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Pakistan's National Identity, My thoughts and opinions on Pakistan's problems.

Pakistani nationalism needs to be combined with ethnic nationalism, no matter how hard you try, there is no denying the incredibly polar society in terms of conservatism, phenotypical looks (ethnicity), and culture which exists in each region.

The solution is not to force everyone under a single identity and disregard a massive part of who they are, it's to combine them together so people can feel proud for both. Otherwise it causes people to lash out with ethno-nationalist movements (sometimes armed).

Acronym Pakistan.png
My friend I have been saying this for ten years since I joined PDF in 2012. I am glad slowly this issue finally is coming up for consideration. That is why I have always talked of history of Pakistan and what makes our lands unique. We are custodians of 8,000 crucible called the Indus basin from which rose civilizations that stood tall in this world.

What are Turks? Let me be honest about them. They are just a bastardized people. Yes bastardized people. The idea of Turk as a people is as artificial as plastic bag. Genetically probably less then 3% of Turkey carries the Turk gene. This is a FACT. In fact I believe genetic research looking at the Turkish people is frowned on by the state because it would reveal the fact that most Turks are not even Turks. The real Turks are found in Central Asia, in places like Kazakstan, Uzbekistan or Uighurs of China etc.

Peel away all the fairy tale Turks have been brainwashed what are they? Well they are just a bunch of Arabs, Iranians, Greeks, Armenians, Georgians, Kurds with legacy of rape of Serb, Bosnian, Russian, Circasians etc. All these disparate people were brainwashed into trhinking they are Turks and that they all migrated from Central Asia. Wtf??

Ottoman Empire brough nothing new to this world. It was essentially just warlordism on steriods. They roded the Greek, Persian and Levant Arab civilizations. If you look at all those great sites in Istanbul most are just Greek base with edifice Perso-Arabic on top.

But the success of Turkey has been to meld all these bastarized people - white, brown, blond, brunete, into the idea that they are all Turks. This they have done a spectaculat job.

Pakistan has everything. We have history, we have heritage that we let Gangus to our east claim as their all the while we ourselves ignore it. We have orphaned our people from our land and heritage. Time to own it and scream 'we are Pakistani with 8,000 years history'. We have the world one of earluest civilizations, we gave the world the mathematical zero.

Instead of licking outsiders. Be proud of our people, our lands.

How diverse are Turks phenotypically ? I've not seen many but if they originate from so many ethnicities, is that diversity visible between their people?
My friend I have been saying this for ten years since I joined PDF in 2012. I am glad slowly this issue finally is coming up for consideration. That is why I have always talked of history of Pakistan and what makes our lands unique. We are custodians of 8,000 crucible called the Indus basin from which rose civilizations that stood tall in this world.

What are Turks? Let me be honest about them. They are just a bastardized people. Yes bastardized people. The idea of Turk as a people is as artificial as plastic bag. Genetically probably less then 3% of Turkey carries the Turk gene. This is a FACT. In fact I believe genetic research looking at the Turkish people is frowned on by the state because it would reveal the fact that most Turks are not even Turks. The real Turks are found in Central Asia, in places like Kazakstan, Uzbekistan or Uighurs of China etc.

Peel away all the fairy tale Turks have been brainwashed what are they? Well they are just a bunch of Arabs, Iranians, Greeks, Armenians, Georgians, Kurds with legacy of rape of Serb, Bosnian, Russian, Circasians etc. All these disparate people were brainwashed into trhinking they are Turks and that they all migrated from Central Asia. Wtf??

Ottoman Empire brough nothing new to this world. It was essentially just warlordism on steriods. They roded the Greek, Persian and Levant Arab civilizations. If you look at all those great sites in Istanbul most are just Greek base with edifice Perso-Arabic on top.

But the success of Turkey has been to meld all these bastarized people - white, brown, blond, brunete, into the idea that they are all Turks. This they have done a spectaculat job.

Pakistan has everything. We have history, we have heritage that we let Gangus to our east claim as their all the while we ourselves ignore it. We have orphaned our people from our land and heritage. Time to own it and scream 'we are Pakistani with 8,000 years history'. We have the world one of earluest civilizations, we gave the world the mathematical zero.

Instead of licking outsiders. Be proud of our people, our lands.

with this music. your post with this song sounds cool.
Children starting threads based on every little tad thing bothering them..talk to your parents before starting a thread.
They got good food, that’s about it. You ever see someone like me mention Turkey? Nope.

Ertugal was a cancer to our society. Self respecting Pakistanis should leave Turkey and leave them Turks to their own devices.

Pakistan never had many friends, but we are still here. And with the grace of Allah swt, we’ll always be here even without any friends.

Turki’o ki jaan chor do bhai. Don’t even open threads. Ignore. Have you kids never had a girlfriend in your life before? :lol:

The inflation in their country is horrendous and they need to take their frustrations out on someone. Not that I’m excusing any of the clowns that were filming women, but they should have been jailed and beaten up, instead of creating randi rona drama on Twitter. It is what it is.

How diverse are Turks phenotypically ? I've not seen many but if they originate from so many ethnicities, is that diversity visible between their people?

Turks are White people. They have more in common with East/South Europeans than with anyone else.

How diverse are Turks phenotypically ? I've not seen many but if they originate from so many ethnicities, is that diversity visible between their people?
Essentially they are native Anatolians who often are Greek, Asyrian, Kurd, Persian, Circassian, Arab etc. Then when Anatolia was invaded by few thousand Turkic warriors led by warlords the Ottoman Empire was born. Probably no more then 3% of Turkic DNA is actually Turkic. Rest is mix of what I mentioned before. On top of that they took away slaves and women from Europe - mostly Serbsm Bulgars, Russians, Georgians, Armenian etc. The result is a polyglot meshed together under this delusion that they are all Turks when in fact most are the conquered, subjgated and raped peoples.

AS regards visible the answer is yes. Some with Serb or European heritage are blonde white. Others even have curly hair and brown skin with North African heritage. Then there is the whole spectrum inbetween.

However the Turkish state has been more succesful in cultivating 'Turkishness' then Pakistani state 'Pakistaniat' [which actually has diffused all it;s investment in global Islam] with the result that marriage across the differant spectrums has been widespread which has created more unifornity then in Pakistan

DNA-based tests shake Turks’ beliefs in their “Turkishness”​

  • Sibel Ekin
  • Oct 10 2019 10:39 Gmt+3
  • Last Updated On: Oct 11 2019 06:04 Gmt+3
Popular DNA tests are troubling Turks and shaking belief in their “Turkishness” as they find that, instead of being direct descendants of the Seljuk and Ottoman hordes who surged into Anatolia from Central Asia a millennium ago, they are instead part of the kaleidoscope of peoples who have lived in what is now modern Turkey and migrated there since time began.

Identity has been a major issue in Turkey since the republic was established in 1923 from the ashes of the multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-lingual Ottoman Empire as the new nationalist rulers attempted to stamp a single Turkish identity on the country. Until 2008, denigrating Turkishness was punishable by up to two years in prison. The law has now been changed to replace the word Turkishness with “the Turkish nation”.

Issues such as what had happened to the survivors of the 1915 Armenian genocide and the presence of thousands of Greeks and Jews, but also millions of Kurdish citizens of the new republic were swept aside in often heavy-handed attempts to assimilate minorities or pressure them to leave the country altogether.

Home DNA based testing kits are banned in Turkey, but many Turks abroad have used them, sending a small sample to a lab and receiving a report on their ethnic roots and sometimes matches with distant relatives around the world who have also taken the test.

She said her family, from the northeastern province of Bayburt, had refused to believe that they had had Armenian, Italian and Greek links. “I told them the test was scientific, but they did not even want to listen,” she said.

A report in the journal Annals of Human Genetics in 2012 indicated the paternal ancestry of those living in Turkey was 38 percent European, 35 percent Middle Eastern, 18 percent South Asian and only 9 percent Central Asian. But DNA tests sometimes throw up even more surprising results.

Turks are White people. They have more in common with East/South Europeans than with anyone else.
Actually they are a bastardized people. Mix of European, Arab, Persian, Armenian etc.
One thing is for certain, Pakistanis SERIOUSLY need to get rid of this idea of "Islamic brotherhood" and fighting for the causes of non-Pakistani Muslims. We need to learn how to love our own people and work for the interests of Pakistan and Pakistanis ONLY.
People to people relation between Pakistan and Turkey are non-existent other than our mostly illegal migrants from Pakistan there. Turkeys rarely come to Pakistan.
All that needs to be done is Pakistan to crack down on human smuggling networks and Turkeys to stop the inflow at their border and deport whoever lands there straight away.

You juveniles should stop stressing about it so much. This problem is just a small symptom of bigger problems at home that need attention.
Our people go to Europe through turkey and then send remittances back home. Turkey needs to be a brotherly country and let Pakistanis go through their land into Europe.
What are Turks? Let me be honest about them. They are just a bastardized people.
The recent spate that you see is due to some dirty eggs in part, and some hinduvta propaganda, posing a Pakistanis on twitter. Pakistan's connection to Turks in unbreakable. No amount of kaferization will dent that relation.

While we are on the topic of Turks, I invite to find out who THE REAL TURKS are?
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