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Pakistan's approach to India has to be from a predators point of view - Stalk, stalk and than bounce to grab it


Jul 18, 2021
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Pakistan has to goad India into a false sense of security and the Indians tend to fall for this many times. I remember even during Muhammad of Ghor he used this same tactic by giving them false sense of security making them believe they were on top of things on purpose. What he did is he made Pritviraj believe he was superior and gave him that sense before sollowing him whole. Pray for miscalculation from their side and that is when you spring your trap.

Pakistan's doctrine has been always offensive and it has been maintained thru out the years which will continue but the stalk part has to be added and I will explain what I mean by that. The stalk part just means continously measure and calculate how you eliminate the buffulo not half-heartedly or leaving it just bleeding and half-dead. It has to be clean kill.

As far as the engagement goes some look at India and see her size but they are not seeing clearly because they are looking at empty statistics and bystanders who will not get involved. The numbers are just not there but if you understood the rule of military engagement you will know that these numbers are nothing more than bystanders hence the size part is an illusion. India has around 1.3m forces approx and that is about it nothing besides that will get into the engagement and they are not exactly a rebelious folks this is not in their nature hence you can only count to face the army.

Now lets further dissect this buffulo pragmatically and methodically. The game is to come up with the right military ingenuity and cunningness to out manouver their forces and as they say war is deception.

India is within the grasp of Pakistan logistically, manpower, technologically and conventionally wise now that we have expelled the misconception of her size as basically a hoax in this as there will be no involvement whatsoever from them they are just an irrelevant stats.

The cunningness has to be gained in the conventional arena by simply setting up a deception trap to blind sight your opponent.


Pakistan shouldn't allow them to dictate the rule of engagement and should take the initiative at the friction point of miscalcuation if the opponent has sense of security it will be even much better for Pakistan because we know the difference between what is illusion and what is real. Pakistan is not deluded from the fact that there is only 1.3m men that stands infront of it nothing Pakistan loses sleep over or views as steep mountain but in fact nothing more than a short hill. The key to India grows on a short laying tree that is within reach
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You can never win with us 1 on 1. This was true 50 years back (1971) and will be more true in future as India becomes an industrialized nation.
You can never win with us 1 on 1. This was true 50 years back (1971) and will be more true in future as India becomes an industrialized nation.

Not really. We are competitive and upgrade continously conventionally, stragetically and in every possible arena we will be also doing alot of growing. India will be for the taking in 2022, 2025, 2040 and all the way to 2050.

They will not be able to change their social dynamics, culture, vegetarians, unprofessionalism and alot of underlaying issues these will always remain on top of that giving us a some what permanent advantage atleast for the next half century.

It all comes down to what we want Really if we decide and put it into our minds we can make it happen
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Not really. We are competitive and upgrade continously conventionally, stragetically and in every possible arena. India will be for the taking in 2022, 2025, 2040 and all the way to 2050

The best time to take India is right now as the economy is weak due to covid bs and there are already tensions happening with China. But now India is focusing heavily on making it's own weapons. Knowing the Indian pvt industry, they won't disappoint us.

Good luck if you try after 2030...might lose few more provinces that you have left.
You can never win with us 1 on 1. This was true 50 years back (1971) and will be more true in future as India becomes an industrialized nation.

1971 was 21 indian/bengali soldiers/militants to every 1 Pakistani soldier that was stranded over 2700 kms from their home territory. That is EXACTLY why india has NEVER EVER been able to mess with Pakistan on it's Western border despite being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia.......:azn:...... 8-)
The best time to take India is right now as the economy is weak due to covid bs and there are already tensions happening with China. But now India is focusing heavily on making it's own weapons. Knowing the Indian pvt industry, they won't disappoint us.

Good luck if you try after 2030...might lose few more provinces that you have left.

You are talking as if you are the only one having plans to upgrade. The whole world is upgrading and making their own weapons and including Pakistan. Everyone is going thru a natural evolution. In fact we are connected directly to two places where such upscaling is taking place namely China and Turkey including our own Defense industry. We could in fact even end up gaining massive edge at the end who knows but we are upgrading that is for sure as I said it is the same whether it is 2030 or 2050
1971 was 21 indian/bengali soldiers/militants to every 1 Pakistani soldier that was stranded over 2700 kms from their home territory. That is EXACTLY why india has NEVER EVER been able to mess with Pakistan on it's Western border despite being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia.......:azn:...... 8-)

Yes, but you tried on the Western front too without much success.
1971 was 21 indians/bengalis to 1 Pakistani soldier that was stranded over 2700 kms from home.
Yes, but you tried on the Western front too without much success.

Tried what? india tried yet failed miserably despite being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia......... :azn:............8-)
You are talking as if you are the only one having plans to upgrade. The whole world is upgrading and making their own weapons and including Pakistan. Everyone is going thru a natural evolution. In fact we are connected directly to two places where such upscaling is taking place namely China and Turkey including our own Defense industry. We could in fact even end up gaining massive edge at the end who knows but we are upgrading that is for sure as I said it is the same whether it is 2030 or 2050

That's why it sounds silly when you say you can just pounce and take one of our provinces. That would be an act of war and will give India moral high ground to take it back. India will have the world's backing and China won't intervene. And in a long stretched war India will always win against Pakistan
That's why it sounds silly when you say you can just pounce and take one of our provinces. That would be an act of war and will give India moral high ground to take it back. India will have the world's backing and China won't intervene. And in a long stretched war India will always win against Pakistan

I never said limited conflict but an all out one. making a clean kill meaning break down the Indian armed forces that will mean the whole India is free. This could even become a clean victory after the army is broken the country will crumble immediately. China intervention is unnecessary here didn't even counted them in this calculation that is for another thread just Pakistan + Afghan forces to bolster our stragetic depth and bolster our ranks with warriors.

So no. I was not referring to a limited areas but I was referring to coming for everything and every single inch of India that includes every single district in Tamil Nadu
Tried what? india tried yet failed miserably despite being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia......... :azn:............8-)

Lol read the history buddy. You had full backing of US, China, Iran, Arab world, Sri Lanka.

Here's a link for ya: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Pakistani_War_of_1971#China
I never said limited conflict but an all out one. making a clean kill meaning break down the Indian armed forces that will mean the whole India is free. This could even become a clean victory after the army is broken the country will crumble immediately. China intervention is unnecessary here didn't even counted them in this calculation that is for another thread just Pakistan + place Afghan forces to bolster our stragetic depth and bolster our ranks with warriors.

So no. I was not referring to a limited areas but I was referring to coming for everything and every single inch of India that includes every single district in Tamil Nadu

It's a nice dream dude...keep dreaming! :rolleyes:
Lol read the history buddy. You had full backing of US, China, Iran, Arab world, Sri Lanka.

It's a nice dream dude...keep dreaming! :rolleyes:

You lost in 1965 and 1948 wars to a nation that was less than 20m at the time and you were around 700m that is shameful really. The reason for that is the social dynamic is not ideal in India hence why I am confident of any Pakistani adventure being successful in the future. Pakistan has increased now in manpower and stronger.

You lost a territory bigger than the country of Austria in 1948 to Pakistan (Gilgat Baltistan and Azad)

We are have already been to tamil nadu on 4 occasions what makes you think I won't be there again sometime tomorrow if it clicks for me.

I know the taste nothing I haven't seen and nothing surprises me here... nothing to far fatched for me really..
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Lol read the history buddy. You had full backing of US, China, Iran, Arab world, Sri Lanka.

Here's a link for ya: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Pakistani_War_of_1971#China

It's a nice dream dude...keep dreaming! :rolleyes:

The source above is Wikipedia which is subject to severe editing, fake news and manipulation. Do you have ANY genuine, credible, authentic, reliable and independent evidence to support your claims? If not then you are lying and spreading more indian FAKE NEWS.
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