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Pakistani youth favors Sharia Law over Democracy.


May 3, 2009
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'Pakistani youth 'favour Sharia law over democracy'


Pakistani youth favour Sharia law over democracy, a British Council survey suggests.

More than half of 5,000 18-29 year-old Pakistanis polled said democracy had not been good for them or the country.Furthermore, 94% said Pakistan was going in the wrong direction - a figure up from 50% in 2007.

Making up almost a third of registered voters, the under-30s are expected to play a big part in Pakistan's general elections in May.When asked to pick the best political system, both Sharia law and military rule were favoured over democracy.

The survey points towards a pessimistic generation, disenchanted with democracy after 5 years of civilian rule, says the BBC's Orla Guerin in Islamabad.Most of those surveyed had more faith in the army than any other institution: Its approval rating was about 70% compared with just 13% for the government.

A quarter of respondents said they had been directly affected by violence, or had witnessed a serious violent event.That figure rose to more than 60% in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan.

The greatest concern for most was rising prices, not terrorism: Almost 70% said they were worse off now than five years ago.While many young people are registered to vote, less than half of those surveyed said they were certain they would do so.

BBC News - Pakistani youth 'favour Sharia law over democracy'

A lot of these survey's are unreliable.

If the results of this survey are true, then why are people of the younger population highly in favor of people like Imran Khan?
A lot of these survey's are unreliable.

If the results of this survey are true, then why are people of the younger population highly in favor of people like Imran Khan?

becuase imran khan is a conservative who wants an islamic welfare state
'Pakistani youth 'favour Sharia law over democracy'


Pakistani youth favour Sharia law over democracy, a British Council survey suggests.

More than half of 5,000 18-29 year-old Pakistanis polled said democracy had not been good for them or the country.Furthermore, 94% said Pakistan was going in the wrong direction - a figure up from 50% in 2007.

Making up almost a third of registered voters, the under-30s are expected to play a big part in Pakistan's general elections in May.When asked to pick the best political system, both Sharia law and military rule were favoured over democracy.

The survey points towards a pessimistic generation, disenchanted with democracy after 5 years of civilian rule, says the BBC's Orla Guerin in Islamabad.Most of those surveyed had more faith in the army than any other institution: Its approval rating was about 70% compared with just 13% for the government.

A quarter of respondents said they had been directly affected by violence, or had witnessed a serious violent event.That figure rose to more than 60% in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan.

The greatest concern for most was rising prices, not terrorism: Almost 70% said they were worse off now than five years ago.While many young people are registered to vote, less than half of those surveyed said they were certain they would do so.

BBC News - Pakistani youth 'favour Sharia law over democracy'

Shariah is the only way forward Sir most Pakistanis reject this corrupt system that is why Imran can do some good things but not bring change in this system this system divided Muslims their can be no political parties in Islamic system Sir that is the major default in this system and we see the results when they fight like dogs with each other and terrorism is because our Armed forces and government killed its own people on American orders

A lot of these survey's are unreliable.

If the results of this survey are true, then why are people of the younger population highly in favor of people like Imran Khan?

No Sir vast majority is still not in favor and those who are many of them are those who are strictly religious and think he can bring Pakistan closer to Islam
good for Pakistan and its people. IMHO Pakistan should give it a try....
I say let them have it.. Everyone thinks that SA is the best welfare system in the world and once it is here we all get to do nothing and sit back and eat our lives away. I want to see how any other country pulls it off by not having that oil money. Especially Pakistan which dwarfs SA in population. It will be a free for all in no time .. Plus after being driven out in droves from SA they wont have anywhere to escape either, this definitely reminds me of swat and its high time it actually happens so we can move on from this infatuation with religion being the answer to our worldly struggles. Only struggle is the answer to this world and following whichever religion you practice as free men is the answer. Be honest with yourself and others, gain skills and implement them to earn money. Nothing else to it.
Their is not much differnce between these sects but why not create a separate shudder and Brahmin state in India

?? Zavran sold his account to someone else? Either way .. i like the direction he is heading .. at least no shias will be harmed in the making of this movie. Now to convince him that we cant kill jews and ahmedis because they breathe.
If they so demand it, they shall have it.

The only piece of thought they need to exercise is that Sharia is not a democracy. So once Sharia is enacted, there will not be any such surveys on what they want and what they don't.

It is a one way route - there's no coming back.
If the majority want it, it is their right and it should be done. May be this would be better for Pakistan.

However, if it does not work, do not blame the zionists then.

The same youth should also accept the Taliban rule, why fight with them?

Majority of those favoring must be from Punjab.

Good luck to them.
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