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Pakistan won't allow India to resolve Kashmir dispute its own way: Aziz

Yeah you keep repeating that to peacefully sleep at night.

We don't care.

You will care when u r informed, when Indian Forces spend $15 billion dollars to illegally occupy Jammu and Kashmir with 700, 000 soldiers while rest of 700m Indians die of hunger, malnutrition, run away from India, diseases, toilet problem, dirty water in a FAILING INDIA....you will soon have to make Kashmir independent.

Its Kashmirs destiny to be FREE.
Our place, Our Money, our Jawan... you got any problem with that Kid???? If you have bring your guts
Your place??
You sounds like a small kid ranting mine! mine! Lol
If you really thinks that it's yours and have full confidence in it then why don't you guys vacate your 7 lac army and held refrendum in there.

I like this guy's optimism.

Poor chap cannot even give an independent statement, lest Pindi gets him silenced.
That guy and his party is famous for anti army campaign.
Because this time we want to finish you once and for all .
We have full faith in our army but still you should be well aware of one fact that we are not that Pakistan which use to be in 1971, we are now full capable of destroying the whole india in few seconds by pressing only one button.:smokin:
Pressing the nuclear button is actually the sign of defeat, because it will surely invoke retaliation, I.E it is just suicide...........I can't win so both of us should die. If you have faith in your armed forces, you wouldn't be talking about nukes at all.
Your place??
That guy and his party is famous for anti army campaign.

Ranting is not harming the jurnails. If they do anything else, they will cease to exist from your political circles. Sharif's fear of Raheel is ample proof.
There wasn't the MAD scenario at that time, the war was already won. They were just testing it on the poor Japanese. Today though, why would anyone press nooks buttton when they know that their nation would be evaporated in retaliation?
Do you think india will survive the nuclear war or even a war without nukes, when its 70% population is toilet less and when 67% population is poor and when 1.3 million kids die each year in India due to malnutrition. And do you think India will encounter all those terrorists organization and even moist even if it survives a war and do you think india will remain united when there is countless seperatist movements going on in India. And do you think India will cope up with illegal bangladeshi immigrants and do you think India will be able to tackle China more effectively after indulging into a war with Pakistan.
Exactly bro. am shocked to here various types of Indian Security Forces in a small Jammu and Kashmir region numbers at 700, 000 Indian forces...7 Lakh is rough estimate, add Indian police, border guards, intelligence agents, the Military appratus and the Indian state occupation of Kashmir is nearly touches 10 lakh, 10,00, 000 Indian Forces Personnel which is shamelessly terrible.

It is costing Indian over $15 -$20 billion dollars to maintain 700 0000 - 100,0000 Indian security forces to illegally occupy Jammu and Kashmir land.

If this carries on then all Kashimiri women will be raped over time and Pakistan's record of raping in East Pakistan will be broken. What should we do brother?
Look at the people man #KashmirMillionMarch now increased to:

WOW! People now coming to #KashmirMillionMarch, now increased to :

Suck U Indians, for lying again & again that people wont come out !!!!

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