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Pakistan's top ten Enemies.

If there is no solution for it after trying all the medication, I think we need to be left to suffer for a long time, maybe centuries, perhaps this suffering make us think deeply to bring changes in ourselves and socieites. Things will change and evolve over time.

That work can be done in 10 years Ahmad , i am not disappointed with Pakistanis.

We just need to make them aware and eventually we will get rid of all of that and Rise as one of the most greatest nations of the world as Quaid wanted.

yes, and where is western and bharati infested media, which is weakening our society as well??, this uncontrolled media, and as far as the religious intolerance goes, its all due to lack of knowledge abt the religion, what musharraf did was to remove surat toba from our islamiyat course books, so, lack of knowledge and literacy gives rise to religious intolerance..
That work can be done in 10 years Ahmad , i am not disappointed with Pakistanis.

We just need to make them aware and eventually we will get rid of all of that and Rise as one of the most greatest nations of the world as Quaid wanted.


Maybe with Pakistan, but my post was about all the third world countries, including the backward ones like Afghanistan etc. Trust me sometimes you need to leave things to get corrected by itself if nothing works for it.
yes, and where is western and bharati infested media, which is weakening our society as well??, this uncontrolled media, and as far as the religious intolerance goes, its all due to lack of knowledge abt the religion, what musharraf did was to remove surat toba from our islamiyat course books, so, lack of knowledge and literacy gives rise to religious intolerance..

So, if surat Toba was in the text books, things were absolutely fine?
My Grandfather was an academic from 1943 to early 1980's and he had a lot of people in is network including ministers at times and stuff like that.

once he called me years ago , i was 13-14 years old and he told me something that he said that i would never forget.

It was about the mentality of our politicians.

We have a university in Pakistan which is one of the largest in Asia & one of its campuses was supposed to be built in our area which was an undeveloped one.

My grand father spoken to one of the ministers at that time and urged him to get this process through and make it happen but he was socked what the minister replied.

He replied "If these people (Pakistanis) got educated then you tell me sir who is going to prepare my Huqqa ?"

He himself was a Cambridge university graduate , it depressed my Grandfather so much that he never forgot it and he took up the role of education people as much as he could and he ended up serving for 46 years as an academic. He helped 100s of young folks get educated and join army that they could become Independent at least and bring new ideas. He advised me to keep it mind and get better education and educate others which i am doing:D

Sir, I am sure your grandfather is a great person. These are the men who are saints of modern era. We need thousands of them in sub-continent.
No short term solution.

In my view every abrupt change is harmful and short lived.

even a positive abrupt change is always bloody and chaotic as some people are suggesting for Pakistan currently.

I say gradual catharsis by people/public itself is biggest catalyst for long term change
So, if surat Toba was in the text books, things were absolutely fine?

u didnt read my comment carefully did u, i said illeteracy or lack of education gives rise to intolerance and bad things in a society.

v should give adequate knowledge of religion to our children which eliminates intolerance and bad stuff.

removing a surat from a course book was not good or was it in your opinion???
removing a surat from a course book was not good or was it in your opinion???

No need for sorat Toba to be everywhere in the text books. There should be only one islamic subject in school once a week for 1/2 an hour. Only Madrasas should be allowed to teach religious stuff under strict control of the gov, the aim of these madrasas should be to produce sane islamic scholars rather than producing unlimited number of crazy and blood thirsty mullahs, we guys have to learn a thing or two from turkey, no any personal madrasah should be allowed. I am hugely in favour of secularism(before i strongly condemned it and wanted religious type gov), but i am sure there will be alot of people in here to attack me over this.
yes, and where is western and bharati infested media, which is weakening our society as well??, this uncontrolled media, and as far as the religious intolerance goes, its all due to lack of knowledge abt the religion, what musharraf did was to remove surat toba from our islamiyat course books, so, lack of knowledge and literacy gives rise to religious intolerance..

Churches, mosques, mandirs, etc. are for religion schools are for education. If you mix both of them neither you are properly educated nor you become an expert in religion. A child it to young to make their own decisions especially at the age at which they start at school. Every child in our country should have the right to a good education, which is not changed by the religion of the school. Most of our best schools are run by Christian missionaries.
Guys... Do let me know if you got my message... I cant find them in my "sent" folder...

Our problems are many... but as I said... we need to keep our hopes up and strive for better times... As Ganguly says these are not just problems of Pakistan but almost the whole world is now facing the brunt of failed economic/social and political systems... One step at a time and we need to keep researching and discussing...

No need for sorat Toba to be everywhere in the text books. There should be only one islamic subject in school once a week for 1/2 an hour. Only Madrasas should be allowed to teach religious stuff under strict control of the gov, the aim of these madrasas should be to produce sane islamic scholars rather than producing unlimited number of crazy and blood thirsty mullahs, we guys have to learn a thing or two from turkey, no any personal madrasah should be allowed. I am hugely in favour of secularism(before i strongly condemned it and wanted religious type gov), but i am sure there will be alot of people in here to attack me over this.

why we dont need to educate muslim pakistanis about there religion???

lack of religious understanding gives rise to extremism dont u think??? people are misguided and we say they dont follow quran and its teachings, so its the misconcieved message and is because we dont understand quran in the first place, as many ppl here blame the extremism the misunderstanding of islam.. maybe afghanistan problem can also be solved in the first place

i didnt ask u what should be done!!, kapish??

dont we muslims have obligation to understand our religion in the first place friend??
Black Blood... I could give you a link but dont think it will be allowed to be posted on this forum... maybe a private message would allow a link...

There are solutions... and soon they will be implemented too... Change is in the air... trust me...


send me the link too

me three :)

P.S i thought it would be a list of countries

Guys... Do let me know if you got my message... I cant find them in my "sent" folder...


No i didnt get it :(
Churches, mosques, mandirs, etc. are for religion schools are for education. If you mix both of them neither you are properly educated nor you become an expert in religion. A child it to young to make their own decisions especially at the age at which they start at school. Every child in our country should have the right to a good education, which is not changed by the religion of the school. Most of our best schools are run by Christian missionaries.

in india ur hindus consider the religion not very important, but here muslims in pakistan take their religion very seriously. muslims treat religion very different then many other religious communities, so the priorities are different to them as compared to us..

an example is muslims strictly follow the prayer times, its obligatory to them to offer prayers 5 times a day, last i talked to a hindu scholar who said that its entirely upto a hindu to go to mandir any time in his life, prayers r not fixed and like obligatory, so its very different how muslims treat their religion. its v imp to know that.
why we dont need to educate muslim pakistanis about there religion???

lack of religious understanding gives rise to extremism dont u think???

i didnt ask u what should be done!!, kapish??

I didnt say we dont need the education, i said it must be taught in specific places under the strict control of gov. As per normal schools, half an hour a week of religious education is enough to teach you the basics. we had it in afghanistan 4 decades ago and things were perfectly normal, now we have got plenty of islamic subjects and see what we are getting, when i was at school god knows how many religious subjects we used to study, primary school text books during the muahideen and taliban time were full of hatred, how to fight, klashenkov, jihad, enemy etc, i think they have been removed from the books now. what is kapish?
I didnt say we dont need the education, i said it must be taught in specific places under the strict control of gov. As per normal schools, half an hour a week of religious education is enough to teach you the basics. we had it in afghanistan 4 decades ago and things were perfectly normal, now we have got plenty of islamic subjects and see what we are getting, when i was at school god knows how many religious subjects we used to study, primary school text books during the muahideen and taliban time were full of hatred, how to fight, klashenkov, jihad, enemy etc, i think they have been removed from the books now. what is kapish?

As per normal schools, half an hour a week of religious education is enough to teach you the basics.

basic is to understand the quran, quran is islam, look we say many times that islam is misunderstood by extremists..

now we have got plenty of islamic subjects and see what we are getting

so u mean that islam is making people extremists and terrorists??

primary school text books during the muahideen and taliban time were full of hatred, how to fight, klashenkov, jihad, enemy etc, i think they have been removed from the books now.

i dont understand exactly, what the talibans and mujahideen were teaching in the primary school, thats all i am saying is if we clearify the message the holy text gives us and which is not hatred and extremism, then only will the muslims understand the true meaning, or they will have to listen to the propaganda stuff and be brain washed??

in pakistan islamiyat is compulsary upto the intermediate where the educated pakistan dont take extremism like the people in madrassahs do, therer they learn the texts by heart but never get to understand the true message for quran..
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