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Pakistan urges world to help stop Israeli attacks

Pakistan should send 20K army people with Nukes to defend Gaza and its People, Put up the Nukes on Tel Aviv or what ever they call it.. fire them if they want to stop our army to reach gaza ...

no one need jews in this world.. Hitler should have completed the dirty work. he used to make soap from jews after killing them :)

no more talks , world wont do anything, if they want to talk with us about gaza, we need to reach gaza to safe people and sto this genocide and then open up their trade routes as well ... but first thing first.. stop jews with all force..

Tell them. if you destroy Pakistan, Islam will not vanish from the world, but if Isael is destroyed in this game, no jew state will ever exists in the world.. but no talk before our army reaches Gaza and take over the Gaza and then West bank ...
We can't compete with Israel let alone their butt-buddies USA.
Most people in europe give a shit. I have more important things to care about that Gaza. I get new shoes for example today and hope the mail service puts it at my neighbors house so i have not to go to the packing station.
I'm getting a really strong serial killer vibes from this guy. LOL
Lol , from when does these became unilateral attacks. More than 500 rockets has already been fired by Gaza on Israel.Few even on nuclear reactor .

Did Masood Khan asked for investigation over death of three Israeli teens ??
what about the 100s of palestinians injured and killed?
what about the hundreds of buildings and houses destroyed?
what about the thousands and thousands of bombs and rockets fired by israel?
are you trying to justify tyranny?
what about the 100s of palestinians injured and killed?
what about the hundreds of buildings and houses destroyed?
what about the thousands and thousands of bombs and rockets fired by israel?
are you trying to justify tyranny?

I was just pointing out that it's not unilateral as your ambassador stated. Israel is much more powerful so will be it's response.
Why Pakistan should urge world to stop? Pakistan is so powerful and capable of saving Palestinians, for that matter entire muslim world. They should go and fight with Israel. Their army is so strong and they have to go beyond Pakistan to save Muslim world from evil Hindus, Christians, jews Budhists etc.

Atleast they are much better than little black Hindis
The greater majority of the international community does not align and most desire to condemn Israel.

But Israeli misconduct by restarting the bombardment based on the same old fabricated narrative of self defense and just response is protected by U.S. firepower. U.S. bullies weaker nations to keep silent. Threatens any capable independent nations with consequences to silence. And swings their military power to block any sort of consquences of undeniable and well documented crimes like building of illegal settlements or annexation walls deep within occupied land.

Its the same old game of Western imperialism against the civilized world.
Hamas itself knew what kind of response their side will get with firing rocket and abducted Israelis teen in Gaza, yet they still do that and firing those rockets in daily basis. From this side of view what can you expect from a country who got rocketed everyday and their peoples live in constant fear?

And Palestine is not about Hamas at all, there is still Fatah exist in Palestine and doing their best to solve the problems with diplomatic ways not with terrorist acts and using their own people as human shield like what hamas do. Still, the option for Palestine as state and Israel as state living together as neighbor country is the best idea to make peace deal in the so called "Holy land".
Hamas itself knew what kind of response their side will get with firing rocket and abducted Israelis teen in Gaza, yet they still do that and firing those rockets in daily basis. From this side of view what can you expect from a country who got rocketed everyday and their peoples live in constant fear?

And Palestine is not about Hamas at all, there is still Fatah exist in Palestine and doing their best to solve the problems with diplomatic ways not with terrorist acts and using their own people as human shield like what hamas do. Still, the option for Palestine as state and Israel as state living together as neighbor country is the best idea to make peace deal in the so called "Holy land".

Provide proof that Hamas abducted the teens?
WIll you stupid people shut up Innocent children are dying and u Idiots are worried about your own personal reasons but you dont have to be indian / pakistani / chinese or some other combination to see this . Where is your humanity ? Huh **** u every one that supports israel **** u and pakistan is cable of hitting israel and pakistan will respond i guarantee you this just wait Astagfar you guys dont care about the fact that innocent children are dying but all you want to do is support that bloody jewish state and oh there were only 6 rockets fired into israel and BBC wall street journel are propagading against palestine

Pls before replying just go to this page
Israeli Murderers | Facebook
and see atleast 3 videos :-( maybe you will understand

Pakistan should also be condemned for using air force on their own population, it is against geneva convention. Where are human right organizations? Where is america ki londhi aka U.N?

Pakistan should send 20K army people with Nukes to defend Gaza and its People, Put up the Nukes on Tel Aviv or what ever they call it.. fire them if they want to stop our army to reach gaza ...

no one need jews in this world.. Hitler should have completed the dirty work. he used to make soap from jews after killing them :)

no more talks , world wont do anything, if they want to talk with us about gaza, we need to reach gaza to safe people and sto this genocide and then open up their trade routes as well ... but first thing first.. stop jews with all force..

Tell them. if you destroy Pakistan, Islam will not vanish from the world, but if Isael is destroyed in this game, no jew state will ever exists in the world.. but no talk before our army reaches Gaza and take over the Gaza and then West bank ...
Pakistan army is secular.
Pakistan should send 20K army people with Nukes to defend Gaza and its People,.

why don't u send the same to finish Boko Haram & the militants from ISIS.What about the rockets fired by Hamas,do u expect flowers from the other side
Pakistan should send 20K army people with Nukes to defend Gaza and its People, Put up the Nukes on Tel Aviv or what ever they call it.. fire them if they want to stop our army to reach gaza ...

no one need jews in this world.. Hitler should have completed the dirty work. he used to make soap from jews after killing them :)

no more talks , world wont do anything, if they want to talk with us about gaza, we need to reach gaza to safe people and sto this genocide and then open up their trade routes as well ... but first thing first.. stop jews with all force..

Tell them. if you destroy Pakistan, Islam will not vanish from the world, but if Isael is destroyed in this game, no jew state will ever exists in the world.. but no talk before our army reaches Gaza and take over the Gaza and then West bank ...
hhahhahahahahahaha right, why don't you go and fight, fuxking idiot. Living safe in UK while telling others to die for something that's not their responsibility.
I truly believe only the Pakistani army posses the power to stop what is going on in Palestine.
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