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Pakistan's Onslaught Against India at UNGA - What's Next?

THIS is what's next! 8-)
A lot has already been said in favor of a brilliant and well balanced address of Prime Minister Imran Khan at UNGA. Even many of his critics thoroughly enjoyed and praised PMIK's speech and have been seen saying "proud of being a Pakistani today" after quite a long time. His speech was heard across the globe and at one point, #ImranKhanVoiceOfKashmir became a top trend on twitter. Approximately a million tweets have been posted since, which means that his address (positively or negatively... doesn't matter) is being discussed all over the world on social media.

The four concerns raised in PMIK's speech were placed in an extremely intelligent way. People might say that he wasn't reading from his notes, but honestly speaking, it wasn't a speech without a thorough preparation. The words he used, the sentences he spoke, the emotions he showed and the warnings he delivered were so nicely connected, and the concerns were so logically lined up, that it seemed Pakistani mission contracted a psychologist in addition to many other experts to assist in formulating this masterpiece delivered by PMIK today.

He started with environmental concerns, which attracted many people who might not know about the sub-continent let alone Kashmir, proving himself as a concerned citizen of the planet Earth. After attracting environmentalists (and everyone now considers himself as one) and those who are badly affected by global warming, he tried to attract all the countries that face poverty due to corruption supported by the richer economies by creating tax heavens. This speech is a reminder to those countries which only blame the third world countries of plunder-friendly laws, but conveniently close their eyes on their actions to provide security to the wealth of looters and money launderers. His address will also impact the next session of FATF as PMIK has tried to capture moral high ground here. It was then a turn to attract Muslims. The way he presented Islam I can see that every Muslim who has listened to his speech will do some soul searching. Has anyone from the Muslim Ummah raised these points at a liberal forum with such a confidence before him? In his 5 minutes, he completely separated radicals (belonging to any religion) from the mainstream. It was one of the best, if not the best defense of Islam in current turbulent times.

Once he gathered the attention of the above, he started his onslaught against India on Kashmir. I am sure 90% of the concerned Indian population would have changed the tv channels and gone back to bollywood songs during his address.


OK, enough said about the address. 2019 has been an eventful year for all three parties i.e. Pakistan, India and Kashmiris. So far, Pakistan has responded effectively to the limited strikes, 5th generation war on media, and on the diplomatic fronts. For Indians, it was a good year indeed as they annexed Kashmir quite easily by striking or amending a couple of articles in their constitution. Realistically speaking, world will keep its eyes closed due to a over-a-billion-people's-market even after PMIK's desperate efforts to wake up the conscience of the world's leaders. In these desperate times, money can easily be preferred over justice, no doubt about it. We have been haplessly and helplessly watching the land being snatched from Palestinians and no one could do anything to stop Israelis.

Pakistan has played almost all the diplomatic cards as of today. By not escalating the situation in February this year and returning the Indian pilot, by engaging ourselves in the Afghan peace process, by offering our help in Middle East's crisis, by raining environmental concerns and by using different platforms to convey Kashmiri plight, we have shown the world that we are a peaceful nation which believes in coexistence. But is this enough? What if world again goes to sleep and we end up as a lone voice on Kashmir? Will India take any measures to help Kashmiris? What if India lifts curfew but Kashmiris are not able to put up a strong Taliban like resistance on their own? Will we continue to prove ourselves as a peaceful non-violent nation and helplessly see our brethren in Kashmir getting killed, sisters getting raped and children getting kidnapped?

This is now crystal clear that Pakistan will not support any proxy war, and will not initiate a limited or full scale war. My question to all Pakistani forum members.. What now? Please shed some light on what do you think about the next few months/ years.. and predict the next steps of India and Pakistan.

@Dubious @Mangus Ortus Novem @Shane @Signalian @ali_raza @Path-Finder @war&peace @Areesh @Farah Sohail @Zibago and others
Hi there,

Thank you for the Tag. I have already written a bit about our options and what Pakistan should be doing in preparation of the expected diplomatic Lull after UNGA...up next is the eminent lifting of the curfew. By God, I pray that we have planned it a lot better than what I summarized below my two cents as to the possible way forward.

Our fate and that of the Kashmiris depends on the steps we take to snatch not just the diplomatic impetuous but now, the ultimate military victory from out of the clutches of increasing despair.

As God fearing and Forgiveness seeking Muslims; it is easier than a lot of us realize, it only has to start with a simple prayer for the forgiveness of our sins and then the force far powerful beyond the realm of this world makes it easier and what we seek...becomes a promise from the All mighty.

To me, this current Kashmir crises has been looked at by our Military and Civil Leadership in all the wrong way. It is not a threat but an opportunity. Pakistan must take the recent turn of events as a military opportunity to force India into the corner by threatening a two and a half front war.

Remember, You are as strong as you think you are and appear to the enemy and just as weak too. Its all about positive and aggressive posturing, which sadly, seems to be missing from our military and civil leadership side at the moment.

I have been one of the first and foremost proponents and supporters since August 5 of engaging and exhausting the diplomatic route to the fullest. Diplomacy is not a one off attempt at a goal but a persistent and on going struggle with the evolving best interest of the nation being the ultimate goal.

Sadly the previous two tenures of the GOP have been a more or less, a diplomatic walkover to our enemies, more as in the last one of an absentee Foreign Minister during the ever corrupt rule of the Convicted Nawaz Sharif family.

So whats next after UNGA ... I did write about the events that look like unfolding next...internal political upheaval and otherwise a general sense of disappointment creeping in and nose diving morale of the nation already battered by economic hardship due to inaction of the world on Kashmir issue but also, its outfall on GOP that it did not do enough despite the accolades of Khan at UNGA and diplomatic front.

The projection in Merasi Lifafa Media of inaction on diplomatic and military front will again start to rise and gain momentum. IK promised the Kashmiris that they should wait for him to return from UN before marching towards LOC? the consequence of "I did my best diplomatically" will still turn out to be politically disastrous as people in general, live in the now, specially facing frustration in their personal lives due to economic hardship.

The government should know that it has to improvise and take unprecedented risks on strategic playing field of Kashmir or it will stand to loose its political ground in the face of opposing rhetoric and pressure, internal and external.

The state has to realize that if it does not realize this itself and guide the GOP towards playing a more proactive role in support of the freedom struggle then all the maneuvering, apprehension and safe stepping to avoid FATF or IMF etc will eventually become useless anyway if Pakistan does not provide active support to Kashmiris.

India has to lift the curfew in the near future... The Gorilla war option by training and supplying Kashimiri freedom fighters will do the job of putting more pressure on India... Economic pressure that is...this will surely mean that the already nose diving Indian Economy will go into recession. Investors will see the militarily volatile situation as a red flag and hold on to their investment. It will be a recipe of disaster for India to continue the status quo.

No Nation can be kept under occupation if it decides that it only wants freedom and willing to pickup arms for it.

The Key element that can bolster our cause is China, like it was the US for Afghanistan.

Every scenario has its own players, opportunities, risks and rewards. The higher the risks, the bigger the reward.

IF Russia can be defeated in Afghanistan by the resolve of Afghans, what is India in front of the will of the Kashmiri People willing to fight and lay their lives for freedom.

Is this not a clear sign for us that the resolve of Afghans won them freedom not once but they are at the brink of an inevitable present day victory against the US.

So what are the similarities? The one that counts the most is resolve. The players jump in when there is unwavering resolve in the local population - as was in Afghans -

So who are the players? Well, China is right next door. All we need is to pull our socks up and get to work with engaging the Chinese. If we really get the Chinese to stand behind the Kashmiri Freedom Struggle, then we have plenty of Kashmiris on both sides of the LOC ho are ready, willing and able.

So what is the key here? Getting back to the key element as discussed earlier, it is the resolve of the Kashmiris which is going to be tested just like it was the case with a
Afghans. If the Kashmiris do not back down, as they seem resolute to date, then no nation can occupy them if they pick up arms like the Afghans did.

And China and Pakistan can play the bad boys between them by juggling support to Kashmiri Mujahideen to avoid FATF and the US.

Since the start of this current standoff, Pakistan should have been persuading China to start preparing for a coordinated military approach towards India. Both countries should have gone beyond the joint Air force Shaheen exercises and conducted a simultaneous, Air, Sea and Land military exercise together.

It is all about creating the right threat perception, both countries can still be doing their own exercises on their own sides with participation of observer units on both sides. This can all be easily arranged by projecting the usual exercises and maneuvering as something sinister like two front War exercise, no extra spending but all the benefits due to propaganda of simultaneous exercises.

Simultaneously, the Gorilla war option by training and supplying Kashimiri freedom fighters, as discussed earlier will do the job of putting more pressure on India... Economic pressure that is...this will surely mean that the already nose diving Indian Economy will go into recession. Investors will see the militarily volatile situation as a red flag and hold on to their investment if not scoot altogether. It will be a recipe of disaster for India to continue the status quo.

If we can pull it off and we have faced off with the US regarding Afghan Taliban, then what does India sells in front of those kind of odds that made us stand our ground against the US - all the while we kept supporting the Afghan Talibs.

May Allah Subhan Taala give unwavering fortitude to the resolve of the Kashmiris and to Pakistan - we have to give it a fair go, in sha Allah, we have to try, we cannot just sit, wait and watch.

Pakistan Zindabad.
If Kashmiris put up a strong resistance, it will be very easy for Pakistan to support them. But if they don't, I think that's game over.. without a proxy war, it is more or less over.

I am certain that this issue is not going to die down. Escalation is imminent and inescapable. The stalemate has already been broken and cannot be restored now; because the parties involved are not ready to back off. Neither India, nor Pakistan. How it will unfold, cannot be told in advance, because there are more than one ways, it can take and the course, it take, may even be beyond our conception, now. History is replete with such examples, some even from subcontinent. Proxy war is not going anywhere; but now it would be executed far more cautiously. That is what I think.
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A hammer blow was struck clean across the enemy's brow today. The bringer of tyranny was forced to sit up, acknowledge and tolerate our fearless words of truth. Though I fear, the enemy will merely bow and bend while caught up in the eye of the storm, without buckling completely. The road seems infinite, with no end imaginable, let alone in sight.

But still, we will fight them.
I'm also anxious to know what's next... Seems like world will remain mum and we ourselves would have to do something

The usual bongis from PM Khan as if he's doing election campaigning in Pakistan. This is the reason why nobody outside the PTI shell takes him seriously.

As usual, his speech was incoherent, fumbling, jumped from one issue to another and very weak.

PM Khan simply needs to order the three humdred thousand Pakistani soldiers deployed in Kashmir to attack India. If he can't, he should resign and live happily ever after in England with his children.
Never underestimate a patwari's ability to bark
He has said.. if India attacks us, it will be a nuclear war. But what if India doesn't attack? This is my question.

First, too much stock is given to such speeches. No one listens to them outside of local consumption.

Second, India won’t attack Pakistan regardless of RSS rhetoric. India doesn’t have the desire or the capability. It’s content with its piece of Kashmir.

Pakistan’s options are limited. It has already ruled out war.
Keep up the diplomatic ante high. Be it UNGA, OIC or meeting with any world leader moving forward. India cannot impose curfew for that long, especially when US Govt has finally asked them to remove it so once that is remove, people will start protesting and than it high likely there will be a bombing and Feb 26/27 all over the place. If that will be the case than skirmish will be more intense.

P.S. you never know with US, they may force Modi Govt to start talking with Pakistan Govt and Kirtarpur event may bridge the gap in between Indian and Pakistan.
This is now crystal clear that Pakistan will not support any proxy war, and will not initiate a limited or full scale war. My question to all Pakistani forum members.. What now? Please shed some light on what do you think about the next few months/ years.. and predict the next steps of India and Pakistan.

What is next is a slow hard slog behind the scenes to get the economy rolling again. Everything else must wait until this can be achieved. Matters on the LoC will return to their usual state and both sides will continue to pay lip service to their respective internal audiences.

There will be no overt war by either side.

That is my prediction.
. . . .
Now its up to kashmiris. They would have to kill few dozen Indian soldiers to trigger a war.
Its up to modi to do blood bath and trigger a world response never seen before.
I am again sensing the impatience in us taking the best of us. Do we believe that only we are seeing this and those who actually matter have no contingency plan? I have said it before Pakistan will wait till the FATF review in October. We do not want to give them any ammo against us that would black list and ultimately bankrupt Pakistan which is what India wants to bankrupt Pakistan.
We will have to fight India on our terms and not on theirs. Today unfortunately due to the past decade of corruption, treachery, terrorism & war on Terror Pakistan stands weak and exposed. We cannot fight a war in this state. It has to be thoroughly planned out, and we lot needs to learn to be patient. Rome wasn't built in one day nor will Kashmir become free in one. It's a long drawn battle and we will have to fight it at our pace and advantage. Not India's.
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i'll tell you what's next. India will lift the Curfew very soon. there is no way around it.

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