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Pakistan’s calculus on U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan


Apr 28, 2011
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French soldiers with the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) keep watch during a military exercise on the outskirts of Kabul April 30, 2014. (Reuters)
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Javeriah Mazhar, Special to Al Arabiya News
Friday, 6 June 2014
The announced drawdown of U.S. and Nato forces in Afghanistan at the end of 2014 has raised questions about the future of the war-torn country. According to the U.S. National Intelligence Estimate, the Taliban and other power brokers will become increasingly influential as U.S. troops withdraw, leaving Afghanistan on the brink of civil war.

Pakistan faces major challenges in this regard. The statement by its national security advisor Sartaj Aziz that “Pakistan doesn’t have favorites in Afghanistan” reflects a strategic shift in his country’s traditional policy. However, it seems rather difficult after years of conflict to adopt a balanced policy in Afghanistan. Neither the Taliban nor Kabul would perceive Islamabad as a reliable partner.

Pakistan blames Afghanistan for fanning dissent in Balochistan province, while Kabul accuses Islamabad of supporting non-state actors that attack Afghan security forces. Unless there is constructive engagement via strong diplomatic channels, things are expected to worsen.

Pakistan has lost its influence over the Afghan Taliban in the last few years. Apart from certain sections of Pakistan’s powerful Inter-Services Intelligence organization, which have assisted the Taliban since its creation, Islamabad and the Afghan Taliban are extremely wary of each other. Pakistan is deeply suspicious of the Taliban’s ethnic and religious fanaticism, while the latter regards the Pakistani state and military as corrupt, brutal and inherently unreliable.

Pakistani policy-makers foresee different forms of spillover in case of civil war in Afghanistan following the U.S. withdrawal.

Javeriah Mazhar
Independent analysts say the most likely post-withdrawal scenario will be a massive power struggle between Kabul and the Afghan Taliban. The risk of spillover would not be in Pakistan’s interests, leading it to recognize that the Taliban must share power with non-Pashtun ethnicities - including Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks - for lasting peace in Afghanistan. However, Islamabad’s role cannot exceed that of a mediator between the Taliban and Kabul.

Pakistan had previously given unconditional support to the Afghan Taliban in its quest to seek strategic depth in the region. However, analysts say dominance by the Taliban, which is sympathetic to al-Qaeda, would pose a grave threat to Pakistan’s national security.

Al-Qaeda has been vocal against Islamabad and its security forces, justifying jihad against what it calls an infidel system of governance in Pakistan. Supporting outright Taliban rule would be tantamount to allowing al-Qaeda a foothold in the region again.

Regional factors

The division of the ethnic Pashtun heartland between Pakistan and Afghanistan, and Islamabad’s competition with its nuclear neighbor India, have been the two factors predominantly shaping Pakistan’s Afghan policy.

Islamabad’s fixation on its rivalry with India has led the former not only to bolster its defense needs at the cost of social and economic development, but also to abandon regional economic integration. Pakistan faces massive fallout from decades of supporting Islamist militants in its quest to challenge India.

Afghanistan becomes a major security concern in this scenario, as Pakistan seeks to avoid simultaneous threats on its eastern (Indian) and western (Afghan) borders, as well as increasing Indian influence in Afghanistan.

Iran, another regional stakeholder, shares common goals with Washington in terms of preventing Afghanistan from returning to full-scale civil war, and stopping the return of the Taliban as a dominant political force. However, Tehran seems to have its hands full in the Middle East. Its priority would be to influence Kabul in order to protect the Shiite Hazara minority. In case of civil war, Tehran may support the creation of a semi-autonomous region inside Afghanistan for the Hazaras.

Iran and Pakistan have growing rifts over the latter’s support for the Bahraini monarchy and Saudi policies in the Middle East, as well as its status as a U.S. ally. Tehran also accuses Pakistan of having close ties with the Afghan Taliban, and of not acting to prevent Balochi extremism from spilling over into Iran. These tensions could lead to a severing of Iranian-Pakistani ties, thus adding to regional instability.

Pakistani policy-makers foresee different forms of spillover in case of civil war in Afghanistan following the U.S. withdrawal. While adopting measures to avoid or at least reduce such spillover, Islamabad must seek a non-hostile actor - if not a powerful partner - in Afghan politics to buffer against Indian inroads in Afghanistan’s southern and eastern regions close to Pakistan.

“We have to recognize that Afghanistan won’t be a perfect place, and it’s not America's responsibility to make it one,” said U.S. President Barack Obama. Major players now have to weigh their options and deal with the fallout of a security vacuum left by Washington.

Last Update: Friday, 6 June 2014 KSA 14:47 - GMT 11:4
@Aeronaut @Oscar @nuclearpak @RazPaK @AUz @tarrar @mafiya @Kaan @Emmie @nair @AUSTERLITZ
Pak Army is waiting for this withdrawal, they want US to leave this region. The real game will start after the withdrawal.
i hope they just unleash a big punch to indian assets this time
So, the fourth great game is about to begin.
i hope they just unleash a big punch to indian assets this time

Yet your generals were apologetic on Times Now claiming they dont have anything to do with Taliban attacks on India.

Pakistan is always like this. Hiding behind proxies because it does not have guts for a face to face combat
Pak Army is waiting for this withdrawal, they want US to leave this region. The real game will start after the withdrawal.
Don't talk like a kid. It makes you sound silly on a serious topic such as this.

The PA will never get involved directly in Afghanistan. They have enough proxies to wage a 'Jihad' on their behalf against the lawfully elected government led by Abdullah Abdullah.

The PA are past masters and experts in waging proxy wars with the help of the ISI for decades, starting with India. It's a cost effective method as the cannon fodder isn't Pakistani troops but the terror yahoos who have been nurtured and brainwashed into waging Jihad on their behalf.

And you must know that the ANA consisting of 300,000 soldiers are not just some bunch of clowns who'll surrender to the PA and who'll jump when the PA asks them to jump! That's not going to happen. Even if half of them desert which the PA is hoping for, there would still be a formidable force left to defend Afghanistan's interests against any Pakistani aggression.

So to think that the PA is going to have a walk in the park in Afghanistan after the Yanks withdraw is so lame, it's not even funny.
lol some indian posters are so desperate.the have allready created a hypothetical scenerio of taliban taking power.guys its a new world now.we will control afghanistan.but this time in a very new way.dont think those sitting behind the desks in ISI are bunch of school kids.last decade pakistan have allready prepaired for this thing so dont worry.this last month hell rain from general raheel was just a messege sent to some big boys in region.just to tell them whos the boss.
See, the country has to benefit in such a way that both us and you can trade with them peacefully. Many countries have made Afghanistan that battlefield including you. That has destroyed thousands of lives and flooded your country with refugees. This is not about measuring egos but ruining lives.

Don't do the same thing again. Let their kids grow up to be doctors, engineers, teachers etc. Not gun-totting men who have lost their sense of living because of violence.

Your civil regime has to take control of your army generals. Seriously this dysfunctional setup is only a danger to the region.

No one wants to attack Pakistan. Afghanistan has a country to build and we have an economy to regrow. All have their problems dude.

There is no need for providing nuclear umbrella to shady elements that compromise on peace of the neighbouring countries.
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