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Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

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^Why would the west do the propaganda exactly? To open the NATO routes? You guys are amazing.

I am saying if this figure would have been true and not just a mere hype west would have done something on ground on this issue. Which they didn't. The reason is obvious. The 14000 figure is a fake. News itself says that even the Baloch nationalists put the figure at 5000-7000 maximum.

---------- Post added at 03:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:01 PM ----------

So in a nutshell, you seem to agree that Balochistan is being held captive and will not be freed :azn:

It is a part of Pakistan just like any other province and whether any body like it or not, would stay the same. This is the nutshell.
You can draw any conclusion from it. I can say the same "wont be freed" for other three provinces also. It is going to be a province and part of Pakistan even if Indian fanboys on Internet don't like it.

With all due respect sir, I don't want to comment as its your internal matter.

having said that I would like to recall your Qaide-e-Azam words. After Independence Sardar patel (indian Home minister) advocated strong center with states. none of the States was given special favor (except J&K). Where as Mr Jinna asked to merge Baloch,FATA, NWFP and others based of religion. And Pakistan was made as federal state with many state within (Like USA).

When Bhutto came he changed his mind and took all power from provinces and try to made a strong center with weak provinces. This cost him bangladesh.

This is the time when Balochi and FATAians felt betrayal by pakistan. If Pakistan govt start giving more power to provinces (As it was for first 3-4 decades), All problem will be solved.
Hyped and propaganda. Yeah if you want to screw your Mother that is India go for the freedom of Balochistan. Balochistan won't be freed yeah India would be freed out of it's misery.

I agree. Pakistan would rather nuke those countries helping the insurgency then see an "independent" balochistan bharati dream. Bharati dream will never come true. Most of Pakistan is covered by Balochistan and the entire Balochistan province doesn't even have half the population of Lahore.
That was true for East Pakistan too..

And Baluchistan isn't East pakistan. For all the reasosn. Whether geographically or demographically or whatever.

But you need to understand the reasons behind these people becoming terrorists. And I am sure all of these 14000+ people killed by Pakistani army were not terrorists.

14000+ were never disappeared. I have already made it clear that the figure is a fake. Even the news itself says that Baloch nationalists claim that missing people are around 5000-7000 maximum(even this is an exaggeration). Even if we believe in Baloch nationalists statistics this number proves to be a fake.

---------- Post added at 03:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:30 PM ----------

Are you seriously talking about nuking your own province ? No wonder Balochistan is not happy to stay within Pakistan. When a country talk of nuking its own fellow citizens (remember that nuclear bombs do not distinguish between militants and innocent citizens), then that country is surely not a place to be in.

He is saying Pakistan is going to nuke that country who will cross the red line of so called moral support. Are you that weak in English.:)
That was true for East Pakistan too..

bharati obsessed about East Pakistan. Let me remind of you the situations in East Pakistan in 1970-1971.

1. East Pakistan's entire population was more than the entire West Pakistan (present day Pakistan) put together. Balochistan's population is less than the population of one town in Punjab, and northern half of Balochistan is not Baloch majority.

2. Pakistan rigged the elections which caused the bengali uprising so Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto can be Prime Minister. Balochistan's BNP chairperson is the present chief minister of Balochistan and never spoke against Pakistan.

3. East Pakistan was surrounded by arch rival india on all 4 sides and no where near West Pakistan. Balochistan is attached to all other provinces of Pakistan.

4. Bengali ethnic group is one. Baloch are tribal people. Baloch have more than 50 tribes and only 1-2 tribes have separatists. Most Baloch tribes were always supportive of Pakistan and always will.

5. Pakhtuns are now the largest ethnic group of Balochistan. Would they ever want an independent Balochistan country separated from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and rest of Pakistan? :no:

So keep dreaming about another 1971 bharatis. It will never come true.
I agree. Pakistan would rather nuke those countries helping the insurgency then see an "independent" balochistan bharati dream. Bharati dream will never come true. Most of Pakistan is covered by Balochistan and the entire Balochistan province doesn't even have half the population of Lahore.

That hardly matters, We have seen in history that country can be created in weeks. If USA and Russia wants, they can play the game.. its pretty easy.

I am just giving an example, a worst case scenario which may or may not happen. Afghanistan take control of herself and Iran become secular, Iranian Islamic govt thrown out of regime. Paksitan start doing the same what they did in BD. Iran and Afgan will attack Pakistan and balochistan declare its independence.USA and Russia will approve it. A new country may born..

So saying it impossible is not good. Yes it is highly non-probable.
That is true.. But that really doesnt prove a thing dear...

Yeah it does dear. You just need to be mature and grown up enough to realize it.

And why would one believe you over a news paper ??

Because newspaper is contradicting itself. When Baloch nationalists themselves put the figure between 5000-7000 then the 14000 figure goes down the drain.

He said what is quoted in my post.. He probably changed it after writing it, but unfortunately i had quoted him before he made his edits.. And you need to learn to spell reasons correctly before commenting on some one else's English capability

And it may be you who edited and quoted his posts in that manner. Who believes a new Bharati troll anyways. I agree with his edited post by the way.
Let the Indians have their moment of madness, there are a few vested interests who are desperate to keep a hold on their tribes hence the cookie jar. Now since the security forces have established the writ of the authority and have proceeded with the development of Baluchistan, the locals have realised this and are breaking the shackles of submission to these chieftains, hence these tribal elders and their clans are running helter skelter in a vain effort to disrupt the progress. Suffice to say, they represent nothing more than a dying breed.

I know it is less probable, but not impossible... you don't know what will happen in next 2 decades. Iran was with USA once, so does Afghanistan, who knows it may happen again

No country is as obsessed about Pakistan as india is thats why you bharatis didn't let an opportunity like 1971 go by.

That's why its in Pakistan's interests to have Afghan Taliban come back to power in Afghanistan so they'll kick indians out of their country.

As long as indians are in Afghanistan, we will continue our operations in balochistan.
The missing people should be produced in court and their trials should be made public if they have done anything ... they should be punished legally!

Yesterday a man whose 3 sons had been taken frm his village (turbat) came to my fathers office..... man tht was sad.... he says tht if they had done somethin bad they should be prouduced in court for a trial.
The missing people should be produced in court and their trials should be made public if they have done anything ... they should be punished legally!

Yesterday a man whose 3 sons had been taken frm his village (turbat) came to my fathers office..... man tht was sad.... he says tht if they had done somethin bad they should be prouduced in court for a trial.
Sir, this should be the normal modus operandi of government.This is the democratic way. Punishment ONLY iff found guilty by the court.
The ethical cleaning which is snowballing with time is severely affecting the morale of poor people who are otherwise very rich in natural resources.
Sir, this should be the normal modus operandi on government.This is the democratic way. Punishment ONLY iff found guilty by the court.
The ethical cleaning which is snowballing with time is severely affecting the morale of poor people who are otherwise very rich in natural resources.

If they want to kill people...they should kill the bla leadership...break its back instead of disappearing people without trial!

ISI should work sanely... this isnt helping rather creating more issues!....... they should reconcile with the men living in the mountains or kill the leadership break its back!
Guys you don't have to open a new thread on Baluchistan every day. A sticky thread exists in national and political issues section, please post every thing there.

You do what ever you want to do in balochistan, We left Balochistan in 1997-98 (When I K Gujral terminate all RAW activities in Pakistan). We don't bother whether you kill Balochies or love them..

on the contrary, actually. It appears you guys have picked up your activities in Blochistan ten folds. And many of your countrymen here are boasting about it and encouraging it.
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