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Pakistan’s fresh £580m loan from China intensifies debt burden fears

Don't go for this Pakistan. You are knee deep in debt-trap. It will only embolden the lenders to take you further into the trap. Get out before it's become irreversible.

We don't need any advise from you slimy Indians.

No private sector player will lend to Pakistan without an IMF deal. As for the Indian government, they could probably give money to Pakistan at better terms than China, but Pakistan will never put up the strategic assets, like Gwadar port, that India would want at collateral. Even if it did, Pakistan would just refuse to deliver the security in case of default. So, at this point , there is no possibility of Indian institutions providing any funding to Pakistan.

We don't need any dirty money from the stinky Indians.


Pardon my language but, just declare bankruptcy you idiots. Your fake pride will drag you nowhere. Your politics and future planning sucks too (much more than my country Bangladesh).

BTW, Pakistan needs to eliminate tribalism, mullah hooliganism and zamindari first.

BD should worry about your IMF loans rather than lecturing us.
China cant cover everything, multiple channels sought are reasonable as by many countries including Sri Lanka.
Cmon, China has above 3 trillion USD of forex, and a GDP of about 18 trillion, If it wants, it can sneeze 123 billion for Pakistan and wipe off it's complete external debt.... 123 billion is just 0.68% of China's GDP....
Cmon, China has above 3 trillion USD of forex, and a GDP of about 18 trillion, If it wants, it can sneeze 123 billion for Pakistan and wipe off it's complete external debt.... 123 billion is just 0.68% of China's GDP....
What nonsense is it. China is not a charity to dole out money earned by very hard-working Chinese. Besides, giving money freely never achieves anything. If by magic, all the debts were erased, in four years' time, Pakistan will be in exactly the same place it is today. What Pakistan needs now is change. The worst way to help Pakistan is give free money. Best way to help Pakistan is not to give money so that they will be compelled to make changes. That is what IMF is doing.
Cmon, China has above 3 trillion USD of forex, and a GDP of about 18 trillion, If it wants, it can sneeze 123 billion for Pakistan and wipe off it's complete external debt.... 123 billion is just 0.68% of China's GDP....
The world doesnt work that way, even the US wouldnt wipe out UK debts owed to US for British in WW II considering their intimate relationship. China has 1.4 billion people to take care of and China also owes large amount of debts too by the central and local govs. When your country India becomes nearly that generous of giving large amout of free money to your friends, then talk to me about such things should maybe apply to China, otherwise, you are just being hypocritical and taking cheap shots at China.
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What he is implying is that China is lying when it makes those boasts of friendship with Pakistan.
I know. That saying originally comes from Pakistanis, even brotherly countries have their own interests to look after.
I know. That saying originally comes from Pakistanis, even brotherly countries have their interests to look after.

Then let me admit the Chinese are smart to keep that false Pakistani claim going by repeating it.
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The Chinese are better? They're "reeducating" Muslims in Xinjiang and trying to stamp out the rapid native spread of Christianity due to local Chinese evangelists. Will atheism eventually become the state religion of Pakistan?

Pakistan needs to repent of the sin of claiming to be a moral society, turn to Jesus, and start being a truly honest society. We Christians in America are not perfect, but we are growing day by day. Don't see that with Pakistan. Most Christians here are now very anti-foreign wars.
80% undocumented means 80% of Pakistan's people are too unpatriotic to support their own country. Yes, I understand that the Sharifs are chors and liars as is the rest of the imported government. But the damage would be a lot less if everyone was paying their own taxes. They'd still be looting, but they'd have to be much more accountable to all those tax payers as those taxpayers would start kicking politicos to the curb when the government is being managed poorly.
What Christians? Your pope is literally allowing faggots into religion and blaspheming against God

Christianity is dying because you are trying too hard to fit the new atheist/liberal woke agenda.

Bruh your Christian America literally bombed many Muslim countries to rubbles that were once beautiful modern countries and created a wave of terrorism that was alien to these lands. It’s funny you finding problems with Pakistanis morality.

China is definitely better than India for reasons I explained above. India is burning Indian Muslims for no reason other than hatred. China is doing those horrible things to Uighurs because it wants complete control of East Turkestan.
Let me tell you a secret~ Xinjiang's per capita GDP is 9000+ USD. Higher than India + Bangladesh + Pakistan...
So is Israel, what is your point? The benefits of East Turkestan gdp are seen by the occupiers and ethnic cleansers not the native Uighurs exactly the same way as benefits of Israel technology are seen by Jews but not Palestinians
What you say about Israel doesnt happen in China.
So is Israel, what is your point? The benefits of East Turkestan gdp are seen by the occupiers and ethnic cleansers not the native Uighurs exactly the same way as benefits of Israel technology are seen by Jews but not Palestinians
1. Xinjiang is China's Xinjiang. East Turkestan does not exist.

2. Genocide was invented by the West. It does not belong to oriental culture. and, the fertility rate of Uighurs is higher than that of Han people.

3. Uighurs enjoy all modern civilization in Xinjiang.

4. I'm very curious. Why do you think your life is better than Uighur?
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Israelis also think Palestine doesn’t exist

India actually learned a lot of tactics from China. East Turkestan is very similar to Kashmir.
My question is. Why do you think you have a better life than Uighurs?

Can we not discuss West Pakistan and East Pakistan or Baluchistan????? And I don't want to know who is West Turkestan.

Xinjiang is China's Xinjiang! Just like Baluchistan is the Baluchistan of West Pakistan. okay?

Your country has failed. Please don't imagine that other regions will fail more than your country. This illusion does not help you forget hunger. You have a lot of practical work to do. This is more helpful for your country. isn't it?

Yes it doesn’t happen in China. It’s happening in East Turkestan
More likely to happen in West Turkestan and West Pakistan.... blamed. The arrogance of these beggars is hard to understand.
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