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Pakistan Vs India - 2017 Champions Trophy Final

Spoken like a real loser

Indian fans are sore losers, Indian cricket team not so much , the took it on the chin and moved on , learn something from your own team if not from anyone else

It's the off field idiots like fat and skinny indians fans , ex indian cricketers and indian movie stars who are showing themselves to be such sorry losers

You are being sore looser here despite winning, there is nothing wrong in my comment.

Yes there will be some unhappiness since our team lost.
Well I guess it's time for celebrate but not to tease them(India), I feel so bad when I hear their comments before match, of course hate and poison stuff, but we also have to realize we are Pakistani and Muslim, so celebrate, every Pakistani get his eidi from Allah before in advance
Hey man..one win and you people started imagining yourselves as world champions..india has proved itself in all 3 formats across the wirld..they are consistent...let pakistan prove its consistency...otherwise this win can be considered a fluke...remember, this is not the last indo pak match..there are many more to come and dont brag too much and too soon

Another triggered Indian, who is acting up like a sore looser. That is what makes any victory against India so sweet, it is the over blown reaction because of the huge ego Indians have. Suck on these nuts you looser, and nothing will change it.

Hahaha..india gave a thrashing to pak in hpckey..7-1....thats much more shameful than 180 run defeat...7-1..cant believe
HAHAHA, another attempt to compensate for thrashing got at hands of Greens. Lick those wounds boy.

The thing is Indian team is among the best cricket team on the planet and no one can say otherwise. They are a force to reckon with, but today they were outclassed by a team which performed better than them. I truly appreciate the sportsmanship displayed by the whole Indian team, especially the Captain. I tip my hat to him, he is was graceful in defeat, cricket was known as a gentlemens game.

For gods sake, Indian media and fans need to stop being so overly triggered. They are not "Mujrims", jeez winning and loosing is part of the game. But such behaviour only exposes deep seated intolerance running through the Indian society.
Can we pleaseeeee????


There is a difference between exceptions and generalization, Yesterday;s match was exception (fluke) and Indian team is better is generalization.

On their day a pack of dogs can kill a tiger, but that doesnot mean that tiger is weaker,

Fact will always remain fact and exceptions will exceptions, ICC will still rank India better because exceptions happen but statictics donot lie :P
میچ تو پاکستان جیت گیا مگر نجم سیٹھی کی قسمت میں پھر "گو نواز گو" ہی رہا۔ لندن میں کیسا استقبال کیا گیا آپ بھی دیکھیے۔

Humiliation has another name ............. world class batting order all out at 158 in 30 overs.

Sarfraz is a great cricketing captain, this Pakistani side is young and motivated and would be threatening opposition for next few years, the new confident Azhar Ali was treat to watch, plus how Junaid Khan supported Amir at other end. All class and brilliant ........... Well done

Yesterday;s match was exception

This exception seems to be the future norm ......... get used to it, Kohli is not Dhoni.
There is a difference between exceptions and generalization, Yesterday;s match was exception (fluke) and Indian team is better is generalization.

On their day a pack of dogs can kill a tiger, but that doesnot mean that tiger is weaker,

Fact will always remain fact and exceptions will exceptions, ICC will still rank India better because exceptions happen but statictics donot lie :P
It is you guys who bark alot and think it's roar but its ok because you never hear roar and think you bark is roar. We are falcons and we did that to India many times before and i think it is better for India not to play(mess) with us. Regarding India greatness. We are better team since start and statistics prove that and we are better team in whole tournaments in the world except ICC Worldcup. We have better winning ratio in ICC Champion's trophy against India as well. Next time do some research and don't teach father how to make sons.
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There is a difference between exceptions and generalization, Yesterday;s match was exception (fluke) and Indian team is better is generalization.

On their day a pack of dogs can kill a tiger, but that doesnot mean that tiger is weaker,

Fact will always remain fact and exceptions will exceptions, ICC will still rank India better because exceptions happen but statictics donot lie :P

You can't really call 4 matches in a row exceptions. That defies all logic known to mankind.
dude this interview is comedy gold imo in all seriousness look at her very closely it says a lot - notice her tone of voice, body language and facial expression esp from 33 to 44 seconds it's hilarious she gives a dismissive girly flick and stroking of her hair and then she crosses her arms and eyes him up an down with a sly expression of raw disdain on her face lol he never stood a chance.
Zainab rocks !
You summed her up perfectly she was always a step ahead of him, make it two steps, no make it three steps lol, I am a fan of hers bigtime, after Ramadan i will have more on this beauty.Kudos bro
Who the heck is this idiot, he isnt smart enough to be funny. Zainab was very graceful, with this idiot. I would have drop kicked him in an instant.
A fish out of water lol.Kudos
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