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Pakistani Taliban website taken down 24 hours after launch

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Pakistani Taliban website taken down 24 hours after launch

A screenshot of the website as it appeared on Monday. The web address now shows a '404 - Not Found' error.
Published 2014-04-07 16:26:44
Less than a day after the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan launched UmarMedia.com– a website hosting videos, a magazine, and its leaders’ interviews and statements – it was mysteriously taken down.

A news release issued by the information and publication wing of the TTP said Umar Media, the'media wing' of the militant group, had sponsored the website.

Deeper investigation into the domain’s registered records on Monday revealed that the website was hosted by a company from Punjab.

Speaking to Dawn while requesting to remain anonymous, the owner of the company said he had no idea who the client was. “The domain was registered in November 2013, and until yesterday, we had no idea as to what the content on the website would be.”

“The order for the domain and the website were placed through an address from Karachi, and the client always used proxy servers to access the online administrative panel,” he said. “The address was apparently fake.”

The TTP has waged a seven-year bloody war against the Pakistani state and was declared a banned outfit in August 2008.

Umar Media was launched a few years ago and has been disseminating the TTP-related information and videos since.

The website was launched during peace talks between the federal government and the TTP. Recently, the government released 19 prisoners as a goodwill gesture to the militants.

The website contained the TTP flag, verses from the Holy Quran, statements and videos containing sectarian, hate and propaganda material, especially against security forces, a message of TTP deputy Shaikh Khalid Haqqani for the people of Balochistan, and pictures of slain TTP chief Hakimullah Mehsud and his successor and current chief Maulvi Fazlullah.

The website is now inaccessible and shows a ‘404 - Not Found’ error.
Great job, I was trying to access it last night but couldnt.....
It was taken down by the host and nothing else, pmln govt had not done anything, infact they allowed it.

View attachment 23878

this is the screne short... no wonder why Raheel Sharif has threatened Nawaz today !! :lol:
what else can be expected, from noora shahi?

arrest host provider SOB first
yes thats the point is, so in future no one tries it?
but even that, he would be freed without trails like now, our govt is doing it?
Pakistani Taliban website taken down 24 hours after launch

A screenshot of the website as it appeared on Monday. The web address now shows a '404 - Not Found' error.
Published 2014-04-07 16:26:44
Less than a day after the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan launched UmarMedia.com– a website hosting videos, a magazine, and its leaders’ interviews and statements – it was mysteriously taken down.

A news release issued by the information and publication wing of the TTP said Umar Media, the'media wing' of the militant group, had sponsored the website.

Deeper investigation into the domain’s registered records on Monday revealed that the website was hosted by a company from Punjab.

Speaking to Dawn while requesting to remain anonymous, the owner of the company said he had no idea who the client was. “The domain was registered in November 2013, and until yesterday, we had no idea as to what the content on the website would be.”

“The order for the domain and the website were placed through an address from Karachi, and the client always used proxy servers to access the online administrative panel,” he said. “The address was apparently fake.”

The TTP has waged a seven-year bloody war against the Pakistani state and was declared a banned outfit in August 2008.

Umar Media was launched a few years ago and has been disseminating the TTP-related information and videos since.

The website was launched during peace talks between the federal government and the TTP. Recently, the government released 19 prisoners as a goodwill gesture to the militants.

The website contained the TTP flag, verses from the Holy Quran, statements and videos containing sectarian, hate and propaganda material, especially against security forces, a message of TTP deputy Shaikh Khalid Haqqani for the people of Balochistan, and pictures of slain TTP chief Hakimullah Mehsud and his successor and current chief Maulvi Fazlullah.

The website is now inaccessible and shows a ‘404 - Not Found’ error.

@batmannow, feel better?
Isn't it kinda dangerous considering the police might track you?
I guess you are right but even if they did I have posted alot of anti-Taliban things on pdf as well as else where, so I talihe police will see them as well and realize that I am no TTP sympathizer...
not really friend?
just think about, no officail reaction, no FIR been launched, what is this govt is doing to avoide it in future?
nothing? right?

FIR against whom, you can goto any web portal and setup your website so you cant FIR the web host, FIR against Taliban?? whats the point?
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