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Pakistani lesbian couple seek asylum in UK

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They will be asked to prove photographic evidence of 'love', now that its about asylum.. :cheers:
Its haram in all abrahamic religions..

Also how many times will you open a thread on the same issue? this shyt has been discussed 3-4 times already!

it for god to judge not us . i have not opened this stupid thread.
We should not judge nor taunt them.

Why?? If they call themselves Muslims, then we should judge them on this very basic tenet of Islam which prohibits same sex marriage.

To all my very 'liberal' friends, tell me if they have committed terrorism, we would have been telling everyone 'Islam is a religion of peace, killing one person is like killing humanity' blah blah.. If we become apologetic all of a sudden about an issue that Islam strictly prohibits then we would let same sex marriage as a personal issue when it is strictly prohibited in Islam?
Why?? If they call themselves Muslims, then we should judge them on this very basic tenet of Islam which prohibits same sex marriage.

To all my very 'liberal' friends, tell me if they have committed terrorism, we would have been telling everyone 'Islam is a religion of peace, killing one person is like killing humanity' blah blah.. If we become apologetic all of a sudden about an issue that Islam strictly prohibits then we would let same sex marriage as a personal issue when it is strictly prohibited in Islam?
they did not marry as per islamic tradition. You can declare them non-muslim, how will it help?
BTW, I was told in an earlier thread, its not an offence that violates basic tenets of islam. Many mullah, many views. :)
If they were half as pretty as most girls out there, I'd offer myself up as a willing husband in a polygamous relationship - Oh god think of the fun the three of us could have ! :angel:
Why?? If they call themselves Muslims, then we should judge them on this very basic tenet of Islam which prohibits same sex marriage.

To all my very 'liberal' friends, tell me if they have committed terrorism, we would have been telling everyone 'Islam is a religion of peace, killing one person is like killing humanity' blah blah.. If we become apologetic all of a sudden about an issue that Islam strictly prohibits then we would let same sex marriage as a personal issue when it is strictly prohibited in Islam?

Sir, where did I condone or encourage what's been done? Where did I show where my politicial and philosophical leanings are? I did not. We have the right to criticise the act and interpret it in the light of Islam but we do not have the right to ridicule and 'judge' the character of these women. That's what Islam taught me. That's what I believe in and that's what I said.
If they were half as pretty as most girls out there, I'd offer myself up as a willing husband in a polygamous relationship - Oh god think of the fun the three of us would have ! :D

you are allowed 4 wives. Consider them as 4. :cheers:
What was the main reason for their 'controversial wedding' - they just wanted a visa.
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