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Pakistani Youth Invented SEMFO Formula



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Nov 1, 2008
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Pakistani youth announces Socio-Economic Formula for Pakistan

Karachi ( ) A Pakistani youth expert with Media, Lobbying and Socio-Economic experience has offered his services to avert fiscal and economic default of Pakistan through his invented Saeed Abbasi Socio-Economic Management Formula(SEMFO) Plan. Saeed Khan Abbasi, 39 years old from Karachi claimed that through his said SEMFO Plan he would enable Pakistan to draft Deficit Free Budget for the next fiscal year despite stern domestic and international economic conditions.

According to Saeed Abbasi, his SEMFO Plan will enable country to get rid of trade, fiscal and social sector deficit. He will enable Pakistan with immediate USD: 4 to 5 billion's liquidity to cope with default threat. He said that with SEMFO Plan, there would be no need to get IMF or World Bank reliance for our own fiscal and economic budget making, while these donors and agencies like the IMF, WB, ADB and Friends of Pakistan should be engaged as Pakistan's Economic Development Friendly Advisors instead of the Loan Providing Sources. He expressed hope that his formula would enable the country to avert a default in international market due in February 2009 because of a due payment against USD: 500 billion's Euro Bonds.

Mr.Saeed said he could enable Pakistan to generate funds of about USD: 40 to 50 billion for three and five years' fiscal period. SEMFO Plan would slash inflation from current 17% to 2% (Over all 25% to 4%), Poverty rate of current 40% to 15% and gradually at very low level, and will make more than 50% increases in currency value. He said that SEMFO would increase the GDP growth rate from 3-4% to 25% and 50% onward in short period.

He claimed that his plan would enable the ongoing current account deficit of 15% to around 5%, Pakistani reserves will be more than USD: 10 billion constant for five years, foreign remittances of Pakistani abroad will be turned into attractive investment plan which will enable Pakistan to have about USD: 15-20 billion reserves in account. According to his SEMFO Plan we would not need to slash a huge amount of 60 to 100 billion rupees instead of this our budget would provide more than 100 billion rupees for development projects. He said that the stable and positive purchasing power for all Pakistanis with an investment heaven image of Pakistan is his focus with this plan.

Saeed Khan Abbasi also announced to prepare a "Credible Recovery Plan" of Pakistan for international donor agencies, countries and monetary organisations like the IMF, WB etc as well as domestic agencies to get Pakistan out of 700 billion rupees outstanding amount, which Pakistan has to pay. He assured that by implementing his plan Pakistan would not only become more economic power in the region but would be a leading Food and Energy Planning country of the world. He offered his formula to help the other countries of the world confronting the worst global recession.

He requested the President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Syed Yousif Raza Gilani, members of the Pakistan Senate and the National Assembly and media to extend their favour to serve the country. He ruled out any demand of official portfolio and a single penny expense for his personal benefit from the government's treasure in this regard.

(M.Saeed Khan Abbasi).
Socio-Economic, Media, Lobbying & Image Building Expert
Karachi-Pakistan (South Asia).
also on saeedabasi dot blogspot dot com
He showed that he is a true Pakistani, But Zardari wont listen to him. I hope he rescues Pakistan from Economical meltdown
(M.Saeed Khan Abbasi).
Socio-Economic, Media, Lobbying & Image Building Expert
Karachi-Pakistan (South Asia).
also on saeedabasi dot blogspot dot com

wow sir, is this really you? congratulations on your achievement, I'm very pleased with what I hear. I hope you can get through to the current govt. , but I will advise you not to have hope in these pathetic politicians, they don't even care.

for the past six months, they paid no attention to the economy, only focusing on making Zardari president. now when it threatens their political future, they bring Pakistan back to the IMF.

Shaukat Aziz said a few years ago that Pakistan's begging bowl had been broken and that we would never again return to the IMF. I guess Zardari purchased a new bowl for us.
Saeed Abbai claims this.

He says that.

He announced this.

He hopes that.

You have mighty claims, but nowhere did you mention where you will get these billions of dollars from.

Am I sensing, that the long awaited "Messiah" has been born.

Another fruitcake.

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