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Pakistani Taliban threaten US for killing leader in drone strike


Jan 21, 2013
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By BILL ROGGIO | November 9, 2013


The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan threatened to avenge the death of Hakeemullah Mehsud, its former emir, who was killed by the US in a drone strike last week. The al Qaeda-linked Taliban group also praised Hakeemullah for "the consolidation of the idea of global Jihad and the Caliphate," and claimed "sorcery" was responsible for a lingering illness.

The Pakistani Taliban made the claims in an official statement that was released today by its official media outlet, Umar Media. The Taliban's statement was obtained and translated by the SITE Intelligence Group.

"We say to the enemies of Allah, the Americans and their allies, that the blood of our Emir Mullah Hakeemullah Mehsud ... will not be wasted, and we will take revenge for him and his blood as soon as possible," the Taliban statement said, according to SITE. "This is a promise from us and a debt around our necks. We are not exempt nor released from it with Allah's permission until we fulfill it. The war between you and us is a rivalry, and you will see infidels with your own eyes the consequences and victory that will be for the Mujahideen of Islam."

In the statement, the Taliban touted two attacks against the US that took place outside of Pakistan: the December 2009 suicide attack that killed seven CIA employees and a Jordanian intelligence officer in Khost, Afghanistan; and the May 2010 bombing attempt in Times Square in New York City. Hakeemullah had appeared in videos claiming both attacks.

The Taliban stressed that Hakeemullah was responsible for furthering the Pakistani Taliban's involvement in the international jihad and calling for the return of the Caliphate, or a global Islamic state.

"[Hakeemullah] presented the importance of Jihad at the forefront and the consolidation of the idea of global Jihad and the Caliphate in the Mujahideen," the statement said.

In the statement, the Pakistani Taliban also described al Qaeda's emir, Ayman al Zawahiri, as "our Sheikh," and the leader of the Afghan Taliban, Mullah Omar, as "our Emir of the Believers."

Participation in international jihad and the establishment of the Caliphate are two of al Qaeda's primary goals. The Pakistani Taliban cooperate closely with al Qaeda and provide shelter and support for the global terror group's top leaders and operatives.

In the statement, the Pakistani Taliban also claimed that Hakeemullah "has spent more than his life after leading the Emirate in strong sickness because of sorcery, despite not suffering from any disease." The nature and source of the "sorcery" was not disclosed.

Hakeemullah was in the process of "treating himself with spiritual treatment from one of the Mujahid Arab Sheikhs" just before he was killed. The identity of the "Arab Sheikh" was not disclosed, but Arab fighters in the region are often members of al Qaeda.


Pakistani Taliban's new deputy emir directed suicide operations, is an 'intellectual'

By BILL ROGGIO | November 8, 2013


Sheikh Khalid Haqqani, the new deputy emir of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, from a video released in September 2013. The Taliban blurred his face. Image from the SITE Intelligence Group.

The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan released some details on Sheikh Khalid Haqqani, a commander and "one of the top intellectuals," who was appointed yesterday to serve as the group's new deputy emir.

"Khalid Haqqani has served as Emir of TTP's [Tehrik-e-Taliban or Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan] former Central Shura," according to a statement emailed to The Long War Journal by Umar Studio, the official media arm of the group. The Taliban statement was translated by the SITE Intelligence Group.

"He is considered as one of the top intellectuals of TTP" and is "the force behind a fatwa [religious decree] issued by the TTP against the media," the statement continued. Khalid's fatwa "will be released very soon." The Pakistani Taliban often complain of media bias and in the past have threatened and even killed members of the Pakistani media.

Khalid has also participated in several Taliban attacks, according to the statement. Based on the three attacks listed, Khalid appears to have had a direct hand in the Taliban's suicide operations for at least six years.

The most deadly of the attacks in which Khalid participated was the "commando attack on FC HQ [Frontier Corps Headquarters] in Shabqadar." The Taliban appear to be referring to the suicide attack on the Frontier Corps training facility at Shabqadar on May 13, 2011 that killed 80 Pakistani soldiers, recruits, and civilians. The Taliban said the attack was launched to avenge the death of Osama bin Laden, who was killed by US Navy SEALs in Abbottabad just 12 days prior.

Back in October 2008, he was also involved in the failed suicide attack that targeted Asfandyar Wali Khan, the chief of the Awami National Party, in his home in the district of Charsadda.

More recently, he was involved in the suicide attack on Dec. 22, 2012 that killed Bashir Bilour, the Minister for Local Government and Rural Development of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

The Taliban statement also noted that Khalid "is considered among very close associates of the martyr Hakeemullah and the martyr Qari Hussain." Qari Hussain ran Taliban suicide camps and directed suicide operations; he is believed to have been killed in a US drone strike.

Khalid has appeared in Taliban propaganda in the recent past. In September, Umar Studio released a video interview with Khalid. In that video, he castigated media coverage of the Taliban; accused Pakistani intelligence, the US, and Blackwater of conducting attacks against civilians; justified attacks against military-run mosques; and said that Afghan Taliban emir Mullah Omar is not at odds with the Pakistani Taliban's operations.

"The Emir of the Believers Mullah Omar Mujahid, may Allah preserve him, supports the Pakistani Jihad, and there is no truth in the absurd propaganda raised in the media that the Emir of the Believers is angry with the Taliban because of their conducting jihad in Pakistan," Khalid said, according to a translation of the video by the SITE Intelligence Group. "The Emir of the Believers Mullah Omar Mujahid sacrificed his government to protect one person [Osama bin Laden], so how can he betray thousands of others. This statement is not said by any reasonable person and is devoid of truth."

Khalid also appeared in a video titled "A Special Message to the Emigrants and Locals," which was released in November 2012. In the video, Khalid "stressed that unity is essential to the success of jihad, and because the enemy recognizes this and cannot defeat the fighters on the battlefield, it attempts to create rifts between them," according to a summary provided by SITE. "He urged foreign fighters to avoid actions that will turn the local population against them, namely, indiscriminately killing Muslims, and to respect the locals who provide them shelter despite the risks for doing so."


Hope he is "droned" soon in Miranshah.
Hope he is "droned" soon in Miranshah.
I want TTP to go in Afghanistan and fight US and NATO. If it happens then Pakistan should get benefit of this opportunity by cleaning the mess in the country. Then if Taliban wins, we can strike them in Afghanistan or at lease we can stop them before they cross border.
I want TTP to go in Afghanistan and fight US and NATO. If it happens then Pakistan should get benefit of this opportunity by cleaning the mess in the country. Then if Taliban wins, we can strike them in Afghanistan or at lease we can stop them before they cross border.

Why would they want to abandon a juicy fight in your country to join a lost hope in Afghanistan? Perhaps your country should address the cause of their grievances. After reading the crap from their spokesperson above though, I wonder whether that will ever be possible.
pray to allah that TTP are able to implement shariah law in Pakistan.
this is what the paksitanis want. they support Taliban.

There remains no reason for you to gloat over the miseries of the people of Pakistan. It is the common folk who are suffering and this isn't a game. Please grow up 
good , now this will keep pakistanies busy for a while :P

You too
Pakistan is suffering because it has declared itself to be Islamic but not following islam properly. so only way their people can grow out of their misery if they follow islam and the best people to implement islam is Taliben. so I am saying this out of concern for my friends across the border

You are just trolling and you know it too :D
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