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Pakistan to overtake Britain as world's fifth largest nuclear power


Jan 12, 2011
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Pakistan is on the verge of overtaking Britain as the world's fifth largest nuclear power at a time when the country faces an unprecedented threat from extremists.American intelligence agencies believe that Pakistan now has more than 100 deployed nuclear weapons, an increase of nearly 40 per cent in two years.

It means that one of the countries considered the most unstable in the region is ahead of both Britain and, significantly arch-rival India, to own the fifth largest nuclear arsenal behind the United States, Russia, France and China.

Pakistan showed they had nuclear weapons after their display three years ago (left) though President Asif Ali Zardari could face questions as to how the country can afford to keep investing in weapons

The Times reported today that the world's biggest nuclear power station might well involve several British companies, including Rolls Royce and Serco.

A top drawer trade delegation team from Britain, led by Lady Judge,touched down in Mumbai today, with a view to helping build the six giant reactors in Jaitapur, on the west coast of India.

The park will cost £13.5billion and will have a capacity of 9,900 megawatts, which is more than the combined output of eight Sizewell B stations (which serve two million British homes each).
In July Prime Minister David Cameron signed a pact to share civil technology with India, and John NcNamara of the Nuclear Industry Association in Britain said that the proposal at Jaitapur is 'certainly of interest', according to the Times.

India are looking to quadruple their nuclear power output by 2020 with the help of the super plant.

The Pakistan military says it needs more nuclear weapons to counter and deter India's more conventional military might.

The two countries conducted nuclear tests in 1998, and have fought three wars since partition and independence in 1947.

The U.S. analysis is based on the recent increase in the production of plutonium and highly enriched uranium and some experts put the figure for nuclear weapons as high as 110.

Many of these have been miniaturised to be mounted on ballistic missiles with ranges of more than 1,245 miles bringing many Indian cities within reach.

The weapons have been kept at depots all over Pakistan - some are said to be near the main air bases.
The revelation of the growing size of its nuclear weapons will throw the spotlight on the massive aid packages given to Islamabad by the West, especially the U.S..

It will also raise questions about how the beleaguered administration of President Asif Ali Zardari can justify spending on nuclear weapons when so many in his country live in poverty and appalling conditions.
Last year millions was raised worldwide by charities for victims of Pakistan's devastating floods.

Details of the emergence of the scale of the arsenal will also fuel concerns that with the weakness of Pakistan's government and the country's growing extremist problems - both the leaders of Al Qaeda and the Taliban are believed to be sheltering there - nuclear weapons could fall into the hands of terrorists.
There have been concerns, too, that some working within the nuclear programme are sympathetic to Al Qaeda - following the 9/11 attacks on the U.S., several Pakistani scientists were arrested for alleged links to the terror network.

Pakistan's first nuclear reactor was established with the help of the U.S. in 1965 and a nuclear weapons programme was launched in 1974 as India and Pakistan competed in a south Asian arms race.
Pakistan is believed to have developed a nuclear device by 1984.

China is thought to have played a critical part in Pakistan's nuclear programme, and is said to have helped it manufacture many of its weapons.

Western officials believe that long-range missile technology was partly acquired from North Korea in the 1990s - in exchange for Pakistan's help with its own nuclear programme.

Pakistan to overtake Britain as world's fifth largest nuclear power | Mail Online

If this is true, well done Pakistan.

even countries like germany are nt able to achieve this status

Proud to be a Pakistani
Got me thinking, how could India respond, if Pakistan were to nuke India.

Guess we will use our aircraft carrior to strike Pakistan back, just the importance of having one and inducting our new submarines asap.

Lets hope India start increasing her nuclear capability with this news.

even countries like germany are nt able to achieve this status

Proud to be a Pakistani

Germany is not having nuclear bomb because they do not need it. Nuclear bomb technology is around for more than 65 years. It is not a matter of pride any more.
And again the 'focus'/'analysis' on Pakistani nukes. :rolleyes:
Yea good luck doing that with your ac before that sucker gets hit by cruse missiles or even a nuke dropped on top of it ... insted of talking about your nation you had to bring in Pakistan once again you indian's are all the same unreal think about peace my man rather then war cuz belive me if GOD forgive's there is a war a nuke war all of us will be pissing in our paints so relax.
Anything a nation achives is a pride for its pepole what world you from? don't hate just get your words right again iam against all these nukes for both nations most importanly war i want a peaceful and friendly Pakistan & India enough blood shed has happend already .
Are we talking about number of weapons or about the actual megatonnage of the warheads? I have little doubt that the UK is considerably ahead of Pakistan in sheer nuclear firepower and of course its submarine force with Trident offers a range and degree of security that Pakistan lacks. The major issue for Pakistan is surely the threat of an Indian first strike to disarm its opponent. How does Pakistan create the secure second strike capability that it needs?
this news sorce is late too much news already posted discussed and drailed trolled last week.
i thought britain has nuclear triad!! does pakistan has that yet? until then you can not put pakistan ahead of britain irrespective of the number of warheads!!
Was really surprised that Pakistan has over taken Britain, to be the 5th most powerful nation in amount of nuclear weapons and yet to be 44th highest GDP nation, shows how effective and good the Pakistan ministry of defence is.

I guess its increasing with induction of same Babur missles.
World is jealous with Pakistan's over Zealous Nuclear weapons production
You know what and I bet many Pakistanis are thinking this ( the educated lot here) and going - "this is nothing to be proud of we need economic investments and not have the military once again suck the country dry"..

you only need 1/3 of what you have to blow up India and India only needs 1/3 of what it has to blow up Pakistan.

* shakes head* the IMF board upon hearing this must be thinking- what are they doing?

where are the brave voices on this forum and in Pakistan calling out stupidity like this from the military?
any one see the "celebrity" pics on the right side of the page...

any ways, the point is very simple. Pakistan has most probably nukes at all its delivery sites. so if we have 5 sites, then there should be atleast 20 weapons at each side in order to scramble... :)

so around 100 weapons SHOULD be actually deployed.... other wise we have no first strike or second strike capability.
ps : pakistan has atleast 10 + delivery sites because,

a)its not about second strike,

b)its about scrambling forces to deter precision strike by the enemy.
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