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Not all genetic disorders are caused from cousin marriages some just require 1 gene from any parent...

While sometimes even a random match causes problem...My uncle and aunt are an example...Only sibling out of 6 (uncle) married a non relative and he is the only 1 who seems to have 2 kids with some congenital defects...

I know that, but it increases the risk.

Like the risk of Situs Invertus( Where the organs are on the opposite side) condition, with which this baby was born has a high percentage of occurrence in kids born out of cousin marriages.

The exact inheritance pattern in familial dextrocardia is not completely understood; Campbell3 studied 21 sibs of 10 families with situs inversus and reported the importance of consanguinity while Cockayne4 reported several members of same family affected with situs inversus and further noted a high percentage of its occurrence in marriages involving first cousins; he then suggested an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance, however the documentation of dextrocardia in two successive generations as observed by Chib et al.,5 may suggest an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance in some cases; however, in our case, both parents were not affected and they were first cousins, while the second wife, who was not related to the husband, recently had a child who was also not affected, which may further buttress the significance of consanguinity and an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance.

Familial dextrocardia in a Nigerian family
maa ka pyaar :tup:
I know that, but it increases the risk.

Like the risk of Situs Invertus( Where the organs are on the opposite side) condition, with which this baby was born has a high percentage of occurrence in kids born out of cousin marriages.

Familial dextrocardia in a Nigerian family
Higher percentage does not mean that it doesnt happen by chance too...By chance here I mean when 2 random people each carrying 1 allele of the gene (as stated in my previous post)...

Another form is by having dominant allele in such case no matter what your spouse is ...your child is at a 50% risk of getting whatever you have inherited then there is also this "carrier" effect, where it may skip a generation or even just not manifest itself in 1 generation or certain individuals who act as "carrier"....Sometimes the gene maybe present but just doesnt function or even isnt activated in the lifetime!

So, its not soo simple...However, 2 generations of cousin marriages may be something extra to worry about though a study stated that 3-5 generations would be a worrying stage because in cousins....1 parent of each groom and bride are the same , while the other parent may or maynot be related, hence already bringing in diversity! Hence that is why that other research stated 3-5 , depending on how you are counting!

But it is true cousin marriages should be avoided but sometimes one just trusts their relatives more than "outsiders"

I know that, but it increases the risk.

Like the risk of Situs Invertus( Where the organs are on the opposite side) condition, with which this baby was born has a high percentage of occurrence in kids born out of cousin marriages.

Familial dextrocardia in a Nigerian family
BTW, just had a look at what you posted:

Dextrocardia could be familial, however the exact cause is not completely understood; while both autosomal recessive and dominant modes of inheritance have been implicated some cases are sporadic events. Familial dextrocardia amongst Nigerians still remains a rarity and none has been documented amongst same generation of family members to the best of the author's knowledge; therefore its occurrence in a Nigerian family is reported.

However more research could help...
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