Pakistani animated character takes Mexico by storm
LAHORE (September 27 2007): Commander Safeguard, the first animated superhero of Pakistan and the mascot of P&G's brand Safeguard, has taken Mexico by storm. Developed by Post Amazers, the largest animation house in Pakistan and the first with a truly global clientele, the hit series started a semi-revolution amongst Pakistani kids who just could not get enough of it.
After its success in Pakistan, the series was adapted to fit the culture and lifestyle of kids in Mexico. Going by the name 'EI XXXXX', the commander has succeeded in breaking all records to date, coming even ahead of 'SpongeBob SquarePants', currently the most popular character world-wide, with a rating of 6.2 as compared to SpongeBob's 5.5.
According to Pakistan Software Exports Board, Post Amazers CEO Asif Iqbal talking about these developments said:" The success of Commander Safeguard only proves the point that there is a lot of raw talent in Pakistan, which if directed properly can compete on international level.
Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]