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Pakistan's plan to Tackle Crono Virus


Sep 8, 2009
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Not much to report for the time being

  • China is building massive 10,000 people hospital
  • USA /Chinese labs are testing for cure
  • All major world airports have fever detection devices
  • Massive push for masks and other disinfectants in all Public Stations , Airports
  • Exclusion zones for Suspected cases
  • Folks are being reported coming in and settling in Big city claiming they are virus-free (when new reports indicate the effects of virus may occur after a full 2 week undetected period)
  • Just saw a report of some guy came and is sitting around in Liyari why is he not in exclusion zone for test for virus for 2 week

If anything enters Pakistan it will 99% come from UAE airport side
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Pakistan is importing (as usual) detection kits from Japan, Germany and Usa. They still need to declare Qurantine area and build hospital and other facilities. They dont even have a lab for this purpose
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Wear masks in crowds its smoggy anyways. Besides that nothing much we can do. It seems less serious than dange virus.

Isolation hospitals are hard to make we even struggle with regular hospitals :o:
Pakistani student of Lyari returns from Coronavirus epicentre Wuhan
Web Desk On Jan 30, 2020

KARACHI: A Pakistani student from Lyari area of Karachi has returned from Wuhan in China amid raging Coronavirus outbreak, ARY News reported on Thursday.

Arsalan Amin has recently reached Karachi from China, he was enrolled at a university in Wuhan, the city most affected by the Coronavirus outbreak.

It is to be mentioned here that around 30,000 Pakistani students, enrolled at various Chinese academic institutions, are currently present in China.

Amin, talking to media has said that he had quit the city before it was sealed by the authorities. He reached Shanghai from Wuhan on January 22 and later to Dubai and returned back to Karachi, Arsalan Amin said.

“People are frightened from the outbreak in China and 559 Pakistani students have been stranded in Wuhan province, ” the student said
So he broke the protocol by islam .. i hope he and others are safe and virus free cuz they can be cause if huge distress for their own families.

If Chinese immigration let him board a plane after looking at his visa for wuhan city university then chinese immigration staff at airports are out of the loop or ignorant
If this person was carrying an inactive, virus, or dormant he still needs to be in seclusion for 2 weeks to ensure he does not contaminate 100 people

I could not believe the first time I read the news , some dude just came in from hot zone escaped the close down , and now sitting in the Most congested city of Pakistan Karachi and people are discussing about kits

We are clueless in Medical / Bio epidemic control

The main spreader of virus are the people who "THINK" they are clean but after 2 weeks they get sick by that time 100 to 500 people were contaminated by them during the 2 weeks they were walking around touching stuff , coughing or sneezing
Pakistani student of Lyari returns from Coronavirus epicentre Wuhan
Web Desk On Jan 30, 2020

KARACHI: A Pakistani student from Lyari area of Karachi has returned from Wuhan in China amid raging Coronavirus outbreak, ARY News reported on Thursday.

Arsalan Amin has recently reached Karachi from China, he was enrolled at a university in Wuhan, the city most affected by the Coronavirus outbreak.

It is to be mentioned here that around 30,000 Pakistani students, enrolled at various Chinese academic institutions, are currently present in China.

Amin, talking to media has said that he had quit the city before it was sealed by the authorities. He reached Shanghai from Wuhan on January 22 and later to Dubai and returned back to Karachi, Arsalan Amin said.

“People are frightened from the outbreak in China and 559 Pakistani students have been stranded in Wuhan province, ” the student said

It is impossible to detect virus at early stages. You can only be 100% sure once virus has fully incubated in its host. This moron should be quarantined immediately. If there is an outbreak in such a dense population as karachi then thousands will die.
This guy (sitting in liyari) said he came from China (Wuhan to Shanghai to UAE to Karachi) well now we have a UAE case a family in UAE

  • Did he had a blood test done in Pakistan ? Most likely no
  • Did he get his temperature checked in Pakistan ? Most likely no
  • Did he refrained from interacting with large population area ? Most likely no
  • Did any Medical Board of Pakistan , have plan to Quarentine such travellers ? no
  • Are any of our airports able to track the arrival of such passengers ? No
  • Do we have the necessary protective gear for workers in Hospitals ? Not likely

But someone comes at airport , claims they are clean and yes go ahead just walkinto middle of an 80 million populated city

I think, anyone can see we need to be more active about the issue

The Chinese family who is in UAE now , they may have also thought they are escaping the effects of virus by traveling in airplane to UAE simillar to the guy who just arrived in Karachi

The issue is people "Think they don't have the virus" they actually carry the thing for some time before symptoms appear the only way to prevent is wait 2 to 2.5 weeks

Especially if you are arriving from the host spot for virus activity

It should have been the responsibility of authorities to divert anyone who was arriving from wuhan or China for a observation area for 2 weeks

  • Provide them food
  • Access to medicine doctor (if needed)
  • General welfare

This is what Chinese authorities are starting to do in China to advise people to stay indoors for 2 weeks don't come to work

Chinese family diagnosed with virus in UAE, first known cases in Middle East


DUBAI: The United Arab Emirates announced Wednesday (Jan 29) its first cases of the new coronavirus, in a family from Wuhan, in what is thought to be the first confirmed cases in the Middle East.

"The UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention announced a case of the new coronavirus affecting people from one family coming from the city of Wuhan in China," the state news agency WAM reported, without saying how many were infected.

"The health condition of those affected was stable and under medical monitoring," it cited the ministry as saying.

Later on Wednesday the ministry confirmed that four members of a family from China had been infected.

All of them are in stable condition and situation is "contained", said the statement, adding that it was "not a cause for concern".

Article ends

My own comments below
People traveling in airplanes are the most suspectible to illness as the airplane's oxygen circulation system just circulates the air around a small area over and over again for good 3-4 hours of flight time

If you are on an 8 hour flight it is like a cooking pot for virus if you logically thing about the air circulation system in airplanes

  • Congested Subways
  • Congested Trains
  • Airports
  • Schools

Are the most risky places and also the doorknobs which you touch with your bare hands

Are we making Quarantine areas close to Airports?
To house 100-200 passengers ? for 2 weeks as a precaution?


:pop: Very risky move Pakistan, Very risky move

If an airline hub like UAE is infected, imagine all the travelers stopping over, using washrooms , touching doors or eating food then changing their planes

Maybe the aircrew, went in a contaminated cabin of airplane ???

Guess what ... they bring the virus back with them to ground level and into airports

  • China is more safer place , as it has better health system and protective policies :china: However Pakistani authorities must learn from the stuff Chinese security is doing in their cities and be prepared
  • China is making hospital for almost 7,000 people in 1 week time Pakistan must also have special plans to deal with any health issue
  • Sitting on arses and doing nothing is not ideal way
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In other developments:

  • Chicago health officials have reported the first US case of human-to-human transmission of the deadly coronavirus
  • Six thousand people on board a cruise ship in Italy were barred from disembarking after a Chinese passenger was suspected of having coronavirus; however initial tests have come back as negative
  • Flights to take British and South Korean citizens out of Wuhan have both been delayed after relevant permissions from the Chinese authorities did not come through
  • Two flights to Japan have already landed in Tokyo. Three passengers have so far tested positive for the virus, Japanese media report
  • Around 200 US citizens have been flown out of Wuhan and are being isolated at a military base in California for at least 72 hours
  • Two aircraft are due to fly EU citizens home with 250 French nationals leaving on the first flight
  • India has confirmed its first case of the virus - a student in the southern state of Kerala who was studying in Wuhan
Being a doctor I can only say that its best and the only option we have right now is to contain them there.in a country where there are attacks on polio teams cuz these drops are main cause of sterility.how are we suppose to contain this?I served in a tertiary care hospital for One year.and we had no burn centre there.they will have the best possible care there.1000 kits are nothing.we will be seeing an apocalypse here if not contained.and by the way our prime minister has already said that sukoon sirf kabar Mein hai.maybe he was pointing towards this
Being a doctor I can only say that its best and the only option we have right now is to contain them there.in a country where there are attacks on polio teams cuz these drops are main cause of sterility.how are we suppose to contain this?I served in a tertiary care hospital for One year.and we had no burn centre there.they will have the best possible care there.1000 kits are nothing.we will be seeing an apocalypse here if not contained.and by the way our prime minister has already said that sukoon sirf kabar Mein hai.maybe he was pointing towards this
i hope you intended to mean that is what people believe it does. This ill informed notion is because the vaccine is funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Bill Gates had suggested that its better to just have one kid. The ignorant moulvis made this into a conspiracy to make people infertile.
what the hell is wrong with Pakistani quom? no sabar as it seems. Can they not get it through their heads that if it arrives in the country what then? The Chinese are quarantining it well trying to curb and so are other cases.

maybe it will be good if it arrives I swear the quom until it gets its head bashed in enough times then it understands.


Not much to report for the time being

  • China is building massive 10,000 people hospital
  • USA /Chinese labs are testing for cure
  • All major world airports have fever detection devices
  • Massive push for masks and other disinfectants in all Public Stations , Airports
  • Exclusion zones for Suspected cases
  • Folks are being reported coming in and settling in Big city claiming they are virus-free (when new reports indicate the effects of virus may occur after a full 2 week undetected period)
  • Just saw a report of some guy came and is sitting around in Liyari why is he not in exclusion zone for test for virus for 2 week

If anything enters Pakistan it will 99% come from UAE airport side
In Pakistan face masks are imported from China :lol::lol: and almost every surgical item is imported from China... :lol::lol:

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