first thing you can do is shoot it down.

How about something constructive.
But it has already happened, did you not read. It was established in 1985. there are various reasons why it has not moved forward, they are all internal to ourselves.

The member countries are
Pakistan, Turkey, and Iran (location of Securitate, that already exists)

Joined I think in 1992
Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan.

That is Central Asian, Afghan, Persian, Turkic and the Indus cultures that are our historical linkage you keep shouting about, and the first thing you can do is shoot it down.

How about something constructive.

Sorry my bad. I thought you meant creating an organisation that included india. I misunderstood. I love all the above nations and their people. Apologies.
Oye Putar Pakistan dae.. Zindabad!!!

I am reposting it here for ONLY Reference to Disect the IndianState NOT about Indians.


O yaar,

Let us see:

Top 1% = 42.5% wealth

Top 10% = 74.3% wealth

Bottom 50% = 2.8% wealth

Total 90% = 25.7% Wealth

Mid. 40% = 22.9% Wealth

Wealth Ratio:

Top 1% to T90% = 1.65 (times)
Top 10% to T90% = 2.89 (times)

Top 1% to B50% = 15.18 (times)
Top 10% to B50% = 26.54 (times)

Top1% to M40% = 1.86 (times)
Top10% to M40% = 3.44 (times)

The Middle section of 40% would need further differentiation to 4 parts to see the spread more accurately...but for now it can stand alone for the purpose of this excercise.

Now roughly 50% population will translate into about 700mln people.

And if the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan are 220mln that would make them 31,4% of the Bottom 50% .... which essentially means that their share of National Wealth would be roughtly 0.089% .

We, also, know that that in governmental jobs ...police, armed forced, judiciary...the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan have an extremely low representation compared to their population size.

Now we can try to understand the Anatomy of Facist Power Architecture in India where Modi is just a Frontman!

The BigBusiness or the Top 10% wants to open up India for Corporate Takeover... LabourLaw Reforms, Land Reforms, Investment Protection and heavy Gov support for the weak/sick Banking/Financial sector @CrazyZ

This in essence is the Game of Facisim in India
... to turn the country into Giant Corporation or at minimum CorporateControlled Enterprise.....

Please, have look at the land of Adiwasi and their protest...and why BigBusiness wishes that to become unprotected!

HowdyModi was a Corporate sponsored event to marry American Capital with the IndianCorporateSector...

The villification of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan serves many a purposes not only to satisfy the HindutvaCrowds or CowBeltLynchers .... but it also creates a SmokeScreen ....since, given the absolute poverty of the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan as collective ...the fightback is not possible apart from sit-in and some Awaisi distraction jalsaz.

Sarkari Muslims are in the pocket of the IndianState...have been for 90years or more... so they will toe the line...whatever it might be.

In short the Top10% wants to implement AmericanModel in India and it needs laws to facilitate such a transition... with full backing of the AmericanCapital. That is the reason of IndiaPhraandship!

As a bonus Containment of China can be dreamed up as well
... keeping everyone happy on the fresh juice of India is a SuperPower mantra....

However, we must also need to understand that Hindutva/RSS is also a CriminalEnterprise under the Saffron robes... just see Bombay and how there Saffron wearing Godfathers have become hyper rich... Nationalism always sell...and when you have a group who owns 0.089% of the National Wealth ... it then becomes easy to manipulate.

Given also that the 70% of the population of India is not that clever or educated...hence, Emotions sell... this is what Hindutva is constantly doing keeping the Pot Hot...while the BigBusiness does his ClassAct.

The Reaction to CCA by the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan and coverage by the Intl. Media gave the FacistEnterprise a pause. But it won't stop!

Modi has to deliver on things for which BigBusiness spent billions to get him majority!

He has also to change the structure of state function from within to make it more BigBusiness compliant... Orangification has many facets.

We can, certainly, not rule out that the deep desire of HinduRashtra of the top 50% of the population..where they have 100s of millions of lower 50% to do the actual work in the Killing Fields of India.

With verified data modelling becomes easier....

India will remain on the trajectory of Hindutva or Orangification for the coming period.

Because so many intertiwing interests are giving it moment/energy....and all the Stakeholders in this FacistEnterprise are to benefit from the success of Hindutva.

They have limitless Money and Complete Power over legislation and StateApparatus.

A classic case of Facism....but IndianStyle!

The US wishes to take the mutual trade between Indian and America to $500Bln annually... with Indian10% fully pushing for it... but Modi needs to deliver on massive legislation and face the music domesticaly...so he is for now cold feet!

GCC being an important component of the CombinedWest led by the US is also onboard to 'Open up India' for investments and all.... and this is the Core of Phraandship! Business Interests. Nothing more nothing less.

In a nutshell the Top10% of IndianWealthHolders want that India become component of the CombinedWest and are pushing for it... this is also seen in India's growing hostility towards China... Concerts of Democracies and all that jazz!

Modi has to manage uniions, communists, Adiwasiz, Muslims, socialists and farmers..... tall order!

For that Modi might be compelled to create a BigDistraction or two... here in we, Pakistan, must remain alive to all possibilities.

@Ace of Spades if you recall you were saying a single huge market...and yours truly propositioned... a single huge colony.... Data. Data. Data.


There are many studies done regarding the poverty among Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan ...which show systematic discrimination and muslims being one of the lowest per capita income group... some studies done by Indian Gov itself... @xeuss
I like the angles of approach you're considering. It is crucial to discredit the ideologies and demagoguery itself. The above figures attest to the grim reality of Indian elitism. Indian Muslims - at least the ones who take pride in their unique history and their contributions to the subcontinent - are forced to be part of the "dalitised" community in a sense, fearful for their lives to the point that they can hardly think about financial betterment.

Now, the PROBLEM with your approach is that the unique history of Hinduism, hindutva and the Indian nation state is focused around the caste concept - in short, a WILLING subclass, who are happy to serve their masters for eternity. Muslims, Christians and other non-Hindus have been sucked into this vortex of misery, which sustains a Brahmin elite at all costs.

Now in a normal democracy based on plurality of opinion and opportunity for all, people would be revulsed by your figures and take immediate corrective action but in India, it's not going to happen.

In a way, hindutva coalesces nicely with western pathologic-type-capitalism (I.e. where extreme and self-serving manipulations only make the rich richer and the poor poorer).

Now this coalesces again with the inclination towards chanakiya as a legitimate political tool.

The perfect capitalist dictator's mix follows, of: religious caste system (with happily subservient drones erecting temples to their overlords), liberal usage of chanakiya and deception against one's own population and others, and finally hindutva to hold it together and create a false historical identity to "fight for" against Muslims, mughals, Pakistanis and Chinese.

All arms of this beast need to be targeted simultaneously. Indians themselves, despite the fact that many very smart and considerate individuals do exist there, cannot collectively overthrow such an ideology for the reasons mentioned.

First and foremost, we have a responsibility to ourselves and to the entire subcontinent to record history correctly. We must push back against "Indiafication" of south Asian history. The "out of India" theory, the presumptive ownership of Hinduism and Buddhism and Sikhism by the nation state of India, the very labelling of an immensely diverse and multipolar history as "uniformly Indian" are all manifestations of this damaging machination. Pakistanis are best placed to push back. The sooner the rest of the world understand that India was born in 1947, and not a minute earlier, the sooner we can start to reclaim our history and make a start on this project.


I'm absolutely serious about the above. It's high time we realised whom we are. This much can be done without waiting for financial ratings or UN resolutions or military assistance from China.

@Indus Pakistan understands this. Hence our Indian friends often speak towards him with derision. My general rule of thumb around these parts is: the more the Indians try to mock you, the more good you're probably doing for Pakistan.

I hope this tirade helps with your ongoing project. Always at yours and Pakistan's service.
Last edited:
How about something constructive.

There are multiple threads by progressive ideologies like balkanising India for human development in the region.

I don't see pro trade people talk about that. Everyone wants endless stream of slave labor and exploitation of the masses.
. .
Always at yours

Who will highlight the Islamophobic aspects of Indian society with deep historical connection culminating the polity of Kashmir?

The Indian Union employs tactics of divide and rule plying on religious and ethnic sentiments of the masses. This ensures anarchy and chaos in neighbouring countries.

Who will highlight this aspect of colonial mindset?

Just because now the Pakistani merchants see the trade potential in India does not override the existential threat it faces from the East.

Pakistan should not only look East but sternly as well.
I like the angles of approach you're considering. It is crucial to discredit the ideologies and demagoguery itself. The above figures attest to the grim reality of Indian elitism. Indian Muslims - at least the ones who take pride in their unique history and their contributions to the subcontinent - are forced to be part of the "dalitised" community in a sense, fearful for their lives to the point that they can hardly think about financial betterment.

Now, the PROBLEM with your approach is that the unique history of Hinduism, hindutva and the Indian nation state is focused around the caste concept - in short, a WILLING subclass, who are happy to serve their masters for eternity. Muslims, Christians and other non-Hindus have been sucked into this vortex of misery, which sustains a Brahmin elite at all costs.

Now in a normal democracy based on plurality of opinion and opportunity for all, people would be revulsed by your figures and take immediate corrective action but in India, it's not going to happen.

In a way, hindutva coalesces nicely with western pathologic-type-capitalism (I.e. where extreme and self-serving manipulations only make the rich richer and the poor poorer).

Now this coalesces again with the inclination towards chanakiya as a legitimate political tool.

The perfect capitalist dictator's mix follows, of: religious caste system (with happily subservient drones erecting temples to their overlords), liberal usage of chanakiya and deception against one's own population and others, and finally hindutva to hold it together and create a false historical identity to "fight for" against Muslims, mughals, Pakistanis and Chinese.

All arms of this beast need to be targeted simultaneously. Indians themselves, despite the fact that many very smart and considerate individuals do exist there, cannot collectively overthrow such an ideology for the reasons mentioned.

First and foremost, we have a responsibility to ourselves and to the entire subcontinent to record history correctly. We must push back against "Indiafication" of south Asian history. The "out of India" theory, the presumptive ownership of Hinduism and Buddhism and Sikhism by the nation state of India, the very labelled of an immensely diverse and multipolar history as "uniformly Indian" are all manifestations of this damaging machination. Pakistanis are best placed to push back. The sooner the rest of the world understand that India was born in 1947, and not a minute earlier, the sooner we can start to reclaim our history and make a start on this project.

I'm absolutely serious about the above. It's high time we realised whom we are. This much can be done without waiting for financial ratings or UN resolutions or military assistance from China.

@Indus Pakistan understands this. Hence our Indian friends often speak towards him with derision. My general rule of thumb around these parts is: the more the Indians try to mock you, the more good you're probably doing for Pakistan.

I hope this tirade helps with your ongoing project. Always at yours and Pakistan's service.

YoungPakBrother mine,

You analysis is valid. I fail to disagree with you.

You have correctly identified PakPositivism in needed for Push-Back against the Daylight Robbery of PakHeritage... from Islamic rule of Hindustan to OurAncient n Living Heritage.

Just like your initial psychoanalysis of the good Indians this one is in the same vein and correct.

My only attempt is to Separate Indianness from IndianState ... I am fully aware of the Paradox in what I am attempting... however, Managing Paradoxs pushes us upwards..

The End Game and then Retro-engineering Our PakResponse to not only Counter it but Neutralise it.

The ONLY Society in HumanHistory that has classified Humanity to the level of Sub-human is still living next door. Amazing isn't it?

What if I say that by Clinical Dissection of the IndianEndGame we will not only find CounterStrategy but infact the Very Building Blocks of the Facist/Imperial/Expansionist State?

Perhaps, the Scope is wider...

Come now... give this person a strong push back!!!

But I absolutely hate this coterie of three witches representing darkness, chaos, and conflict. All of them are continuously haunting us in every single thread, and even try to prevent us from constructively engage with our own members. We all know their names and I don't have to spell it out. Despite their senior member and elite statuses, they are no better than the common stock trolls. All of them have this ridiculous notion that "all Indian posters hate Pakistanis" and "all Hindus hate Muslims".

I am being made to feel very unwelcome here as a result of the confusion and disorder everyday. A few destructive minds (from the Pakistan side, and a few from Indian site) are just here to spread anarchy.

This is really for the site admins and mod's, you really need to put a leash on these destruction agents of all nationalities. Who are they to tell us what to write in which thread?

Let me sum up their contribution (after 260 posts!):

"We should get data to back up our views."

Those of us who are ill-read and confuse this with Ready, Shoot, Aim.... are in very good company.

By the way, the primary grievance is NOT India. You need to look at previous posts; the primary grievance has been clearly and explicitly mentioned!

Poor things.
I totally agree with this part. They have only one image of a Pakistani which is a Pakistani must be like HAFIZ SAEED and the very reason is because its planted in their head. Its unimaginable for them to think that a Pakistani can be more successful then them and if they can't beat you or they look at you with admiration then they will say " We are same people or use to be same country". And my response always is with asshole attitude " No we are not absolutely not".

Indians, when talking to a Pakistani guy:
"All Pakistan are terrorist!! All Pakistan are terrorist!! All Pakistan are terrorist!!"

Indians, when talking to a Pakistani girl:
"We are the same people!! We are the same people!! We are the same people!!"

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