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Pakistan Wins Reko Diq Case

Hope Pakistan takes this as an opportunity to create the oversight mechanisms so it is not placed into this kind of a position again. It should also built up an independent national mining company run on a commercial basis that pays royalties to the state in the form of gold (which will hopefully keep appreciating, year on year, for the foreseeable future and help stabilize the Rupee) that can go into the national reserves to back up the currency. It should be part of a plan to allow the state the means so that it never have to go back to the IMF or WB or any other borrower.

Finally it’s time to Dig Baby Dig. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
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sales the hotels before its too late .

we did not won the case if 6bn$ fine . the 5.8bn$ fine will remain.
we won the case that for 5.8bn$ copper company can not confiscate PIA assets .

title of thread is misleading . that 5.8bn$ is still on our head .

its half cooked news pakistan did not won real case of 6bn$ paksitan just won a case in virgin island for not taking PIA assets .

in fact company can not get 6bn$ by taking PIA assets .
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Great news. However they are likely to appeal the decision so its not all over yet. Many lessons for us to learn from this whole saga and I hope those responsible for dragging us into this will face justice.
Hope Pakistan takes this as an opportunity to create the oversight mechanisms so it is not placed into this kind of a position again. It should also built up an independent national mining company run on a commercial basis that pays royalties to the state in the form of gold that can go into the national reserves back up the currency. It should be part of a plan to allow the state the means so that it never have to go back to the IMF or WB or any other borrower.

Finally it’s time to Dig Baby Dig.
its all about pakistanis signing blindly dozens of BITs . nothing else . revoke all BITs and no one can take you in court . as many countries revoked after see pakistani situation . but only pakistnais keeping them till we hammered .check how many BITs of pakistna are active today its madness of our govs .
Hope Pakistan takes this as an opportunity to create the oversight mechanisms so it is not placed into this kind of a position again. It should also built up an independent national mining company run on a commercial basis that pays royalties to the state in the form of gold that can go into the national reserves back up the currency. It should be part of a plan to allow the state the means so that it never have to go back to the IMF or WB or any other borrower.

Finally it’s time to Dig Baby Dig.
Agree, but the first thing they are going to do is offer it to China
:coffee: Pakistan the World Nuclear Nation Trembling due to a shady , construction company and shady bank
No comments , this tread speaks volume where things stand
Great news. However they are likely to appeal the decision so its not all over yet. Many lessons for us to learn from this whole saga and I hope those responsible for dragging us into this will face justice.
pakistan was first country in world signed BIT and still pakistan have dozens of BITs . unless we revoke all BITs we can not escape from courts . its been many years from this mess but gov is still sleeping on BITs issue . this case was filed because pakistan signed BIT with australia in 1993 .it was signed by then minister aijaz ul haq . our ministers go any country sign a BIT and come back without even thinking how dangrous it could be for pakistan in future .
Timely relief for you people
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