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Pakistan's debt crisis is the result of reckless Chinese lending.



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Jan 9, 2017
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(Bloomberg Opinion) -- In all likelihood, Pakistan will seek a $12 billion bailout from the International Monetary Fund this week, its 12th since the 1980s and the largest one yet. This time, the IMF should think twice: Pakistan's debt crisis isn't the result of an economic shock. It's the result of reckless Chinese lending. Any new aid package will only worsen the risk of similar problems arising elsewhere.

Under its Belt and Road Initiative, China extends lavish loans to support infrastructure projects overseas. The catch is that these deals typically require that the money be spent on Chinese goods, services, and labor, and the repayment terms are generally opaque and often onerous.

Pakistan shows how things can go wrong. China is investing some $62 billion across a range of projects there, including roads, ports, energy plants and business parks. It sounds great -- until you look at the details. One Pakistani concession guarantees Chinese power plants annual returns of up to 34 percentfor 30 years, all backed by the government. By comparison, Pakistan's 10-year government bond yields have generally fluctuated between 8 and 9 percent over the past year.

Worse, China is lending in U.S. dollars, so Pakistan must run an increasingly large surplus to repay its loans. Unable to export enough to generate a trade surplus, it has rapidly been depleting its foreign-exchange reserves, thus leading it into the arms of the IMF yet again.

Other recipients of China's largess have come under similar strain. Venezuela secured Chinese loans with oil, then found that it couldn't sell enough additional crude on global markets to generate the hard currency needed to expand production. After Sri Lanka was unable to repay loans, China took a 99-year concession on one of its ports. Malaysia, Myanmar and Nepal are all reconsidering major Chinese investments, and no wonder.

Belt and Road projects are so risky because their rationale is political, not economic. Enshrined in the Communist Party constitution in 2017, the program is a cornerstone of China's plans to expand its influence and soft power globally. Most Belt and Road lending is channeled through state-owned policy banks that are more concerned with advancing foreign-policy goals -- such as winning over new allies -- than with turning a profit.

One result is that credit is often extended with little regard for financial viability or international lending standards. This helps explain why so many of the early Belt and Road recipients have ended up in financial distress. As China expands the program around the world, other projects will almost certainly end in tears. (Laotian high-speed rail comes to mind.)

The IMF needs to be wary of this dynamic. Although it has issued warnings about China's ever-expanding debt load, it has also repeatedly acceded to Chinese demands. It allowed the yuan to become a reserve currency in 2015, for instance, even though it violated essentially every criterion of a reserve currency. If the IMF fails to take a stand on Pakistan, it will be encouraging moral hazard across the Belt and Road countries.

In considering its aid package, then, the fund should exclude any repayment of Chinese debt or demand an exceptional haircut on it. It must make clear that it distinguishes between commercial projects gone awry and foreign-policy ventures that look an awful lot like a debt trap. If China's leaders want to splurge overseas on dubious projects, that's their business. But the IMF shouldn't have to clean up when things go wrong.

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.

Christopher Balding is an associate professor of business and economics at the HSBC Business School in Shenzhen and author of "Sovereign Wealth Funds: The New Intersection of Money and Power."

©2018 Bloomberg L.P.

LOL at these cunning Yanks. The economic crisis has everything to do with American ally Sharif and Zardari's economic mismanagement. Pakistan already had a bad economic outlook long before CPEC came into the scene. Long before CPEC Pakistan was already taking huge loans from IMF/WB under the leadership of Nawaz Sharif and Zardari. We didn't hear any complaints back then from the Yanks.

These American cvnts just cannot get over CPEC. Every minute of the day they have to mention CPEC. It is good to see these fvckers in so much pain. CPEC is only going to intensify. America is in for a lot of pain.

We need to show these motherfvckers a really big middle finger. Tell them to pay for the supply routes or fvck off. The new government needs to make it an absolute top priority to charge the US/NATO for supply routes. No ifs and buts.
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LOL at these cunning Yanks. The economic crisis has everything to do with American ally Sharif and Zardari's economic mismanagement. Pakistan already had a bad economic outlook long before CPEC came into the scene.

The American cvnts just cannot get over CPEC.

We need to show these motherfvckers a really big middle finger. Tell them to pay for the supply routes or fvck off.
Its crazy how the timing had been so convenient for these f**ks to start churning out trash articles like this. Who do they think they are fooling? The real intent behind all these reportings is more than obvious.
Its crazy how the timing had been so convenient for these f**ks to start churning out trash articles like this. Who do they think they are fooling? The real intent behind all these reportings is more than obvious.

The thing is that these American fvcks haven't learnt a thing about Pakistan. They have been dealing with Pakistan for decades now. The more obsessive they get the worse things get for them. First they got humiliated during their treacherous war on terror in Afghanistan. 17 years of utter humiliation. Secondly they got humiliated after the CPEC collaboration between China and Pakistan. Now they got humiliated with PTI winning the elections. It is humiliation upon humiliation. They just don't learn.
The thing is that these American fvcks haven't learnt a thing about Pakistan. They have been dealing with Pakistan for decades now. The more obsessive they get the worse things get for them. First they got humiliated during their treacherous war on terror in Afghanistan. 17 years of utter humiliation. Secondly they got humiliated after the CPEC collaboration between China and Pakistan. Now they got humiliated with PTI winning the elections. It is humiliation upon humiliation. They just don't learn.
You know what they say about barking dogs...
Lets hope the new government doesn't get distracted in trying to please these aholes and focus on bringing the country up to speed.
You know what they say about barking dogs...
Lets hope the new government doesn't get distracted in trying to please these aholes and focus on bringing the country up to speed.

Well said. Cannot afford to get distracted. Need to be focused and resolute. The plan needs to be executed without negligence. The previous governments have destroyed Pakistan. Putting Pakistan back on track will require a lot of resilience and patience.
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(Bloomberg Opinion) -- In all likelihood, Pakistan will seek a $12 billion bailout from the International Monetary Fund this week, its 12th since the 1980s and the largest one yet. This time, the IMF should think twice: Pakistan's debt crisis isn't the result of an economic shock. It's the result of reckless Chinese lending. Any new aid package will only worsen the risk of similar problems arising elsewhere.

Under its Belt and Road Initiative, China extends lavish loans to support infrastructure projects overseas. The catch is that these deals typically require that the money be spent on Chinese goods, services, and labor, and the repayment terms are generally opaque and often onerous.

Pakistan shows how things can go wrong. China is investing some $62 billion across a range of projects there, including roads, ports, energy plants and business parks. It sounds great -- until you look at the details. One Pakistani concession guarantees Chinese power plants annual returns of up to 34 percentfor 30 years, all backed by the government. By comparison, Pakistan's 10-year government bond yields have generally fluctuated between 8 and 9 percent over the past year.

Worse, China is lending in U.S. dollars, so Pakistan must run an increasingly large surplus to repay its loans. Unable to export enough to generate a trade surplus, it has rapidly been depleting its foreign-exchange reserves, thus leading it into the arms of the IMF yet again.

Other recipients of China's largess have come under similar strain. Venezuela secured Chinese loans with oil, then found that it couldn't sell enough additional crude on global markets to generate the hard currency needed to expand production. After Sri Lanka was unable to repay loans, China took a 99-year concession on one of its ports. Malaysia, Myanmar and Nepal are all reconsidering major Chinese investments, and no wonder.

Belt and Road projects are so risky because their rationale is political, not economic. Enshrined in the Communist Party constitution in 2017, the program is a cornerstone of China's plans to expand its influence and soft power globally. Most Belt and Road lending is channeled through state-owned policy banks that are more concerned with advancing foreign-policy goals -- such as winning over new allies -- than with turning a profit.

One result is that credit is often extended with little regard for financial viability or international lending standards. This helps explain why so many of the early Belt and Road recipients have ended up in financial distress. As China expands the program around the world, other projects will almost certainly end in tears. (Laotian high-speed rail comes to mind.)

The IMF needs to be wary of this dynamic. Although it has issued warnings about China's ever-expanding debt load, it has also repeatedly acceded to Chinese demands. It allowed the yuan to become a reserve currency in 2015, for instance, even though it violated essentially every criterion of a reserve currency. If the IMF fails to take a stand on Pakistan, it will be encouraging moral hazard across the Belt and Road countries.

In considering its aid package, then, the fund should exclude any repayment of Chinese debt or demand an exceptional haircut on it. It must make clear that it distinguishes between commercial projects gone awry and foreign-policy ventures that look an awful lot like a debt trap. If China's leaders want to splurge overseas on dubious projects, that's their business. But the IMF shouldn't have to clean up when things go wrong.

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.

Christopher Balding is an associate professor of business and economics at the HSBC Business School in Shenzhen and author of "Sovereign Wealth Funds: The New Intersection of Money and Power."

©2018 Bloomberg L.P.


You know Pakistan must be on the right track when members of the race and nation that calls for the death and destruction of the Pakistani race and nation are all of a sudden concerned with our economic well-being.............:lol:

PS You all know that the same ilk that are writing all this propaganda are the SAME people who regarded the slaughter of millions of Afghans and Iraqis and the destruction of their nations as a HIGHLY successful outcome. You CAN NEVER trust or believe these people.........8-)
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You know Pakistan must be on the right track when members of the race and nation that call for the death and destruction of the Pakistani race and nation are all of a sudden concerned with our economic well-being.............:lol:

PS You all know that the same ilk that are writing all this propaganda are the SAME people who regarded the slaughter of millions of Afghans and Iraqis and the destruction of their nations as a HIGHLY successful outcome. You CAN NEVER trust or believe these people.........8-)

LOL It really is funny. The same ill-wishers who don't mince any words for the destruction of Pakistan/Pakistanis are today worried about its economic position. This must be some kind of a joke.
What a garbage article. Pakistan will complete CPEC no matter what it takes. This is a unanimous decision among all stake holders in Pakistan , biggest being People of Pakistan. West or indians dont need to tell whats good for Pakistan.
LOL at these cunning Yanks. The economic crisis has everything to do with American ally Sharif and Zardari's economic mismanagement. Pakistan already had a bad economic outlook long before CPEC came into the scene. Long before CPEC Pakistan was already taking huge loans from IMF/WB under the leadership of Nawaz Sharif and Zardari. We didn't hear any complaints back then from the Yanks.

These American cvnts just cannot get over CPEC. Every minute of the day they have to mention CPEC. It is good to see these fvckers in so much pain. CPEC is only going to intensify. America is in for a lot of pain.

We need to show these motherfvckers a really big middle finger. Tell them to pay for the supply routes or fvck off. The new government needs to make it an absolute top priority to charge the US/NATO for supply routes. No ifs and buts.

Then don't go to the IMF. Find someone who will "loan" Pakistan the $12 billion it needs. Until then Pakistan cannot tell the Yanks anything.

What a garbage article. Pakistan will complete CPEC no matter what it takes. This is a unanimous decision among all stake holders in Pakistan , biggest being People of Pakistan. West or indians dont need to tell whats good for Pakistan.

Then ask China for the money. They have already invested (or will invest) $60 billion in Pakistan so what's a few billion more? It's in their interest to do so since it's their investment that is most at risk.

The alternative is to default on loan payments and renegotiate terms.
Then don't go to the IMF. Find someone who will "loan" Pakistan the $12 billion it needs. Until then Pakistan cannot tell the Yanks anything.

Then ask China for the money. They have already invested (or will invest) $60 billion in Pakistan so what's a few billion more? It's in their interest to do so since it's their investment that is most at risk.

The alternative is to default on loan payments and renegotiate terms.

Why is that a concern for India?? Its Pakistan's problem they have more intelligent people for sure than you. You have nothing to do with CPEC or Pakistan's relation with China.

Have you solved your own problems that you come here and lecture rest of us??
Why is that a concern for India?? Its Pakistan's problem they have more intelligent people for sure than you. You have nothing to do with CPEC or Pakistan's relation with China.

Have you solved your own problems that you come here and lecture rest of us??

Strange for Pakistanis to complain about Indians discussing Pakistan on a Pakistani forum, especially since Pakistan defence and national security policy is Indo-centric.

Nevertheless, though I was born in India, I was raised and live in the US. So the idea of IMF giving Pakistan money is of interest to me for many reasons.
Strange for Pakistanis to complain about Indians discussing Pakistan on a Pakistani forum, especially since Pakistan defence and national security policy is Indo-centric.

Nevertheless, though I was born in India, I was raised and live in the US. So the idea of IMF giving Pakistan money is of interest to me for many reasons.

I dont really care about your concerns regarding IMG lending money to Pakistan. Go and ask them.
I dont really care about your concerns regarding IMG lending money to Pakistan. Go and ask them.

you don't care ,
but pakistan govt has to care where will they get bail out package of 12 bn dollar to pay chinese debt .

Strange for Pakistanis to complain about Indians discussing Pakistan on a Pakistani forum, especially since Pakistan defence and national security policy is Indo-centric.

Nevertheless, though I was born in India, I was raised and live in the US. So the idea of IMF giving Pakistan money is of interest to me for many reasons.

they don't like to discuss their issues , but they are interested in solving india's problems , good neighbor .:D
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