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Pakistani tortured and murdered by Indians

Lol dude!! I was trying to show you a bigger picture, that you guys are the fathers of this very Idea of terrorism. I don't care which one of em is a pain in your A$$ now.
Oh really? Remember when India trained and armed the LTTE, the inventors of suicide vests and 'pioneers' of terrorism?

And remember when these Tigers turned against India? Can't keep snakes and expect them to only bite your Sri Lankan neighbors now can you? Indians and their hypocritical, self-righteous, sanctimonious nonsense.

As for the 'fathers of this very idea of terrorism', it has existed since the BC years. But obviously it must've been the ISI killing all those Romans in the first century.

The kind of propaganda you illiterates are fed rots the brain. Sooner or later you'll be claiming that everything bad in history was invented by Pakistan.
Your fear may not allow your consciousness to see it launch. Yet on the realistic ground, it would bring even your supersonic Fighters down. The piece of Junk Burraq or what ever is no more than just a target drone.
Why are you trying to be so "Chutiya" when you know that writing that all isn't going to cure your butt hurt any how stay on topic.
Why are you trying to be so "Chutiya" when you know that writing that all isn't going to cure your butt hurt any how stay on topic.
Language bhai jaan. Edit your post. There are a lot better ways to argue with these kinds of Indian trolls without stooping down to their level. This kind of language only makes you look bad.
The picture you are showing is a normal gesture, which both countries are supposed to do and mostly are doing.

But if the above news of torture is true, that is plain barbaric and can not be justified by any means.
so why dont u ask the OP about some damn link?
Oh really? Remember when India trained and armed the LTTE, the inventors of suicide vests and 'pioneers' of terrorism?

And remember when these Tigers turned against India? Can't keep snakes and expect them to only bite your Sri Lankan neighbors now can you? Indians and their hypocritical, self-righteous, sanctimonious nonsense.

As for the 'fathers of this very idea of terrorism', it has existed since the BC years. But obviously it must've been the ISI killing all those Romans in the first century.

The kind of propaganda you illiterates are fed rots the brain. Sooner or later you'll be claiming that everything bad in history was invented by Pakistan.

Not sure if you have the post of Think Tank on to justify the liberty you take to spew misinterpreted facts. Let me tell you two things that you should know when you say LTTE is an Indian Organization. To your fact it was not founded by India and if it was not for India and Sri Lanka LTTE would still have been existing.

LTTE did not evolve into a global threat unlike Pak sponsored terrorism.

Why are you trying to be so "Chutiya" when you know that writing that all isn't going to cure your butt hurt any how stay on topic.

Oye! Chanchad Chuti . Tere ko khuli ho rahi hai to tu khujal. I was not the one to introduce off topic subjects you Idiot. It was your own nationalist moron.
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If it were not for India, would the LTTE have been operating for 3 decades, keeping Sri Lanka embroiled in a bloody civil war?

Don't be selective. You have my answer in the lines you did not bother to read or quote
Don't be selective. You have my answer in the lines you did not bother to read or quote
Your own defence minister, George Fernandes, openly supported the LTTE. Don't pretend that India was only involved in peace negotiations. That is a blatant lie.

The Sri Lankan government has apparently said the defence minister may be a hero among the Tamils, but is a villain for the Colombo administration and the majority Sinhalese community.

For many years now, Fernandes has been an LTTE supporter. Before he joined the Vajpayee government in 1997, the Socialist leader organised a controversial public convention of pro-LTTE elements in New Delhi. When the home ministry objected to the meeting, Fernandes changed the venue to his official bungalow, where he hosted LTTE delegates from Sri Lanka, India, Australia and France.

"The basic purpose of this convention is to make the people of India aware of Tamil Eelam and make them part of their struggle. Their cause is just," said Fernandes as he inaugurated the convention. A few months later, he was appointed defence minister by Prime Minister Vajpayee.

In July 1998, he reportedly stopped the Indian Navy from intercepting ships suspected of carrying illegal arms to Tamil guerrilla groups. As a result, three such ships were let off the hook.

Later, he is said to have ordered Indian security forces to downgrade their patrolling of the Palk Straits that separates Sri Lanka from India.

Fernandes was also a patron of the LTTE-backed Fund Raising Committee, set up to help the 26 accused in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case.

Home ministry officials claim the Sri Lankan government dislikes Fernandes more than they dislike the Tamil Nadu politicians. Some months ago, Sri Lanka's leading newspaper The Island said most Sinhalese would be happy to see Fernandes sacked from the Vajpayee government.

In an edit page article in the newspaper, former Sri Lankan ambassador Kalyananda Godage said: 'Fernandes's flirtation with the LTTE is ominous for Sri Lanka.' He went on to describe Fernandes as 'St George in love with the dragon.'

Last year, the pro-LTTE Tamil magazine, Thinamurasu, said, unlike Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi, who backed out of his commitment to the LTTE after coming to power, Fernandes remains committed to the cause even after becoming defence minister. The magazine referred to him as 'an iron man.'

The home ministry's special report on the alleged links between Indian politicians and the LTTE is expected to be a matter of concern for both Vajpayee and Fernandes.

It begs the question: What prompted Advani to probe Fernandes's alleged LTTE links at this juncture?

There are, apparently, two reasons. First, some alliance partners have occasionally hinted that Fernandes can be a contender for the prime minister's chair if and when Vajpayee leaves office. Second, the defence chiefs are reportedly upset that the minister's official residence continues to be a hub for Myanmarese and other rebels and their sympathisers.

Officials say the government's decision to despatch the MDMA team to Colombo was linked to the kidnapping of Kannada superstar Dr Rajakumar by Veerappan with the help of Tamil militants.

There are reports with the government which say militant groups have revived in Tamil Nadu, thanks to the legitimacy granted to them by some political parties. Prominent among them are the MDMK and PMK -- both parties have listed demands similar to the extremist groups's call for a Tamil homeland.

Headed by Vaiko -- V Gopalaswamy -- and Dr S Ramdoss respectively, both the MDMK and PMK are part of Vajpayee's coalition government. What sets them apart from other NDA partners, though, is their ideological thesis of Tamil nationhood, their subdued demand for the secession of Tamil Nadu and their vociferous call for a separate Tamil nation for Sri Lankan Tamils.

"The government is unable to curb the LTTE's activities in India because some of its members are powerful pro-LTTE supporters," says an official. "The Congress governments -- led by both Indira and Rajiv Gandhi -- supported the LTTE openly. But the Vajpayee government does not want any of its ministers and partners to be LTTE sympathisers."

rediff.com Special: George Iype on why L K Advani is gunning for George Fernandes
Isn't it also a fact that those who had a role in its functioning also played a role in its destruction?

We did not create LTTE Like most of you who believe.

Very poor defense. Defeating an organisation which you continually supported for several decades is nothing to boast about and neither will it mean that your hands are clean.
And whats our government is doing? why the hell has it allowed our citizens and even actors to India? Who is responsible for their safety.....Thats the second such instant they did that, before that they did the same with a cricket fan in 2005 who had gone there to watch cricket match.

I hope that you will get one day a important position in Pakistani government to lead our Nation in a better way than this idiots !
Not sure if you have the post of Think Tank on to justify the liberty you take to spew misinterpreted facts.
First thing you do is take a jab at my title. How predictable.
Let me tell you two things that you should know when you say LTTE is an Indian Organization.
I never said LTTE was an ''Indian Organization''. I said India trained and funded it.
Don't believe me? Believe this report with actual footage of your Army training the LTTE, along with some cold, hard facts.
To your fact
''To your fact''? What is that supposed to mean? You're talking 'to my fact'?
it was not founded by India
It was trained and funded by India.
if it was not for India and Sri Lanka LTTE would still have been existing.
If it was not for India, the LTTE would've never been powerful enough to challenge Sri Lankan authorities at all.
LTTE did not evolve into a global threat unlike Pak sponsored terrorism.
What a retarded argument. So what if it wasn't ''global''? It killed up to a hundred thousand people.
Up to 100,000 killed in Sri Lanka's civil war: UN - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Isn't it also a fact that those who had a role in its functioning also played a role in its destruction?
So you admit that India did play a major role in creating and supporting the LTTE and therefore had a major role in the deaths of a hundred thousand people, most of which were civilians.

And then you're saying that since India helped destroy the LTTE, it's all good?

Ah, but then, will you hypocrites say the same about Pakistan's role in destroying terrorists and apply the same standards to justify Pakistan's actions? No, of course you won't. Because you're indoctrinated hypocrites. You train and support murderous terrorists for your own reasons but still act all self-righteous when it comes to other countries' actions.
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