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Pakistan vindicated: Modi’s Balochistan reference self-incriminating: Aziz

modi said people congradulated him from Baluchistan for raising a voice...

that was a lie...

but if we say Khalistan once..... our sikh bretheren will be estatic... I tell you that
Do you guys believe Pakistan is a super powerful economic giant that every Indian state is dying to join in? Only reason Kashmiris raise pakistan slogans is to attract media attention otherwise no one would give a hoot to them. What pakistan can offer them except poverty and non development? just think and answer.
Who was supporting that Saddam apart from Arabs. Well it was MIC in the West milking him with all sorts of weapons sale. Aircraft, Chemical weapons and the Nuclear plant that IAF bombed (provided to him by the French). If west had been on such a high moral pedestal, then why they had taken part. But the reality is that chaos / wars are best for money making. I bet capitalists made trunk load of money through Agent Orange (Vietnam), Daisy cutters (Afghanistan), DU rounds (Iraq).

Muslims have been living kind of OK for the past 1300 years, managing their internal theological conflicts much better than Christians did in Europe. It was the colonial intervention and the subsequent division of the ME region that later became the basis for all the fiasco currently visible.

And for the military operation in the NW Pakistan, I agree its was a tragedy that army had to operate with in its own borders.

Given that you have such a deep interest in the our region, i would not be surprised if you were a 1st/2nd gen Indian, with rabid hatred of Pakistan and of course Muslims.

You supported saddam, you even tried to sell him nuclear weapons, just like to Iran and N Korea. Where were your voices when he gassed thousands upon thousands! You seem to preach to us about our history and call out our actions, but when these muslims kill, gas, rape , murder women children and their own citizens - we never heard anything from you.

Where is your daily outrage to the actions that muslims commit on each other and others in our countries? Muslims in Germany bring terrorism upon the country when they were allowed to migrate in near million plus. They are the ones who formulate terrorism plans in europe. But we never read your outrage and your questioning of their morality. Yet you come and lecture me about my country's morality and when I show you the mirror, I suddenly become a rabid hater of pakistan? lol- you can attack mine but can't handle when I attack yours with facts.

Unlike your one track limited knowledge , I take the time to learn about the region and a country (pakistan) responsible for several terrorists attempts in my country, one that supports terror groups that kill our soldiers. I don't have to be an Indian, who btw are great citizens and contributors to my country and I absolutely respect like I respect the Khans. Don't be surprised that many of us take the time to learn about Pakistan. All over Europe and US_ your countries citizens are involved in terrorism in our countries. Those are facts, not bluster! Major hasan , san bernardino, faisal khan / times square bomber, and several others we catch before they commit terror acts in the U.S. Yup, the world is learning about Pakistan...
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Pakistan had always alleged india was involved in terrorism in neighbouring countries

LTTE in Sri Lanka, TTP, BLA on Balaochistan/Pakistan

Now india's FM and Modi have admitted to being state sponsors of terrorism

I cant believe indians dont get how much of a foot in mouth moment this is for India
Why dont you guys write another letter for this to UN? I am sure that they would not throw that in dustbin this time instead use it as toilet paper.
Why dont you guys write another letter for this to UN? I am sure that they would not throw that in dustbin this time instead use it as toilet paper.

You guys need it the most since your country is 80 percent slums
You supported saddam, you even tried to sell him nuclear weapons, just like to Iran and N Korea. Where were your voices when he gassed thousands upon thousands! You seem to preach to us about our history and call out our actions, but when these muslims kill, gas, rape , murder women children and their own citizens - we never heard anything from you.

Saddam was a maniac, and I did not claim that all our actions were correct (especially the nuclear dealings with him). Terrorism is not acceptable where ever it happens. No body is justifying the actions of criminals in Europe or elsewhere.

But we never read your outrage and your questioning of their morality. Yet you come and lecture me about my country's morality and when I show you the mirror, I suddenly become a rabid hater of pakistan? lol- you can attack mine but can't handle when I attack yours with facts.

Muslims have some serious problems amidst them and they have to acknowledge that. I am not denying this. I was also showing you the mirror when I cited the aggressions US had been involved in since WW2. Its not about the US people, but the ruling elite and MIC because of whose imperialist designs US is frowned upon in world these days. Please do some introspection, there must be something that went wrong.

(pakistan) who's country is responsible for several terrorists attempts in my country.
When the state of Pakistan carried out / planned attacks inside US. Don't fire from the hips, be specific.

I don't got to be a Indian, who btw are great citizens and contributors to my country , to be knowledgeable about your parts.
There is nothing wrong in being Indian or having any other nationality / religion. Majority of the people can get along with each other just fine. But those are the haters/bigots with in us, from whom the bad stuff is coming.
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When the state of Pakistan carried out / planned attacks inside US. Don't fire from the hips, be specific..

I guess you don't get it. You fester and foster terrorists, UN designated ones too. You allow them to roam freely, live openly in your lands, you allow them to spread vile radical islamic education through the madrasa, and brainwashing in mosques, and then you call them good terrorists... and then when they go overseas and attack people. You think your government is not to blame.
I guess you don't get it. You fester and foster terrorists, UN designated ones too. You allow them to roam freely, live openly in your lands, you allow them to spread vile radical islamic education through the madrasa, and brainwashing in mosques, and then you call them good terrorists... and then when they go overseas and attack people. You think your government is not to blame.
Oh the irony you people created pretty much every terrorist organization in this WORLD trained them provided them weapons and still do yet you've the audacity to say we're spreading terrorism you americans should be the last one to blame others for terrorism
Snake did bite alot of other peopke as well including .....maha bharat...

Like Dumbledore we learnt our lessons. We stopped feeding snakes.

Like Voldemort, Pakistan refuses to learn.

Whatever U can support whatever you want, but Khalistan will be least of our worries. The snake will bit u back.


Modi’s Balochistan gamble: Bad portents for Indo-Pak relations and worse for Baloch struggle

Modi has announced the opening of a new chapter on relations with Pakistan. It does not read well, and it has discredited the Baloch struggle.

Written by Nirupama Subramanian | Updated: August 16, 2016 10:36 am

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s remarks on Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir at his Independence Day speech announce a new chapter in India-Pakistan relations, one that not only serves to equate Kashmir with Balochistan but also India with Pakistan. Both hold bad portents.

This is what Modi said:

“Today from the ramparts of Red Fort, I want to greet and express my thanks to some people. In the last few days, people of Balochistan, Gilgit, Pakistan Occupied Kashmir have thanked me, have expressed gratitude, and expressed good wishes for me. The people who are living far away, whom I have never seen, never met – such people have expressed appreciation for Prime Minister of India, for 125 crore countrymen. This is an honour for our countrymen.”

The remarks were a continuation of what Modi said at the all-party meet on Kashmir earlier in the week. He had said at the meet:

“Pakistan forgets that it bombs its own citizens using fighter planes. The time has come when Pakistan shall have to answer to the world for the atrocities committed by it against people in Balochistan and Azad Kashmir.”


“Ministry of External Affairs should make efforts to approach the people of Azad Kashmir residing in different parts of world and collect information about the miserable conditions in Azad Kashmir and bring them to the knowledge of the world community.”.

Baloch liberation activists immediately thanked Modi for extending his support to them.

Whether or not Modi’s words mean that the gloves are now off and that Indian policy on Pakistan is to now officially include fomenting unrest in Balochistan, and Azad Kashmir remains unclear but this is the impression that has now gone out to the world.

India, which has made a case in every international fora that Pakistan sponsors terrorism in Kashmir, has laid itself open to a similar charge vis a vis Balochistan and other areas of Pakistan.

Until now, New Delhi, despite its own mistakes in Kashmir, had managed to keep a high moral ground over Pakistan when it came to cross-border terrorism. Years of diplomacy and evidence gathering had gone into convincing the world that Pakistani terrorist groups, with recruits from the southern parts of the Pakistan province of Punjab, were being trained in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir to launch attacks in Jammu & Kashmir and the rest of India.

Pakistan has maintained all along that India meddles in Balochistan and funds the Baloch Liberation Army. Pakistanis also believe that the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, which targets Pakistani citizens and security forces, are supported by Indian intelligence agencies. For years, Pakistan has pointed to the Indian consulates in Afghan border towns as launching pads for alleged Indian-backed terrorist activities in Pakistan. But apart from absurdly declaring that the terrorists it caught or killed were not circumcised — thus not Muslim and therefore RAW’s covert army — and that weapons seized from them had Indian markings, it was never able to furnish solid evidence to support its claims.

Indeed, when the ill-fated India-Pakistan Anti-Terrorism Mechanism set up in 2006 met for the first and last time in 2007, Pakistan handed over a dossier with “evidence” of the Indian hand in Balochistan. It consisted of a 100 press clippings in a Sindhi nationalist newspaper whose owner lived in Delhi, and a photograph of an Indian High Commission official at a London meeting of Baloch separatists. With a dossier like that, even if India was engaging in covert activities in Pakistan, it was able to laugh off the claims.

Though the circumstances behind the April 2016 arrest of Kulbhushan Jadhav remain unclear, it was Pakistan’s first real opportunity to change the optics. Pakistan claimed that the ex-Indian Navy man, no less than a high-ranking commodore, was in fact a serving officer and that he had been caught in Balochistan. Pakistan said he was behind several terrorist bombings in that restive province. India retaliated by giving a Baloch activist settled in the U.S, Naeela Qadir, a visa to visit India. She toured Delhi and Chandigarh, holding press conferences and speaking to the strategic community. That India was preparing to take a more aggressive line on Balochistan first came to light when last year, a Baloch activist living in New Delhi since 2009 came out in the open and addressed a public meeting in the capital about the Baloch struggle. But now with a few hundred words during his Independence Day speech and at the all-party meeting, the Prime Minister has himself owned this policy, giving Pakistan a huge helping hand to drive home its Indian-hand claim about the Baloch struggle. Perhaps worse than this is that in one swoop, Modi has discredited the struggle’s indigenous moorings.

Modi’s remarks are hardly the language that an NSG aspirant, let alone a Security Council aspirant should be using but clearly Modi’s advisers on these issues think otherwise. Even if New Delhi now claims that it is offering only diplomatic support to the “oppressed people” of Balochistan, that claim will be treated exactly in the same way that the world treats Pakistan’s profession of “diplomatic support to the people of Kashmir”.

While those in India who call for a more “muscular” Pakistan policy applaud from the front rows, here are a few reality-checks on Balochistan, Gilgit-Baltistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir:

There was a time when India did not want the “B” word mentioned with the “K” word as it was Pakistan that was intent on equalising “terrorism” in Balochistan with India’s allegation of cross-border terror in Kashmir. Putting the two together in a joint statement in 2009 led to outrage in the BJP, unnerved Manmohan Singh and led to his abandonment by the Congress. After Modi’s remarks, Pakistan will throw back “terrorism” in Balochistan every time India brings up Mumbai 2008, or Pathankot 2016, or cross-border terrorism in general.

What is done is done, but New Delhi hopefully knows that the struggle in Balochistan is not the same as the Kashmir problem.

Kashmir is contested between India and Pakistan and divided between the two countries. Balochistan’s problem dates back to a dodgy accession forced on the Khan of Kalat by a newly formed Pakistan, but there is no other country involved. In that sense, it is more like the Naga movement for secession than the “azadi” movement in Kashmir.

What if China, with whom Pakistan has an evergreen relationship, pledges support for the Naga cause in the same way that India has promised to take up Balochistan? Also, India once carried out bombings in Mizoram, just as Modi has accused Pakistan of doing now.

As for Gilgit Baltistan, they are unhappy about the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor because of environmental concerns, and how the regions rich natural resources may get plundered, but being united with India is not on their wish-list. What Gilgit-Baltistan wants most is to become Pakistan’s “fifth province” so that it has the same constitutional rights, guarantees and privileges that the other four — Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa – enjoy. A majority of the people in G-B are Shia, so they also fear for their lives at the hands of terroists driven by Sunni extremism, but believe that once they become a province, they can better secure their lives. At the very least, G-B wants the same constitutional status that Pakistan Occupied Kashmir enjoys in Pakistan. The people of Gilgit-Baltistan have family connections in the Kargil region, but zero connect with New Delhi. There is no cause here for New Delhi to lobby except to claim that this region is part of undivided Jammu & Kashmir.

Read | Narendra Modi’s Independence Day speech: PM throws down Balochistan gauntlet

As for Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, there is no popular unrest there. There were a few protest by Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf , that it did not win any seats in last month’s elections, but Khan is now famous for declaring every election rigged when he does not win seats. Even discounting the fact that the ruling party in Islamabad always wins elections in Azad Kashmir, Nawaz Sharif’s party, Pakistan Muslim League (N) won a landslide victory, taking 32 out of 42 seats. The military has an iron grip over Azad Kashmir affairs, but much as India might wish, there is no people’s movement against this. Most people living in Azad Kashmir think of themselves as Pakistanis, and many of them have become Punjabi-fied.

If Modi’s remarks mean that the gloves are indeed off, then the stage js now set for move and counter-move, not necessarily of the diplomatic kind, locking the two nuclear-armed neighbour in enmity forever.

Azad Kashmir, it is Azad Kashmir!
I think the incumbent government in India has lost it.

We need people with level heads in positions of power.
Who was supporting that Saddam apart from Arabs. Well it was MIC in the West milking him with all sorts of weapons sale. Aircraft, Chemical weapons and the Nuclear plant that IAF bombed (provided to him by the French). If west had been on such a high moral pedestal, then why they had taken part. But the reality is that chaos / wars are best for money making. I bet capitalists made trunk load of money through Agent Orange (Vietnam), Daisy cutters (Afghanistan), DU rounds (Iraq).

Muslims have been living kind of OK for the past 1300 years, managing their internal theological conflicts much better than Christians did in Europe. It was the colonial intervention and the subsequent division of the ME region that later became the basis for all the fiasco currently visible.

And for the military operation in the NW Pakistan, I agree its was a tragedy that army had to operate with in its own borders.

Given that you have such a deep interest in the our region, i would not be surprised if you were a 1st/2nd gen Indian, with rabid hatred of Pakistan and of course Muslims.

He is a false flaggin indian :)

I think the incumbent government in India has lost it.

We need people with level heads in positions of power.

At least, some people are sane :)
People of Pakistani province Balochistan gave a stern reply to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Singh Modi by rallying against Prime Minister Modi on his statement on Balochistan and Kashmir. On 15th August, India’s Independence Day, Prime Minister Modi gave a statement while addressing a crowd gathered for Independence Day that people of Balochistan (Pakistan’s province) and Kashmir (Indian occupied) thanked him for having keen observation regarding Balochistan issues.

It is also important to state here that those people who might have thanked him were the separatists, the people who are being funded by India and are carrying out terrorist activities in Balochistan. Most of their leaders are hiding abroad and have never come back to Pakistan for decades. They are sponsored by Indian intelligence agencies and most of them are on their payroll. They fund the separatist in Balochistan to fight against the state and are indulged in terrorists activities and posing the whole scenario as civil war in Balochistan.

Different protest rallies were taken out in Quetta, the Provincial capital of Balochistan, Dera Bugti, Sibi, Dhadar, Dera Murad Jamali, Bela and other areas of the province displaying banner criticising Indian Prime Minister.

The statement also shows that India has been constantly intervening in Balochistan, and has played an integral part in instigating the separatist movements, the kind of movement which spread chaos by killing innocent lawyers, doctors engineers, army and police personals and other professionals working in Balochistan. A claim which Pakistan has been continuously making to India but has always been denied or were not dealt with by Indian side. In return India has always accused Pakistan for supporting terrorism in India without any proves.

Our Government and Army has outplayed Indian conspiracy in Balochistan with relentless efforts by sitting down for dialogue with separatists and its leaders fighting in Balochistan. Peace has started prevailing in the province which is the desired fruitful outcome of our state policies and its constant struggle to tackle the foreign proxies.

Will write more article about Balochistan issue as CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) is taking place in Pakistan, and Balochistan is the center of it and India has started to make hurdles in the way but our Government and Army will also deal with it the way they have dealt with the separatist movement situation which was again funded by Indian Agencies.

On thing for sure Prime Minister Modi needs to stop giving these absurd statement about Balchositan and Kashmir, people are dying in both of these places and that's only because of India's direct (in Kashmir) occupation and indirect (in Balochistan) intervention and proxies. Lets hope he takes his head out of his A** and thinks of the innocent people dying because of his extreme decisions

Source: www.fibrenerves.com

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/balochis...tor-jawab-diya-zindabad.445377/#ixzz4HzwEpnFB
look for no 3... and it is not made by an indian:haha:
India's democratically elected Hindu Extremist Prime Minister Narendra Modi is being forced to eat his own words.

It probably won't be long now before he lands in Pakistan in yet another surprise visit to apologise to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
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