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Pakistan's disappearing temples and churches

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Jun 18, 2009
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Rights activists say that places of worship for minorities in Pakistan are either rapidly disappearing or are subject to negligence by the state. A pre-Partition Hindu temple was recently razed in Karachi.

Hindus in the Pakistani city of Karachi demanded retribution after one of their temples and some houses were reportedly demolished on Sunday in one the busiest areas of the city. Pakistani authorities say that a court order allowed some buildings to be demolished but they deny that the temple was razed.

Ramesh Kumar Vankwani of the Pakistan Hindu Council told the media that there had been a long-running legal dispute between a builder and the Hindu residents of the area over the land. He said that the land belonged to the Hindu residents and not to the builder as claimed by the authorities.

Abdul Hai, a senior official of the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan in Karachi, told DW that the court order did not allow the builder to demolish the buildings. "There is no complete judgment on the dispute yet," Hai said.

There are a number of Sikh temples in Pakistan, particularly in the Punjab province

Hindus make up 2.5 percent of the 174 million people living in Pakistan. The majority of them, over 90 percent, live in southern Sindh province.

It is not the first time in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan that a temple or a church has been demolished by members of the majority Muslim community for commercial or religious purposes. Rights organizations in Pakistan report widespread social and cultural discrimination against minorities.

Religious extremism

Experts say that the worshipping places of Pakistani minorities are being increasingly targeted not only by Islamic extremists but also by common Pakistanis. Attacks on the members of religious minority groups and their holy places have increased manifold in the country over the years.

Amarnath Motumal, Vice Chairperson of Pakistan's Human Rights Commission's Sindh Chapter, and also a member of the minority Hindu community, told DW "religious extremism" was the main cause of attacks on Hindus and their holy places.

"These people think that by attacking Hindus or their places of worship, they have earned a place in heaven," he said, adding that Pakistani Hindus "are very scared and not getting any help from anywhere."

Hai also agreed with Motumal: "Sometimes there are commercial reasons behind these attacks. But most of the time, the temples and churches are attacked for religious reasons," Hai said. "Religious fanaticism is growing in Pakistan and religious extremist groups are getting stronger by the day. Unfortunately, the government is not doing anything to protect minorities and their places of worship."

Karachi-based columnist and writer Peerzada Salman told DW that the one of the first temples was demolished in the early 1990s as a reaction to the destruction of the Babri Mosque in the Indian city of Ayodhya in 1992.

“It all began after Hindu extremists demolished the Babri Mosque. As a reaction, not only Hindu temples but a number of churches were also destroyed in Pakistan.”

Cultural heritage

An increasing number of Hindus are migrating to neighboring India

Rights activists also point out at the negligence of the government to look after these places, many of which are historical and cultural landmarks. Experts see the demolition of these temples and churches as the destruction of the region's rich and diverse culture.

"There is a mandir (temple) in the Malir area of Karachi which was a fine architectural piece of work. The statues of Hindu deities in the temple were delicately sculpted. When the temple was attacked, people also destroyed the statues," Salman said. "These are not just places of worship; they are Pakistan's architectural heritage.”

Salman further criticized the government for not investing in the upkeep of these sites and instead closing them down.

Experts say that there are still hundreds of temples and churches in Karachi and other parts of Pakistan which need state support. They say that the government is either too afraid of extremists or lacks the will to save these places.

Pakistan's disappearing temples and churches | Asia | DW.DE | 03.12.2012
I think some one already opened a thread with same title..
Forget abt temple whole minority races will disapper from land of pure soon...
The Govt of Pakistan is an equal opportunity neglect-er and it does not discriminate in this important area of governance :)
I dont know why DW had to add Churches to the title :)

Because Churches even in Peshawar are well maintained and looked after.

Unfortunately mandirs even historical ones are in bad shape neglected badly.

I would say minorities must stand up along with majority of Pakistanis non minorities to protect and preserve this heritage.

Its also unfortunate that Indians are using such news only for blabbering against Pakistan but they never practically tried to preserve or lend support for preserving these historical Hindu temples in Pakistan unlike the foreign Christians who are supporting their missions here.
^^^ our guv. shld work with the pakistani guv. to get a visa and land for sagarika ghose in pakistan
I dont know why DW had to add Churches to the title :)

Because Churches even in Peshawar are well maintained and looked after.

Unfortunately mandirs even historical ones are in bad shape neglected badly.

I would say minorities must stand up along with majority of Pakistanis non minorities to protect and preserve this heritage.

Its also unfortunate that Indians are using such news only for blabbering against Pakistan but they never practically tried to preserve or lend support for preserving these historical Hindu temples in Pakistan unlike the foreign Christians who are supporting their missions here.
Just trying to a Pakistan. Same stantds for you guyz when you talk bout India and insult us.
Just trying to a Pakistan. Same stantds for you guyz when you talk bout India and insult us.

Let me tell you . Give us permission and you will see millions will be pouring in for preserving historical mosques in India from common Pakistanis.

We believe in lending actual support too.

My point is that if you are pained for historical Hindu sites in Pakistan you must genuinely work for it also genuinely put pressure on Pakistani govt to do so. These historical Hindu temples in shambles in Pakistan are also a religious heritage of your, you must work for highlighting it not for scoring points.
This is quite natural and goes as per with Darwin's survival of the fittest theory.
i m not against u ma'am...m neither against her....i m jus introspecting

even if you are thats not a big issue for me i believe in your right to hate me or dislike me or anyone.

My point was that more than the condition of these temple you are more interested in pointing scores against your own citizen even

This is quite natural and goes as per with Darwin's survival of the fittest theory.

i dont think so. Its all about commitment both on the part of the oppressed and the oppressor.
Let me tell you . Give us permission and you will see millions will be pouring in for preserving historical mosques in India from common Pakistanis.

We believe in lending actual support too.

My point is that if you are pained for historical Hindu sites in Pakistan you must genuinely work for it also genuinely put pressure on Pakistani govt to do so. These historical Hindu temples in shambles in Pakistan are also a religious heritage of your, you must work for highlighting it not for scoring points.
But why the hell shud we even care ideally, for something in Pakistan. you are responsible for your heritage. Stop your age old habit of begging outside and not take responsibility of your house. Indians actually dont care what happen in Pakistan. As i said we talk bout hindus only coz you leaving all that happening in Pakistani social circle, focus on Indian muslims. As simple as that.
I dont know why DW had to add Churches to the title :)

Because Churches even in Peshawar are well maintained and looked after.

Unfortunately mandirs even historical ones are in bad shape neglected badly.

I would say minorities must stand up along with majority of Pakistanis non minorities to protect and preserve this heritage.

Its also unfortunate that Indians are using such news only for blabbering against Pakistan but they never practically tried to preserve or lend support for preserving these historical Hindu temples in Pakistan unlike the foreign Christians who are supporting their missions here.
SHAME on Pakistan.

lakh lannaat aisi country pe
I dont know why DW had to add Churches to the title :)

Because Churches even in Peshawar are well maintained and looked after.

Unfortunately mandirs even historical ones are in bad shape neglected badly.

I would say minorities must stand up along with majority of Pakistanis non minorities to protect and preserve this heritage.

Its also unfortunate that Indians are using such news only for blabbering against Pakistan but they never practically tried to preserve or lend support for preserving these historical Hindu temples in Pakistan unlike the foreign Christians who are supporting their missions here.

There are 400 to 500 Hindus left in Peshawar, even if they protest no one will take it seriously......:P

There is one mandir which got opened recently and good thing about mandir in Peshawar is that they are safe and secure from radicals ...... :cheers:

Before partition Hindus are close to 10000 , I think ..... :P
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